Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sda215

  1. The weird side of YouTube

    Because of my favoritism (I made it a real word now, if it isn't) for anime, I decided to include your ebullient shoutout for Italy in my signature. Just like you did with Kimbblesrath.
  2. That Damage Discussion: Round 16

    I might try to improve this discussion by creating another suggestion topic. I will research the weapon values, variables, and all sorts of insane topics. When I have the time (I have school until Christmas Break). P.S. - MISTER DUNKLEOSTEUS, DID YOU MODIFY MY RANK TITLE TO BE MORE DEPRESSING?!?! (You sly devil...!)
  3. For the purposes of formality, Mister Dunkleosteus. Killster550 suggested that it is completely unnecessary to write my signature at the end of my posts. I agreed to myself, but decided to sign them in the event of topics I started, or greeting 'newly spawned' TFC Forums users. Hopefully, you do look into the hostile mobiles, Mister Dunkleosteus. One last question: why are you a 2-Star Moderator? You are a Developer, after all - don't you deserve a 5-Star rating (Lest you prefer to be that way, or its bugged, I don't have a clue)?
  4. Item recognizing tool or book

    Err.... I am not the kind to have a geological book; I like to play Hardcore, and, like the others explained, look up on the wiki. But, if you so desire to have an in-game craftable geological book without looking up the TFC Wiki, then... it should be at least believable. The 'Geo-Book', for the purposes of demonstration, should be recorded by the player to identify the type of geological feature you wish to reveal. Right-click on a stone or tree to identify its type. One more thing... Welcome to the TerraFirmaCraft Forums, MR Emris_Morath! -Sda209 P.S. - I KNOW YOU ARE MALE BECAUSE IT SAYS SO ON YOUR PROFILE AND I LOOKED AT THAT BEFORE MAKING THIS POST
  5. The weird side of YouTube

    Well, if only the world was like Hetalia... And we would be 'one with Russia'.
  6. The weird side of YouTube

    That's Italy for you. Friends... with the Axis Powers Germany and Japan. An innocent nation... in the Second World War. The TerraFirmaCraft Forums deserves recognition for its strangeness and weirdness. Now, I am going to help with weirdness in the TFC Forums further with bizarreness by spreading anime to the Forums!
  7. I hope this thread won't end up in a similar fate to the 'Suggestion: Barrels!' thread. That topic was derailed less in a day.
  8. Suggestion: barrels!

    Thank you for correcting my misconception, Mister Dunkleosteus. Rewrite the entire cooling mechanic? Well, you might make definite improvements to the mechanic, but, base on my rough programming language of Java, it would consume too much time and difficult to code. Instead, why not fit the quenching mechanic to fit the current cooling mechanic? Unless... that is difficult to code as well. I have no coherent clue, Mister Ultraboomer, and I have a feeling I will be the Official Forum Derailment-Assassin- Hitman-Mercenary-Agent-Gentleman-Scientist at the rate of derailing threads in less than a day.
  9. What do You Desire for Christmas?

    I have knowledge of what pesoes are (I am from the Philipines), and I must say, the computer you desire in United States Dollars is well... a little inexpensive (I have an incohorent idea of computer hardware price values in the U.S.)?
  10. The weird side of YouTube

    WHAT. THE. BLAZING. BULLETS. DID. I. JUST. WATCHED?!?!?!?! P.S. - Why must YouTube be so tainted with dark energies (creepy and plain wrong stuff)? Oh, and here's something you may like: http-~~-// I have yet to post the actual video on my post. Nevermind, the Forums does it for me.
  11. Quivers and Shields

    Good thing you stopped us from almost derailing the suggestion topic.
  12. Quivers and Shields

    Let's see who is the best assassin, then!
  13. Quivers and Shields

    Someone call Agent 47...
  14. Quivers and Shields

    Unless my suggestion is implemented...
  15. Mister Killster550, you are late on that bit of information, unfortunately. Thank you for pointing that out, though.
  16. Suggestion: barrels!

    How do you post images without getting the 'You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community' error?? -Sda209 P.S. - WTF Did I just read?!?! Ignore this post, please.
  17. Suggestion: barrels!

    Still illogical to me, but I'll respect your answer. The point about nourishment from metals is that you shouldn't really eat them because of their lack of nutritional value, yet they high amounts of iron and zinc. -Sda209
  18. Suggestion: barrels!

    Whoah! Hold your fire, Mister GreenLeaf! Don't derail this entire thread with your Derailing Handgun! -Sda209
  19. Suggestion: barrels!

    For how long will hydrochloric acid dissolve the common metals into malnourished chyme? -Sda209
  20. Quivers and Shields

    You did your best, Mister Kandid Kandace, but unfortunately... quivers are already suggested and discussed. I am not entirely sure about the shields, though. It might have suggested as well. Based on my research, quivers should contain up to more than just sixteen arrows. Also, they are at least five types of quivers, to begin with. You can't just simply stand there with your shield up and completely immobile. I realized you have to stand there in order to block attacks. -Sda209
  21. Suggestion: barrels!

    Denta Stix??? What the blazes did I just read? -Sda209 Now that sounds just plain creepy, to be honest with you, Mr. Just_Another_Guy_ -Sda209 I imagine that consuming one would be lacking in nutrition. Also, they're indigestible, and might kill you. As you speak of it, just saying... -Sda209
  22. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    I use the following modifications in my TerraFirmaCraft experiences: -Mob Dismemberment -Mob Amputation -MAtmos -MSI -Zombie Awareness -Smart Moving Note that these were all of the modifications I used before I had the misfortune of my TFC File deleted due to problematic reasons.