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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. lol, kitty is always on it. Ya, deserts definitely still spawn, but they can be hard to find as well. Mountains, plains, forests and jungles are easy, but Full out rainforest style jungles, deserts, and swamps seem much more rare. But it all depends on the seed
  2. This is the current plan fire stone appears in deserts and areas with volcanic activitywater stone appears under oceans and lakesearth stone appears in jungle biomesorder stone appears in tall mountainsEntropy appears in swampsAir stone appears in plainsThis keeps behaviour as close to vanilla as possible. swamps are pretty rare though so I've been trying brainstorm other locations where entropy would make sense that don't overlap too heavily with the other types. I have implemented a way for them to spawn around ravines, but I'd hope to come up something that requires less invasive code.
  3. I'm gonna quote myself a bit from page 2 here, adding some emphasis because walls of text aren't fun to read The small, scattered veins you see in that picture are the poor quality stone. They only drop a single portion of a shard each. However, if for example you were to go to a place that has lava pools on the surface, you'd likely find large veins of high quality fire stone, dropping multiple pieces or the occasional full shard when mined. At this point I'm also leaning towards including bits of debris on the surface as well, to show there is a vein deep below. Greatwoods spawn wherever they please, which they always have done. At the moment I'm working on adding a "magic" biome, and making it work with the TFC way of handling biomes. So for Silverwood trees, they will spawn iff its a magic biome and there is a forest present. I plan on making the magic mushrooms and flowers spawn in any magic biome, regardless of trees. I could, of course, make so that if you wanted fire shards you would HAVE TO go to an area with volcanic activity, I just don't know how fun that would be for people. I know I get frustrated in TFC combing a hundred square kilometers looking for stuff
  4. like I mentioned before you have to make the cluster large or they will be too difficult to find. You only get a partial shard per cube
  5. its doable, but searching for nearby blocks is actually pretty resource intensive and the generation lag in TFC is already really bad. I just need to find the sweetspot between rarity and node size.
  6. Sure, I'm currently working on ore distribution as I get ready to add quartz and other things to phase out the nether. As you can see, the code is scattering the ore all over the place. I'm inclined to going back to using the code for ore veins instead of minerals, because I'm not sure I like this much. I've also noticed the code tends to put tonnes of stuff near the surface and only rarely has any deep nodes. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not. The hurdles of trying to merge various people's code is you're never quite sure if its actually working the way they originally wanted
  7. tick time goes up to 400ms per tick, standing doing absolutely nothing in a fully loaded radius... the nether is really not working haha. Using the spawn event is a good idea, however I'd likely use it to replace the mob completely with my own version, as I'd want the mob to respect the damage and armor types that the normal TFC mobs use.
  8. Its not that they're incompatible, per se, there are just hurdles you have to cross to get them to work properly. The nether may be a lost cause, it has monumental levels of lag that seems to be caused by the heat updates from the lava. I'd have to make some fairly significant changes to TFC to fix that, and that's not really in my jurisdiction. However, the Eldritch doesn't have any lava, and is in fact largely empty except for the generated dungeons, so it shouldn't have the same lag issues. There are a few things I have to fix, and I think it will be good to go fix the NPE caused by the morning fog. Kitty missed it when she was adding dimension checks. I already have a base edit that fixes it, but I'll likely do a pull request if Kitty doesn't catch it first The dungeon generation is tied to the obelisk generation. Another modder showed me a great way to get that working, I just have to adjust the approach to allow for TFC balanced cultists obviously I need to balance the mobs and bosses in the eldritch dimension as wellNot a lot of work, but I'll likely have to do it with ASM code injection, which is finicky and unpleasant to work with IMHO.
  9. basic thaumium items are just iron with a few extra properties, I believe requiring it to be an alloy would again start to bump it up the progression tree a little far. I could be convinced, but it would require some reasoning. That being said, requiring a player have access to all the metals and materials needed to make all the colored steels just to make some fortress armor also seems like it may be a bit overkill, so my concept isn't quite ironed out yet, no pun intended.
  10. [Request] Witchery

    Witchery's spirit dimension will not work at all with TFC as far as I know, without a complete revamp. Same with the cities. You can get the plants and the potions and stuff to work without TOO much hassle, but Witchery has a lot of stuff. To get it working properly would be a big undertaking, but if sacrifices are made a bunch of it could be made compatible
  11. It really does sound like I'm going to have to separate the thaumium items into thaumium/iron and thaumium/steel so I can keep the progressions fairly balanced. Here's my concept Thaumic Steel will be a purple steel, obviously a mix of red and blue that is then either thrown in the crucible with praecantatio or infused by some means, not sure.a bucket made from it can be used to move water and lavait would be needed for the higher-end thaumium items, like fortress armor and elemental toolsI'd probably add another tier of basic tools for it, so you can get the benefit of thaumium with the durability of steelNormal thaumium, made from wrought iron and praecantatio obviously, will be used for most everything else that thaumium already is used for. That way the tech trees will stay fairly closely knit, for example people won't be making Elemental pickaxes when they haven't even made black steel yet. If blaze rods are only needed for the core (if I remember correctly it only has ignis in it which you can easily get from charcoal), then I won't worry about putting its creation high up in the TFC tech tree. Probably just a simple recipe with sulfur and sticks, with the added bonus of having blazes spawn near lava that also drop completed rods.
  12. hmmm, that would require the player be at the very end of the TFC tech tree (Blue steel lava bucket). I think that might be pushing it a bit. How far in the Thaumcraft tech tree do you have to be to need blazerods? Unfortunately I'm out of town for a week or two and can't fire up MC
  13. [TFC 0.79.24+] Animal Crate

    glad I could help!
  14. Fixed the OP, for some reason at some point the forum software added semicolons to the color codes, breaking all of them
  15. hmm, I like the blaze rod idea, simply because it would give the drying rack another use. But I also think blazes are important too. I'm not sure whether to prioritize the TFC way (craft it yourself from mundane components) or the Thaumcraft way (fight sick fire elementals in hell for their core essence). I'm leaning towards the Blazes though, since this is a magic mod after all and TFC is largely devoid of magic. I was thinking of making Netherwart a type of TFC crop, and turn soulsand into a specialized farmland, but how to actually get the first bits of nether wart had eluded me. What you suggested just might work. Not gonna go with peat -> soulsand however, simply because I've never seen the damn stuff, haha. I'll have to look at the Thaumcraft progression and find out where netherwart is actually needed and choose a method of creating soulsand that makes sense. I obviously don't want to do anything stupid like make the creation of soulsand require the essentia you get from netherwart. heh, I agree. Don't got one though, as solo project timeframes are nigh-impossible to properly estimate. I wanted to have it done by now but unforseen problems, both in the code bases and in my life have gotten in the way, as they are wont to do. I had hoped keeping people apprised of progress here in this thread would be helpful.
  16. Adding a quartz ore would be easy enough. I'd likely make them spawn in regions with high volcanic activity. I need to do that for my super secret applied energistics crossover as well, so I may incorporate it in a base mod. I really like the idea of making it so only skeletons deep underground will drop the heads, that works for me. They'll be easier to get (I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a wither skeleton), but not too easy. Spawning Blazes/magma slimes near lava shouldn't be too hard, people always end up farming the damn things in the nether anyway so I don't really see it being a balance problem to have them spawn on the mainland. As far as I know the Blaze already has a TFC version I can use. The wither may be a problem, I have a sneaking suspicion that without the netherrack roof to keep him relatively close, he may just nuke players from the stratosphere, I'll have to check on his pathfinding. Anyways, good ideas Bunsan.
  17. Haha, don't worry, its not dead. Currently bashing my head against the nether, trying to get it to work. Unfortunately, the performance while in the nether is horrendously bad, with no easy fix in sight. Been trying to profile the server to try to find the exact culprit, but its not easy. Kittychanley has offered some insight. As I mentioned in the root of this thread, my goal with this crossover is to have it work seamlessly, without having to sacrifice any features of Thaumcraft. Most other compatibility patches and such simply add new crafting recipes and call it a day. I don't want to take that route, but due to some design choices with TFC, unless I want to do a pull request that revamps large sections of TFC, it may not be feasible to get the nether working in an acceptable way. So I'm left with trying to figure out a good way to handle the collection of quartz, blaze rods, netherwart and nether stars. Something more involved than just alternate recipes. I'm welcome to ideas. Neat. If I ever give 1.8+ a chance I'll be installing Thaumcraft first, as always.
  18. [TFC 0.79.24+] Animal Crate

    Added it in an edit.
  19. That's odd, Archimedes ships worked out of the box for me.
  20. EDIT: tl;dr yes. Well, the main differences between mining in Vanilla and mining in TFC is that TFC has more than twice as much stone to look through, and mining is a slower, more careful process. The end result is that ore is much harder to find. TFC solves this through having large veins, the prospectors pick, and surface ore. I pondered over how to solve the issue. Obviously I had to make the veins larger, the 2-10 pieces you find normally would be impossible to locate. Now, you can't just add 10x the amount of Ore and still allow the same drop rate from mining it, that would mess with balance horrifically. So each infused stone block only drops a portion of a shard, which you then need to reconstitute through some means. This is something that needs a lot of consideration. I had thought to use a barrel recipe, but of course pottery, or some kind of "magic bloom" is also an option, but balance has to be kept in mind. Still working on that. Also, I had to make the prospector's pick see the shards, which was pretty simple to fix. The elemental pickaxe does as well. As for the bits of ore debris you find on the surface to indicate a vein, I'm uncertain whether or not to add that for infused stone, as kaolinite and such don't have surface ores (as far as I know). Instead, I've decided to repurpose the TC spawning system, ie based on biome. The basic concept is this: infused stone will come in grades, like ore does. Poor, normal, and better. Like ores, this will determine how much of it you need to make the shards. poor infused stone, of any kind, can be found anywhere. Any rock, any depth. This should help make it easier to find in general, and emulates vanilla TC behaviour Normal or better infused stone can be found in areas that exhibit their element. TC already has a system like this, however I had to reimplement it. TFC doesn't have biomes in the traditional minecraft sense. Whether or not an area is barren, dry, forest, jungle etc is based on the climate in the region, not the biome. So earth stones for example spawn better in areas where the climate is sufficient to support the trees that are supposed to spawn there, rather than simply spawning in a "forest biome".Now as I mentioned before, having the poor stone spawn seems to be messing with the generation of the better stone, so it needs some work. I may simply just remove the poor spawns entirely, which would require players to travel, perhaps a considerable ways, to find the right type of shard, in true TFC fashion. If this is the case, I will add surface ore to make things easier (maybe some kind of water infused coral for water shards?) as well as either making it more common or larger veins. I'm afraid I don't understand your question.
  21. Update: Still working on Ore Generation. fire stone appears in deserts and areas with volcanic activitywater stone appears under oceans and lakesearth stone appears in jungle biomesorder stone appears in tall mountainsEntropy appears in swampsAir stone appears in plainsThis all works fine, but I also added some trace amounts of all stones that can appear anywhere. This is causing some really strange behaviour out of the ore gen code, so it's taking me a while to debug it.
  22. Open Air Latrine Design

    If somebody referred to their hut as a latrine they were being very tongue-in-cheek. An open air latrine is would essentially be a hole you $#!t in. Good to know spiders don't try to climb through thatch though.
  23. [Solved] infused cheese

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No):yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. TFC Version #: Version #:1448Please note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer):BothDescription:Cutting infused cheese into pieces messes up the Nbt tags. The new cheese no longer has the infusion tag and has a new processing tag with a lot of zeroed out valuesHave you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No):yesIf you answered no to the above question, delete all 3 TFC config files (TFCCrafting, TFCOptions, TFCOre), do NOT edit or add to any of the files, and try to reproduce the bug.This question is here because many bugs are caused by mistakes in config files. If you are unable to delete your edited config files, please provide a list of the config options you have changed.Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):If yes, which mods?noIf you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):NAIf you answered no to the above question, uninstall Optifine/Cauldron and try to reproduce the bug.Both Optifine and Cauldron edit the base classes of forge that TFC uses. Because of this, we cannot officially support any issues that happen only when these mods are installed.In the majority of cases, TFC is not causing the bug; Optifine/Cauldron is and TFC can do nothing to fix it.All bug reports should have an answer of "Yes" to this question.If you refuse to uninstall Optifine/Cauldron, and cannot reproduce the bug when the mods are not installed, do not bother making a bug report, as it will be locked and link of the Crash Report:
  24. [Solved] Wild Life Question

    I'll admit after wandering 20km and back to get a sheep, I found another one on the other side of a hill from my home. There is no way I walked past it 100x without noticing, so either it slowly migrated there from somewhere or it spawned. I haven't audited the code against what the wiki says, just quoting the official word.