Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by FatPoulet

  1. TFC Wiki page 404

    Hello guys I've returned to TFC after a long Minecraft hiatus and I am still bestowed with the greatest challenge of all: playing the game without it's trusty Wiki page. Why is that? Because I am still (for those wondering I had started a support topic some year ago about the very issue) unable to access for some obscure and unknown reason the wiki page. Enough babbling, I'll get straight to the point. I get a 404 page. Here's all the information I have: Using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit -From a different computer on the same connection/router I can access the page normally. - I get the same 404 page using Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer (Had to download that garbage to re-check eww) Interesting part: I do not get the 404 error using the Tor Browser. But to access it, it asks me for a Captcha (reCaptcha to be precise) which is actually unsolvable! (Basically I follow the instructions and I can't ever solve it, which is a bummer because I think I could actually see the wiki if it could be solved but I think that is a completely different problem altogether so I'll just ignore it) So I guess Tor Browser has something the other browsers don't? I am clueless. They say an image is worth a thousand words so tl;dr: here is a print screen of what I see when attempting to access the wiki: Anyone who can point me to the right direction or help in anyway have my complete and full respect. Thank you for giving your precious time reading this! I hope we can find a solution to this perplexing issue.
  2. TFC Wiki page 404

    You're right I should do a full wipe of my drives it would be good for my rig. But I guess my problem is (half) solved, my friend downloaded the whole wiki using some program and .zip'ed it to me. Now I can view it offline mode! Still, I don't understand what ChunkHunter and Terex are saying, what images being displayed? At most I see one, the DONATE banner down in the picture. And I use ccleaner already and it doesnt do anything. I tried empty'ing cache a couple times too. Mystery.
  3. TFC Wiki page 404

    -No it doesn't happen to other websites. Well it could but how would I know if I don't visit them right? So I guess I haven't seen it ever on any other website -yet- -I have malwarebytes and use it often. -I only have Microsoft Essentials. -My windows updates automatically. -I know nothing of windows 10, is it good? I'll check it out. But I really fear the Tabloid and Mobile made-for Windows 8.1 and 10. I prefer staying with Windows 7. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't change anything anyway? Edit: Clearing out the cache didn't do it.
  4. TFC Wiki page 404

    Forgot to add that I did try all the steps at HowtoGeek: -Ping: I get a ping when I try ping and no lost packets. -OpenDNS: I changed the DNS settings in my router to OpenDNS addresses. The rest of the proposed fixes are useless. Also I just tried resetting Internet Explorer settings like TonyLiberatto said and I still get a 404.
  5. TFC Wiki page 404

    That is Adblock ;-) (you should try it it's amazing for blocking ads) That made me think I didn't try switching off all Chromeextensions but I did just now and no change. As I said I tried with another computer on the same connection, the problem is not my internet but my computer. Maybe some software missing something... Help is still needed!
  6. So whenever I try to access the wiki I get this I talked to a couple guys on the IRC but they ended up saying they have no clue to whats going on. I live in Canada so it's not an ISP problem. I the latest Java 64 bits installed, using 64bits chrome, and it is not a plugin/add-on that causes the problem as Firefox fresh install gives me the exact same page. One other thing: the only way I can access the page is by using the Tor browser, BUT first it gives me this page: And OF COURSE the captcha image doesn't load 3 out of 4 times so I just can't access it anyway. This is infuriating. I don't know why it's so hard to access a god damn wiki.
  7. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    @alice We're both from Québec c: Also I am 100% sure it's not a localisation problem.
  8. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    bump, last one I swear. I can't believe this is still a problem
  9. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    What is VPN and how would it help in this case? Also I fell like in the end it's going to be some dumb straight forward answer that fixes this ridiculous problem
  10. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    Might just be because of Tor and how it works. It connects to a random IP from somewhere around the world, and when the captcha picture actually appears, I can enter it and I can access the wiki from there. That's like .... so weird I would pay a million bucks to understand WHY I am getting a 404 error, also it never happens on any other website, I NEVER get 404 for no reason like this edit: no my computer is not infected. It is clean cut edit2: I changed DNS and it DID NOT fix the problem.
  11. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    I mean is there an alternative of the wiki ? Im kinda coming back to the mod and I really need the wiki There are some playtrough on youtube and such but they are old and who seriously watches 30 minutes of footage to get one information, I sure don't.
  12. Terrafirmacraft wikipedia only returns 404 error

    bump, am I really the only one with that issue?
  13. Now I will go straight to the point. I played Terrafirmacraft for a long time. I couldn't play vanilla minecraft anymore! Yesterday I came back after half a year break of minecraft in general. And I thought to myself "let's play as someone with no experience and as a general casual player." So I did exactly that. Here is what I thought. First things first: I went to the wiki to install the game, saw good and clear installation instruction. +1 for that. Then I proceeded to make myself a new game! But the seed I wanted seemed to not load the world at all and led to a crash. Then I started just a random world. Loading to infinity and then crashing! (I have a powerful computer so not related to performance issues) A third attempt worked! I was finally able to play Terrafirmacraft! Nope. Spawned in an ocean biome. Alright ... I started swimming for 5 minutes then just went away and deleted the world. New world! Crash. new world! It works! Maybe this time I'll be able to play Terrafirmacraft! Nope. Spawns in an ocean. Another 10 minutes of swimming: deleted world. (Still envious to play Terrafirmacraft) New world! It works! I spawn in an ocean but I see the shore! 1 minute of swimming is acceptable right? So I start swimming. As I get closer to the shore, I get an immense lag spike and the game crashes. I load back in. and find a huge part of the ocean floor I was standing on had collapse leading to an incredible amount of blocks moving that had crashed the game. Weird, but still eager to play Terrafirmacraft! I got to the shore! Now time to get clay, veggies, hunt an animal, gather branches, rocks,thatch. I am playing Terrafirmacraft! The night comes quickly and with it hostile mobs of course. And not just a few hostile mobs. A lot of mobs. A fuckton of hostile mobs. So many I couldn't do anything at all. Died. Started over! Not a problem ... right? All night I just sat in the water. Then the morning came! Now let's do it quickly: gathered a bit of food, bit ofthatch and rocks to quickly make a little hut. Then the night came and with it the mob nightmare party. Waited in the hut cooking for 15 minutes. Then I realized: the whole experience until that very point was insanely boring. I just hope the devs realize that the early game in it's current state is not fun at all to say the least. Mobs spawn in way too many numbers and the game is unstable to an almost unplayable point. Now I know the team is small. The project is huge and expectations are high. I know it is not easy. I am just reporting the gameplay as a new player would. I think this mod is the greatest mod ever made for minecraft and I know changes will be made. But for now don't expect many new players. They'll get scared to death.A few suggestions: add a "no rush 1 hour" or something regarding hostile mobs. Or decrease the spawn rate or link it to the player experience amount. You could also make beds skip the night, I don,t see what would be the problem with that regarding realism andbelievability. Please no fanboy flame (I am a fanboy myself), don't give me survival tips and tricks I know them all. Constructive criticism.
  14. How the game looks to a new player.

    It's not about "trying to be all things for all players" OF COURSE this is a hardcore mod, I am talking here about common sense. The first night of TFC should NOT have mobs spawning in. As simple as that. Also, I agree on all the bugs part. There should be at least a big red-lettered warning specifying that there are lots of bugs and they are currently being worked on in the current version to warn incoming players to be patient about it.
  15. How the game looks to a new player.

    It is good to see the thread has become a "how to tips and tricks" exactly what I wanted to NOT happen.
  16. How the game looks to a new player.

    Indeed. But that solution is not satisfactory at all. Any game that you need to play on the easiest difficulty as a veteran gamer feels like something is wrong with the game itself
  17. How the game looks to a new player.

    I personally don't think the early game should be "cower in some hole you dug up right before the sun set" for an hour. Wouldn't it be more fun to have a night or two of disabled mobs to get to know the game or something? Waiting 15 minutes every night for ANY amount of nights is an unacceptable way to greet new players. Also in my main post I forgot to add the waaaaay too frequent ravines and weird terrain formations
  18. Update Frequency Poll

    You guys are awesome. You have in my very honest opinion the very best minecraft mod in your hands, updates should really just come out when it is ready. The community will understand if the worlds are not compatible.
  19. 1up

    /me Walks in, looks around, catches a bullet from AllenWL and dies.
  20. Where is Dunkleosteus b78 stream video

    Thank you Dunk and Kitty! We all crave b78 vids and juicy news
  21. I watched it a couple days ago and now I can't find it at the latest stream says was 7 months ago :/
  22. Where is Dunkleosteus b78 stream video

    Thank you! Still, is the video anywhere or should we ask Dunk for reupload or youtube adaptation?
  23. [Offline] Surviville ~ Real Survival

    So where are you guys playing now?
  24. Rambling about the mobs. (Tweak please)

    I wanted to apologize for saying and I quote "I guess the next update/fix will be in a long time" I didn't even realize as I was writing the next patch was already launched and I was using the old b77. Shame on me And they tweaked zombies and javelins, which makes me "very happy in mah pants" - Psystarcraft
  25. First of all, I am most delighted by the new update and all the candies it brought us. The new systems are awesome and we should all be grateful to have such a great community and devs working FREE for our personal enjoyments. But there is one thing that should -must- be done to make sure new people don't get discouraged after one night of TFC play. Nerfing mobs. Tweaking them. It is imperative. I'll get to that in a few lines. When I first learned about TFC I was super excited. Back then, the first problem I encountered (and most people encountered) was the massive trouble it was to simply install the mod. Some people complained and devs made it easier (waaaay easier) to install and enjoy. It was a success and made the mod more appealing. Now we are facing another turn-off which makes new players filled with anticipation and curiosity just turn their back on this marvelous mod. Learning is fun. We all agree to that. Learning to play around with a new mod (especially this one) is one hell of a fun experience. Learning that your first night is a horrible nightmare filled with hordes of invincible blood-raging monsters, baby zombies running faster than death itself, black javelin-wielding skeletons armored to the teeth whose sole purpose is to destroy all that you have accomplished. Wait ... that's not fun right? That was my fist experience playing the new build. After many attempts I just realized all resistance was futile. Let me explain. There are many factors here. I know readers like numbers and factors (It appeals to the eye and makes the reader more interested *wink* ) 1: They have an insane amount of life. One zombie takes 36 javelin throw (10 meters range throw) or exactly 27 critical hits with a stone axe. And remember, a javelin can break after only 3 successful hits! And you need two axes because the first axe breaks before you hit it 27 times! 2: They can spawn with armor, making the numbers at #1 skyrocket beyond anything imaginable. (ok it is imaginable but still very impressive/broken) 3: There are9.79014e+44of them running at you. For those wondering, that is a lot. 4: These are probably bugs but I guess the next update/fix will be in a long time so Ill put them here anyways: Baby zombies don't burn at day and spiders dodge 50% of incoming attacks. There were obviously efforts put into the making of mobs (new skeleton, they wear TFC armor etc...) it would be great if that work was put to use. Because right now the only sane thing to do is smashing the difficulty button to an acceptable "peaceful" level. I consider myself a good survival player and I have tried many times now to survive the first night, only to find my mind SMASHED to pieces and my will THORN to shreds. And since this is the suggestion forum, Id throw this out there: Many options here: make stone javelin stronger, make it last longer, lower mobs life, make them spawn in smaller quantities, make armor spawn weaker or rarer, make sure they burn in daylight, ... etc ... etc ... any of these would just make the game more appealing/more fun/better in general. Hey, don't get me wrong TFC is still fun to play and the best minecraft mod out there Thank you for reading! Don't forget to leave what you think down below! Edit: added a small video showing a stone axe in action versus a zombie: about spider dodge: