Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CuencaGuy

  1. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Sorry for the previous blankcomment. It's something I started a while back and now couldn't edit it or type anything. If someone can delete it, that would be nice. Edit: I hid the comment. Not sure if that's just hiding it for me or hiding it from everyone. As to the new version of Technofirma, I'd like to see magic essentially removed from the mod. TFC goes on the premise of making things more "believable", and that is what drew me to it. I enjoy most of what Technofirma adds to TFC, but I would be happy without magic. Weird dungeons, etc. are, for me, much different than the experience I'm looking for in a pack like this.I have enough dangers (bears, riding a horse into a ravine, etc.)and interesting things to do anyway. I've never used Pneumaticraft, but I dislike it because the flowers don't blend at all with the rest of the world. They stick out like a sore thumb. The little I know about it makes it sound interesting if we could do without the awful-looking flowers. This is another reason I dislike magic in the pack...the strange-looking trees and other oddities distract from my experience. Also, no Buildcraft planned in the new pack?
  2. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Did it work to remove Thaumcraft? I've tried to do it, but I'm having issues. I disabled Thaumcraft, Thaumcraft Mob Aspects, Thaumcraft NEI Plugin, and Technofirmacraft as well as removed all of the Technofirma ores from TFCOres.cfg. I removed any scripts I could find, but I could not find any BlockPhysics.cfg. The launcher claims that Block Physics is part of the modpack, but I don't see that mod anywhere in my folders.The log report doesn't show any errors...the game crashes on the loading screen with the error that Forge Mod Loader found a problem and couldn't find Thaumcraft: any Edit: So, I got that taken care of mostly. The problem was that I also needed to disable Warp Theory. Then I got a crash where it said it tried to set the air on fire. This seemed to relate to the Dark Server Utilities mod. I disabled that mod and was able to load the game completely. Will disabling that mod affect anything else?
  3. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    Looks like a great mod, and I've enjoyed it thus far as it is playable, but I'm having some issues. I got an error extracting libraries message but deleted all the files and reinstalled everything, so that went away. It seems, however, that I may be missing some functionality. There are a number of red messages on load-up including some Throwable$WrappedPrintStream, Invalid framebuffer operation, some sort of "codechicken" thing, and problems opening IGW-Mod.jar. I can see there are a lot of new features, but I don't know what all of the mods are supposed to add. One of the things I've been interested in doing is using the tucker bag from the Udary mod. However, that recipe doesn't work and neither do the drying mats or evaporator looks like I have no functionality from that mod at all as it isn't even listed under Mod Options. I also have found some flax, but it's not in NEI and it doesn't seem to do anything either. I believe that may be an addition from the Ye Gamol Chattels mod which does show up in the Mod Options list. I haven't played a ton of Terrafirmacraft, so I don't know what's base and what's an add-on.