Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. isolating thaumcraft's world generation from being able to directly access the world has proven to be exceedingly difficult. May have to try a different approach.
  2. shhh, don't remind me how long I've been at this. Makes me feel guilty about the abundance of time that other things have taken priority.
  3. I think once world generation is nailed down it will be time for an alpha release. I do not have a public github for my code, as it is a little embarrassing and messy at the moment, and could use a hefty amount of refactoring. I've tried so many approaches at achieving my goals that things are a little inconsistent in their implementation. Also, I have stepped away from code injection in favour of simply overwriting Thaumcraft and Terrafirmacraft classes with altered versions, and I have to decide which way I want to go in the end. Injection is a pain in the ass to code and test, in my honest opinion, but suffers less from incompatibility issues. The last thing Id want is to be directlyincompatible with TC or TFC addons. I'm sure most of thats gibberish to most people, but its my concern at the moment. Also, I know Kitty has some rules about releasing addons with some of the TFC source code in it, and I'm uncertain if I'm breaking any of them atm. All things to iron out
  4. Haven't found the code for the hill dungeons yet. Should be fairly easy, just swap out the spawners and dirt. And ya, bits of ore and such might not be a bad idea in those chests. Food would just rot as soon as you took it out, but seeds may work.
  5. New question for y'all. Some greatwood trees have chests under them with random loot. Saddles, horse armor, stuff like that. What would be fitting Terrafirmacraft loot to have instead? (Horse armor isn't a thing and saddles are different, I believe)
  6. hmm, that complicates things. If a thaumcraft player can create an essence harvester using large mushrooms, Id want them to be able to do that in TFC as well. But TFC mushrooms and bone meal don't work the same way, its all going to be largely incompatible. Not sure how to handle this.
  7. well, for consistency's sake I would likely make the large mushrooms cut down the same way as trees, but ya if they have a thaumcraft use I'll leave them be otherwise.
  8. Really not digging this new forum software. I'm not sure if just incompatible with chrome or just terrible. My old posts stick around inside the reply box, so I have to delete them every time, I can't erase empty "quote" boxes, can't properly quote myself, no way to edit the post at the text level at all... frustrating. Anyways, to the question I wanted to ask. In your opinions, what should I do with all the mushrooms that spawn in the magic forests? Just leave them be for people to use as decorative blocks and essence farming or something else? TFC has no mushrooms whatsoever if I remember correctly, so it seem strange to just throw them in there with no use.
  9. WIP TFCTech Addon

    The trees that have the possibility of spawning in an area are randomly determined and can be retrieved for any coordinate through a function call. Now, whether they actually will spawn is determined by the climate, which may be something you'd want to emulate with your new trees.
  10. So, keep the Magic oak trees that normally spawn in magic forests or let TFC choose the trees that appear in the area? Should I let the lumps of mossy stone spawn in Magic Deserts? Its funny some of the bugs that came out of adding Magic biomes to areas that don't have trees. Magic Deserts, for example, tend to have grass on top of every cactus. All the basic thaumium gear has been converted into TFC items, complete with anvil recipes and such. Haven't touched the void metal or elemental items yet. Most of the rest of the research can be left alone to run as it always has. Every TFC item also has an aspect now, except for food. Whether or not food will end up having an aspect is undecided. Due to being able to split food into tiny portions, it would be super easy to abuse to get large amounts of Fames or Messus or whatever. My choice is either to change how the aspect code works, or make other items fill the role that vanilla carrots and potatoes and such fill, when it comes to aspects.
  11. Well, that picture is 16x16km approx, so you can judge it from that.
  12. Ok, Got the biome distribution set up pretty much the way I want it. Pictured is a sample layout of magic biomes on an average map (Each pixel representing a chunk)
  13. tinkering with the noise functions to spread the magical biomes around can lead to some interesting maps. But even poor results mean something is working.
  14. UPDATE: I-I'm sure its fine...
  15. Well, TFC is king of generation lag, adding even a little extra work can have noticeable effects. Right now I'm just overwriting the class that spawns loose rocks to allow it to see magic ores as well as normal ones, rather than adding a whole new loop for "core sampling". Its a bit heavy handed, but I've tired of trying to inject my code everywhere, its very hard to debug. Plus I don't think they're keen on adding more api changes, RIP TFC1.
  16. UPDATE: What could this be?
  17. Well, I have to say its heartening to see there is still interest. I've got a new job and a new-(ish) computer, and I'll be working on this again now that I'm up and running. Its been a while since I've had the opportunity to look at the code, so it'll be slow going for a bit, but I'm determined to finish this. First things first... Finalizing the Ore Spawn algorithm and adding magic biomes.
  18. Well, they claim my insurance on the shipment was for "loss" and not damage. I'm pretty sure I can fight that, and if I have to take them to small claims court I will. Maybe you'll see me on Judge Judy! Seriously though, Its gonna be a bit of a fight to get them to do the right thing, I can tell.
  19. Hi guys! I have had a few messages and such looking into my progress, sorry I've been radio silent the past few months. I have moved back to Canada, and am settling in. I shipped my development computer by sea, since by air it would have been thousands of dollars I don't have, haha. I went to pick it up yesterday, hoping to get right back into it, but unfortunately this is what was in the box I so neatly and carefully packed... Luckily I'm smart and have backups of everything, but it will be a little bit before I have a working machine again. Thank you to all who have been so patient with their interest, and sorry for the delay.
  20. Well Azanor has given me permission to release this crossover, which is great. Not going to get into it, but if he wasn't ok with my releasing altered versions of some of his classes, it would be quite a bit more work for me. Currently I'm scrambling to pack and move across the planet and find some work, but when I'm settled back in I should have a beta version of the crossover ready in the new year.
  21. That would have to be a complete rewrite as I'd have to port Thaumcraft 5 instead of 4. Its pretty unlikely, I'll be honest.
  22. My plan was to make the propick work for shards, although I have been considering making that a thaumium propick only thing. That being said, the shards wont be THAT common, I cranked it up in order to make finding nodes for testing easier. Initially I hadn't planned on debris but I've changed my mind on it. Would you rather it show large veins, small veins or both? The pickaxe of the Core will keep doing what it's always done. However, I plan on having it made partially of colored steel, so by that point you already have mines of almost all the metals and it won't be such a game breaker anymoreThe taint is an interesting one. YES, I plan on having magical forests and tainted areas, wouldn't be right without them. The trick is making the taint actually change the color of TFC blocks, which it currently doesn't. It's on my list, but I haven't tried to implement anything for it yet.
  23. The main reason I have been ignoring the gems is that there is no reliable way to find them, they just randomly drop from random stone. The colorful animated glowing cracks in the infused stone is very neat and I wouldn't want to be without it. A large part of the charm of Thaumcraft is its polished textures and consistent style, I'd like to use as much of it as is possible. Adding normal ores isn't too big a deal. A texture, a couple lines of code and you're good to go. So adding Quartz won't be too hard. This is because the ore generation system in TerraFirmaCraft is based almost entirely off of the stone types in the area, which can work just fine with quartz. My magical ores, however, spawn based on environmental factors like temperature, volcanic activity, forests, etc so its taking longer to iron out. I'll admit I've looked over your praecantatio post before, and if you are giving me your permission I may adapt some ideas from it.