Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by BossMan_Shag

  1. In-game name:Boss_Man_ShagAge:20Where do you come from:The United StatesNative Language (must be able to speak english):EnglishRead all server rules?:yesWhere did you hear about our Server(s)?:searching the forums
  2. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: Boss_Man_Shag Age:20 Location: The United States Fluent english: Yes What a perfect server for you would be like: strong cooperation between players and a nice meaning to the servers efforts. What you would bring to our cozy little community: A desire to work with my fellow servermates.
  3. Hey this server seems awesome! my ign= BossMan_Shag
  4. Rammed Earth construction

    With some tweaking this can also be applied to desert biomes in the form of adobe.
  5. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    I like the idea. I also remember that there was talk of adding salt water and thirst. If that is the case then these larger islands will become essential for traversing oceans. Also if larger ships are ever added the possibilities become very exciting.
  6. Ornamentation

    This Idea builds on some recent talk of finding uses for less practical metals and gems. My idea is to allow them to be used for ornamentation on gear. For example someone has a suit of iron armor they can after forging or during (doesn't really matter) ornament it. To take the idea a bit farther there should be three tiers of ornamentation each more ostentatious than the last and each will require more mats and skill to create meaning a smaller window of error during forging. Please hit me back with any thoughts.
  7. Ornamentation

    yeah sorry to get back to this so late, life gets in the way. Anyway I disagree about this being the same as the idea for trophy items. The Trophy items are based primarily around offering a outlet for built up xp. My idea rather is based around finding an outlet for leftover mats. Also to take the idea farther this system can fit into both whatever enchanting system is created and also whatever smp features are created. First about enchanting: This system can serve to create the facets enchanting gems are slotted into and the various levels of ornamentation allow for more gems to be slotted. Second about smp: By ornamenting gear and other items rank can be more easily displayed and excess wealth more easily squandered. It was always my opinion that mc smp and ssp to a lesser degree failed because of over production. If ornamentation can help alleviate that to some extent all the better. Also additional ideas: Various symbols being embossed on gear to represent factions or rank, the possibility of parallel tiers of ornamentation, "painting" gear.
  8. Cloth

    My suggestion is the implementation of thin cloth instead of wool blocks similar to whats done in this mod In the mod the cloth is thin and is place able to form tents awnings and the like. I think this would add a good use for wool and improve the look of many buildings. It would also make tents more viable as structures. Later in development the cloth could also be used in a number of clothing and Armour recipes.
  9. Cloth

    yeah that's what I was thinking the only problem I see is that the placement system in the source mod was very buggy and not intuitive.
  10. On the subject of Galena and Lead

    pewter is mostly tin but lead is an ingredient in the allow along with copper I think...
  11. Uses for Ores? Gems?

    whole heartedly agree with the idea of wealth piles
  12. Uses for Ores? Gems?

    agreed it all depends on the path that wants to be taken but if there is a desire for "realistic" fantasy elements then the gem enchanting system could work. It makes more sense than just poof an item is enchanted.
  13. Uses for Ores? Gems?

    I like the idea of useing gems for enchanting in addition to just decoration. It adds another level to the enchanting process and a means for more precise enchanting. Only certain types of gems should be able to hold certain types of enchantments and quality should determine power.
  14. On the subject of Galena and Lead

    I know it was used for roofing, maybe you can craft into sheets? if they ever impliment rotting for untreated wood it would become very useful.
  15. ~Newside~ (DISCONTINUED | For map and whitelist, see topic!)

    IGN:BossMan_Shag Age:18 Why do you want to join the server?:Love this mod and want to play it in SMP Where you ever banned before and why?: Never
  16. IGN: BossMan_Shag Age: 18 Read and agree to server rules? Yea What do you want to do on the server?: love this mod want to try it in SMP