Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by valkupo

  1. Professions

    Eh. The only way I would accept this would be if it was entirely cosmetic. Like a mild moment every once in a while where I look at the stats and say something like "Wow, I have been cutting down a lot of trees (high Woodsman stat)". Even then though, I probably wouldn't pay much attention to it.
  2. Biome based everything

    As long as we can get paper for plans some other way, then yeah there shouldn't be a problem.
  3. Prospectors' pick madness

    In the Pre 38 change log: "Using a propick directly on an ore block will now tell you exactly what type of ore that you’re looking at." I am personally 100% fine with how the Pro-Pick works now.
  4. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    Some people aren't going to like this, but how about some kinds of wheat require re-plowing? It could make hoes an actually needed tool, instead of make 2 stone ones and you're set for the map.
  5. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    Looks like someone paid attention to Bioxx's comment about detailing suggestions. =P But yes, this is a great idea. Makes farming more than releasing the floodgates and replanting every once in a while.
  6. Biome based everything

    I could be wrong, but I believe the rock types are already biome specific. Just specific to that type and number. I remember someone saying over 100 biomes are added with this mod. The highest number I've personally seen for a specific type was Hills7 (using F3). Then there's little sub-biomes like River Hills and Hills Edge, with multiple numbers of their own. So it would make sense that if you saw a bunch of Hills biomes, it's entirely possible you never saw the same one, and therefore different rocks. Like I said, I have no proof of this, but I do know that whenever I see a desert, they always seem to have Siltstone, Chert, or Basalt underneath for the first stone layer. So I think there's already set stone type layers for biomes, there's just that many out there that it doesn't seem like it. Also, making reeds desert-only is an extreme no. We use those for paper/plans, and while I haven't had problems personally, I have heard several people complain about it. Otherwise you're idea is interesting. The proposed uses for the watery biomes is something I like in particular.
  7. [64] Faithful Texture Pack by HiTeeN

    Looks pretty good. I think I'll try it out.
  8. Tree Climbing Boots

    Because most of this mod is making difficult/annoying things easier through some labor of your own.Hmm can't punch down a tree for building supplies, make a tool to chop it down. Tool is kinda weak. Lets use the supplies we got from this tool to make better tools. That made things a bit easier. Let's use those tools to make everything else easier. Etc. Basically find an inconvenience, then do some work to make it easier. Kind of generalizes humanity pretty well, for better or for worse.
  9. new passive mob AI

  10. Dwarves

    It kind of sounds like you just want to play Dwarf Fortress in 3D modelling, and throw minecraft right out the window.
  11. Tree Climbing Boots

    Just an alternative movement up and down the tree. Maybe when wearing the boots, all tree trunks are treated the same way as ladders. Kind of like the boots are a toggle switch that activate when you wear them. I have no idea about coding, but it might be easier than creating a new movement mechanic for climbing up a tree. Basically, I'm just trying to give Bioxx a potentially easier time implementing the idea. Could be harder, I dunno. Either way I like the idea. I'm looking at you White Cedar trees!
  12. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!

    On a helpful note, if you are having problems with sticks, I suggest hanging around Willow Trees. They have the largest amount of leaves for re-plantable trees. Plus, once you get your hands on a scythe, you'll get sick of getting sticks when you're searching for saplings in a matter of minutes.
  13. new passive mob AI

    Would actually get me to use my javelins like javelins. I like it.
  14. Environmental Dangers

    Sure you can! It's all about the mentality of it. How badly do you hate that cactus?But jokes aside, I do like the finding water in cacti idea as well.
  15. [64] Faithful Texture Pack by HiTeeN

    Just a tip, I think you aren't going to have many downloads unless you post some pictures of what the texture pack looks like.
  16. A secondary use for seeds

    Something that has bothered me since farming became prevalent in vanilla minecraft is that once you have a farm going, you start developing a massive quantity of seeds in your storage. Sure, you could plant more farmland, but after a point having more wheat plots is pointless. So I'm proposing that there should be a secondary use for seeds. Unfortunately this is all I can come up with: 1)Maybe they could be used for chicken breeding instead of wheat. 2)Maybe they can be burned as fuel at a super fast rate. 3)At the levels you can acquire them, using them as food would be unbalanced even if it only did half a hunger stick per unit of seeds. It might be balanced out if you had to combine a huge number of them in crafting to make like a bag of seeds to be eaten. You could make some kind of pouch out of wool or leather, then put it in the crafting table and surround it with 8 seeds to make an edible seed bag. Kind of like mushroom soup with the bowls. 4)Spit/throw them at enemies for non-damaging lols (I dunno I'm really reaching here) Any other ideas?
  17. My personal idea for the nether

    Well it is interesting, but I would see little reason to go to the nether you mention. I would just build a little building to house a forge/bloomery and smelt my metals there because of idea #2. I suppose there would be some glowstone, but I could collect all I would ever need in a couple minutes. After that I would have no reason to ever explore the area again. Making things hard is fine, but you need to give reasons for people to want to deal with it.
  18. Minor suggestion to bioxx

    I think Peffern might mean he never makes it to Autumn to be able to harvest them. I'm in that particular boat. I play a lot and the farthest I get is mid-Summer even though I sleep in a bed every night. On a server I'm sure it makes it through the seasons because the thing keeps running, but in singleplayer I kind of wonder how much play time would be involved to get to Autumn normally if you sleep at the very beginning of night (in other words, the time to go through daytime X number of days until Autumn).
  19. Go to hell

    I'm not sure what I think about the nether, but if it comes back, this is how I want to see it.
  20. A secondary use for seeds

    Oho! I like that idea a lot. Still makes the normal food very necessary, but gives you something like emergency rations that don't make the situation better, just delay it. I had completely forgotten about saturation.
  21. Environmental Dangers

    I saw it in Crysyn's , and Bioxx was there, so I'm assuming he knows it is possible at the very least.
  22. New biome

    That is kind of the point: gravel should not be a problem in this mod. The only way it can cause you harm is if you are breaking the basic rules of minecraft and digging straight up or straight down. Dirt and cobble will do the exact same thing in TFC now. Digging around can cause cave-ins which is even more dangerous than what gravel can do to you. Only your own carelessness can make gravel dangerous.It also has a use. I've had a couple maps where I could not find any flint chips on the ground, but saw some gravel nearby. It took a minute or so of work to get flint to pop out, but again this is TFC. The whole mod is more or less built around rewarding hard work. If you're passing a night without a bed, searching through some collected gravel for flint is a good distraction as well. If you simply don't like how it looks, you can use a texture pack. There are 3 available for you to pick from. For the record, I like to use gravel as a high-visibility pathway with some wood or stone border, and I have seen others do the same.
  23. More Weapons

    I'm kind of on the fence about whether I want to see just more sprites, or more varied qualities. At the very least new sprites would be awesome, but if varied qualities come into play it becomes a balancing game. Cost of creation, special abilities, and damage done would all have to be carefully calculated to make sure there aren't one or two weapons that reign supreme. Like in the Balkon's weapon mod (I think that was the name), there was my favorite weapon, the halberd. You could switch how you were using it to either do more damage and less knockback (stabbing/piercing), or less damage and more knockback (axeblade side). It made that weapon perfect for any melee situation. Granted, that is why I like the halberd in the first place, but I soon realized I didn't even pay attention to all the other weapons that were added when it came to melee. It could take a lot of work to balance out all the different weapons, so I guess I'll have to side with the just more sprites side to begin with. The varied uses and attempting to balance would have to come after most everything else in the mod was set I think.
  24. Eggs and Chicken Breeding, Wheat Seeds and where to get them

    Fully grown wheat gives 1 wheat and 0-3 seeds. You could potentially (with the worst kind of luck) have a field of 64 wheat and not get a single seed back from harvest. Typically what happens is you end up with chests of seeds left over. That gives me an idea. To the Suggestions section!
  25. Let's Play?

    More than one voice is always nice. There's less chance of dead air. I would also love to be in a lets play, but my sense of humor is pretty dirty and I usually say the joke before I realize it. Most people go for a more PG approach to lets plays so they can get more viewers.