Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by valkupo

  1. Early power systems

    Ah, but is that not a part of the generated interest? The possibility that your idea is rejected, and the joy if it does get implemented? I think if an official statement was made, then it could stamp out someone posting an idea in the future that would sway minds one way or the other. The speculation makes people's minds race with new ideas which only give more directions for Bioxx to work in. I like how he does things now. Maybe a pre-release gets info put up before it's actually released, but the only concrete answers are things like "Beta 2 is an agricultural update". It makes imaginations run wild on things agriculturally related, and he may get a community answer to a question of his without even asking.As for early power systems, I dunno about steam/electricity/redstone and all that, but I would love to see animal powered things. Like make a cow power a mill by attaching a harness and making it walk around it, or pull a plow through some farm fields. Latter would only really make sense if you needed to re-plow after harvest, of course.
  2. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    If I can play normal TFC multiplayer, then I don't mind this idea taking off. If I sounded hostile it was because this idea seems viable and interesting. I kind of panicked at the idea of multiplayer as a whole being completely changed. I really do like this idea (it does sound like a fun and new way of doing minecraft multiplayer), I was just a bit scared at it becoming the only option and jumped the gun. Sorry about that. By the way, just a random thing, but I like the format you responded in.
  3. adding cherry blossom trees

    This has actually already been suggested more or less in this thread with a fairly negative reaction.
  4. Off Topic Forums

    So the whole freeposter thing. Does that mean like people who buff their post count without adding anything productive? If that's what you mean, then you could make the posts in the off-topic forums not count towards the profile total, or make them count towards a separate total. That would allow people to see what has been contributed to the TFC sections without being biased by the off-topic forums. Personally, I don't know if I would use it, but it comes down to whether or not the community wants one. More importantly, of course, is how close the forum's current use is to maximum limits. If you push it over then you can't use the stuff that is actually about this mod obviously.
  5. One post one question topic

    There is no way to do that as of now, but you probably would generate some interest if you made a thread in the Suggestions section for it.
  6. Is these things in seeds common!?

    Try pressing F3. If it keeps coming up, and it's always a thin kind of line like that, then it matches the sub-biomes that are called things like "____edge" where the blank is hills7, plains2, etc. It might just be a specific "edge" biome that has one of its setting numbers miss-typed. If it ends up being the same one in each case, then we have an answer.
  7. What is this tree?

    If you just spawned then it should be Spring I believe. Like DarkLadyPhoenix says, hit 'n' to check your calendar. It could also be the wrong temperature in the area for it to bloom.
  8. Which Metal for Which Sword?

    You're ideas are great, and you're witty?! Seriously knock it off! Stop being awesome!On topic: I would love to see #4 be rose gold.
  9. Sticks

    That's actually not a bad idea, though I think I've seen it in a thread before. Something about the leaves falling into piles on the ground when you chop trees down, and being able to search the piles. I can't for the life of me find it, so it's probably one of those threads titled along the lines of "I have a suggestion" instead of what the suggestion actually is. That trend is starting to bug me a bit.
  10. One post one question topic

    Whether it is intended or not, every metal comes out of the bloomery at the hottest it possibly can be as far as I can tell. Was a little surprised when I went to work an Unshaped Zinc Bar, only to find it was White hot liquid.
  11. RE: realism

    As SierrKharr said in another thread, the realism in TFC is Bioxxrealism. Maybe we should just call it that to differentiate =P
  12. Praises and Ideas to the mod

    Bioxxxrealism. I think we should make that an official name. Maybe take out one of the x's though. It's a little too sexy with 3 of them.
  13. Prospectors' pick madness

    IWhat I meant by that was that I believed DarkLadyPhoenix was misunderstanding what Bioxx specifically meant by lying. He said "if" it finds anything, implying there is a chance to fail in the first place. It will not lie about the quantity within its scanning range or what type it is. He did not say if there was something in the area that it would always detect it. While it is not about realism, Bioxx has said he keeps it that way out of respect for the people that do this in real life. Check it out yourself in the pinned topic called "In regards to the Prospecting Pick" in the Suggestions section.
  14. Multiplayer and inter-server travel.

    This is all very interesting, but when I go to play TFC on a server, I want to play the TFC I find in single player in all its glory with my friends. I want to build a community with them on one map. I do not want to be forced into a small section of what single player is, and told that by random chance my island has little value so I must go to other servers that may or may not be online, be properly maintained, be updated to the most recent version, using the same mods, or edited to their own user's personal advantage. I want my multiplayer to be the exact same as my singleplayer, only with the people I trust along for the ride. If this is ever implemented, either this suggestion would have to be a separate server system all together managed by the people interested in it, or I would simply not play. There is too much potential for cheating, incompatibility, and general chaos for the unlucky individuals in charge of managing it.
  15. Underground Ecology

    I'de like to see Bioxx take as much as he can from this as far as new things to see/do underground. I have seen some amazing areas underground, but it loses its whole attraction fairly quickly due to the whole thing being one rock (ores if you're lucky, but we all know they won't stay in place for long =P). Not totally on board for the gasses, breathing difficulties and such.
  16. Early power systems

  17. Calamari and Mutton

    Make sure you updated TFC_Textures. Bioxx created "TFC Cows" so we could milk them with the new wooden buckets. They're probably still there, just invisible because they don't have their texture file.On topic: I would love to cook some mutton up. Nom nom nom.
  18. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    Very interesting. I tried thinking really hard, but I can't come up with anything to critique or add other than the coding difficulty/quantity EternalUndeath already pointed out. I wish I had something to say other than "I really like the idea", but you obviously fleshed out this idea fairly thoroughly.
  19. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I might have to just go to your profile and search all your posts to just hit the like button on all of them at this rate.
  20. The Problem with Trees - Seeds

  21. Minecart idea

    The current temporary recipes are fairly high yield, but it was probably made that way to make people stop whining about transportation (myself included among them). I definitely foresee some nerfing when he gets back to it.
  22. New inventory

    It would fit the mod with the way it limits how much you can carry of certain things, but I can't even imagine the work involved. You would have to assign a weight value to every item/block you could obtain. That is an obscene amount of work with how much this mod adds.
  23. Prospectors' pick madness

    Read it a bit more carefully. When he says it cannot lie, he means more like the Pro-Pick won't tell you there are traces of a certain ore when there are none in the area.
  24. Tree Climbing Boots

    I think I hear someone crying out in agony from far away. Must be Crysyn. He seems to really love those ones.But yeah, people thought Willow + Scythe made insane amounts of sticks, I can't even imagine the sheer quantity from a Sequoia.
  25. Sticks

    Once you get a scythe and a Willow tree farm, you'll hate sticks for the rest of your life.