Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Thrainn

  1. This problem bugged me for a long time, just never thought of posting it here ...

    When travelling large distances, I like to bring a bed with me (like most players do, I guess). So, the problem is, when I die underway while having the bed in my inventory, I'd spawn with nothing on me back at the original Spawn Point, which would be OK, if your base is near that, but is quite catastrophic, if you chose to settle quite some distance away, which could easily result in several more deaths on the way back to base due to lack of equipment/food/water!

    So would it in some way be possible to change your permanent spawn point to where you chose to settle down? Maybe build a structure like a shrine or obelisk, or simply make a stationary straw bed some kind of secondary spawn point if your bed is "destroyed or obstructed"?

    Thoughts? Suggestions?


  2. One quite simple and even more or less TFC-fitting solution for most of the above mentioned problems would be the Small Boats Mod:

    I tried it once, and the boats look very pretty! They're not cheaty in any way (exept for currently being indestructable), fit well into TFC, have one or more chests for storing (depending on ship size), changing tacks and even their speed can be adjusted, I think (didn't try that yet).

    I for myself can overlook that there's no "real" wind and that the tacks happen with changing directions, it still feels quite realistic and immersive.

    Of course I'd rather see an implemented version in TFC, but until then, it should work well enough ...


  3. I'm actually not so sure if "we", who don't like using cheaty things like magic map mods, really are so few.

    Aside from not really being ideal for immersion too, I still find using F3 positioning and taking notes much more reasonable and immersive than using map mods with magic markers!

    At my last TFC world I went so far that I made notes of countless interesting finds like surface ores, plants and animals with pencil on a sheet next to my keyboard and then even drew a map the size of about 4x4 ingame kilometres which roughly showed their positions and gave me an idea how far away they are if I need them, and what else is around there to justify the far trip.

    Having said that, I'd honestly rather like to see ingame/immersive/beliebable map and navigation means than improvements on Books/Tablets ...


  4. Is it possible to get someone in here who can help him communicate his thoughts better? Google translate isn't very reliable.


    I can try ...


    @ZZLONG: 看来谁也看不懂你上面写的,你还是大中文吧,我试试给他们翻译!



  5. Flowing Rivers! What a nice idea :)


    But I think, it would look very weird when the river turns - how would world gen know the right direction when the river does NOT run north-south or east-west? Would there even be a "right" direction in such a case? One water block this way, the next the other? I could imagine that'd look quite funny ...


  6. okay, when i join an older server, i mostly die from starvation.

    like 15 times in a row, before ill get setup

    to prevent that i suggest 3 types of regrowing, wild food sources, which help you survive your first days.


    I like your suggestions very much, especially the flat bread. I seem to remember something about berry bushes planned? Not sure ...


    But how you manage to die of starvation so often in the current version really is a mystery to me! You just find a pond or something or go to the beach - you could hunt squids aaall day long and have enough food for weeks! They spawn quite frequently and, honestly, already render farms quite useless, if used abundantly ...


  7. So ore spawning is made dependable on the surface height ... but does that also include stone layers?

    Why is it being made like that? I don't know too much about geology - how is it in real life?


    (I know this is off-topic here, sorry, but you mentioned it here ...)


  8. [...]


    I can see where you are going; the point which concerns me most is the fact what what kind of ideas may have been accepted or not in the past - I most certainly haven't been reading at these forums for as long as you ...


    However, if we are talking about history of science and numbers of 'firsts': according to Wikipedia, chinese experiments with hot air balloons for military signalling occurred as early as the 3rd century BC, contrary to your statement. And the chinese Kongming-Lanterns, which you are referring to, really aren't so much different to the first manned hot air balloons (which admittedly came much later in history, while it's a mystery to me why the chinese didn't think about that earlier!) other than in size, I launched one of these things myself at New Year's recently, as I'm currently living in China.


    Also, the first blast furnaces in China most likely didn't have much in common with much later European blast furnaces other than in principle, and the TFC blast furnace is clearly derived from the latter in appearance ...



    Aside from all that, I think this suggestion (or something similar) is worth implementing even just for its purpose alone! Don't forget, you won't see anything of it until you reach a point in TFC, when most players likely would stop playing or start a new world, as there is nothing more to achieve. I think it isn't really so much of a question of fitting or not, as long as it's still in the realm of 'believability' and craftable with existing TFC-materials, and not something really too far-fetched like a moon rocket  :rolleyes:


    Of course, there could be other interesting goals to keep you playing on, I just can't think of anything more pleasing and motivating than ingame flight, which among other advantages would allow you to see your world from a quite different perspective (quite literally), especially with the new implementation of volcanic regions in b78! I don't know about you guys, but I tend to grow quite fond of my MC worlds, in which I experience so many adventures, so that really would mean much to me.



    I don't necessarily need the other stuff like steam engines or the other complicated machines people are discussing about, but when I think about it, I honestly wouldn't mind either, if TFC some time in the future evolves into something like "from Stoneage to the Great Age of Inventions" or something - Steampunk does have it's charm! But I agree, that would really shoot over the target for TFC ... I would be very well satisfied with my TFC Endgame Balloon  :P



    It is a cool idea but I do not think it would fit in, but it might if there was some research system added to TFC


    I'm not sure if flight fits the theme of the mod, but you do have a point in saying that after arriving in the iron age, your progression goals pretty much end. At that point, you're either motivated for creative building (armed with dozens of wood and stone types and a trusty chisel), or you just kind of... stop, unless you already have the ingredients for fire clay by pure luck.


    Could you please elaborate? Why do you think it wouldn't fit into TFC?


    Me personally, I see no reason for it not fitting in; if you can get pipes (already announced for b78) and pumps or the like, why couldn't one come up with the idea of hot air being lighter than normal air and would therefore be able to leave the ground? Hell, a blast furnace didn't fall from the sky for use of humanity either, in fact blast furnaces are quite a complicated thing themselves. If the simple princible of a hot air balloon doesn't fit into this mod, then neither do any kind of steam-powered machinery and somesuch, currently discussed in another thread ...


    The whole point in this suggestion is adding some kind of motivating and useful goal to TFC, something which would you keep going (other than building cities which you practically can do nothing with!) when there's nothing else useful to achieve left.



    The idea of finding plans or parts in dungeon chests is nice too, but I don't think it would even be necessary, and besides would need to get 'believably' implemented as well ... 


    Wind in TFC would be awesome - especially for another field which would interest me greatly: believable sailing!

    But wouldn't that be a pain to code? Wouldn't there be loads of new lag sources?



    One of the big points in my suggestion is as much simplicity as possible to get something off the ground. I would also really like to see a more or less professional opinion on that matter: would it even be possible to get a multi-block construction moving (preferably with oneself sitting on it!) without all to much effort?


  10. Sounds good. An idea for the aircraft though;


    A hot air balloon would fit within the time constraints of tfc, but a more dirigible style vehicle would be a better "fit" game-play wise. With a balloon you are at the mercies of the wind (which doesn't exist in mc), but a dirigible would be able to (slowly) power itself along (like a zeppelin, but more antiquated). would also need fuel (coal maybe) to power the balloon for lift and the engine for thrust.


    You're right of course ... but it seems I wasn't clear enough with what I meant under 'Reality'; maybe I should add a little bit:


    "I'm also aware, that real-life hot air balloons were more like 'take off and land wherever the wind takes you' than steerable crafts (...), but it still would be 'believable' enough for me, if we still could steer them wherever we want!"


    Because with any additions to the simple balloon like rudders and the like would make it necessary for it to visually turn into the direction you want to fly, which I guess would be much more complicated to implement than a static thing like a simple balloon which would always stay in the same position, regardless of direction. Know what I mean?


  11. Well, I like the idea,

    Don't know about stone-copper-bronze being too fast, as I only play in one world, and still no bronze.

    But I think the best way would be to add another age, not make the stone age longer.

    A 'primitive' stone age, using sharpened sticks, and chipped stones and such.

    Not much you can do, not much blocks you can break, surviving will be the key point here, and attempting going up the tech tree without first getting a good food source and safe base would be hard, if not near impossible.


    Then, a 'advanced' stone age, using the tools we have now.

    The 'advanced' stone tools could be made with sticks, a tool head, and some plant fiber.

    Instead of finding plant fiber from grass(which would not be very strong) there should be a plant like hemp or flax to get the fibers from.

    You would be able to get clay and wood and such from this age forward.


    Surface ores should be covered in dirt/stone, so you need to 'clean' it before usage(maybe like knapping, but using a chisel?)


    Instead of needing 8 copper sheets(that's 16 ingots, plus 14 for the anvil, plus how many you need to make that bronze), what if you needed to smelt bronze in a crucible? That would mean you need to use copper till you find graphite and kaolinite, and make a quern


    I actually like the idea of adding a primitive stone age with sharpened sticks and chipped stones, but if you can get sticks and stones, what would prevent you from just skipping it and make a stone axe out of it? What would be the borderline between the 'primitive' and the 'advanced' stone age?


  12. [Off-Topic] 
    As this is my first post in these forums, I would like to thank the developers for this fantastic mod - since I started playing TFC a few months ago, I haven't even touched vanilla (or any other mod for that matter) at all! “Survival Mode as it should have been.” - I completely agree with this quote from the info-page from TFC. To even top this unique and immersive gaming experience, it has motivated me greatly to learn about our real-life history, about geology, metal processing and more; I have spent many hours on wikipedia between sessions of TFC! And, in the end, it even brought me to the complex game Dwarf Fortress, from which supposedly came many ideas of this mod. 
    [/Off-Toppic - sorry about this, but I had to say this.]
    Now on to my actual suggestion: After probably hundreds of hours in my (single-player) TFC-world I abandoned it with a rather unsatisfied and unmotivated feeling - I could nowhere seem to find any graphite needed for advancing to steel processing and was therefore stuck forever in the iron age, even I had everything else needed for the highest tier metals, red and blue steel. But then I thought, what for?
    Except for the - while indeed very interestingly made - steel processing itself with blast furnaces, crucible metallurgy and somesuch, or the by the time rather obsolete possibility to move water and lava, there was really not much to be gained by moving on (except perhaps shiny blue or red armors). One can survive pretty comfortably with iron stuff.
    What would have motivated me to go on? What would have got me to turn my whole TFC-world upside down if necessary, just to find a few pieces of graphite? Well, there is one thing, which would have very possibly accomplished just that: Ingame Flight!
    Wouldn't it be just incredibly awesome to be able to build some kind of simple flying contraption (maybe a hot air balloon would be appropriate and believable in Terrafirmacraft?), which would perhaps require both blue and red steel parts as well as quite some preparation and time to build, take it and make a nostalgic flight over the regions in which you spent countless (ingame-) years, seeing them from above the first time, visit old places like e.g. an old abandoned mineshaft in which you maybe found your first copper vein (the famous Paul Soares Jr. did something like that in his legendary first "Survive and Thrive"-world, it's also comparible to what I myself always do in the GTA-Games), or maybe even grab a few things and abandon your old home forever in search of a new continent far away (maybe in another climate) to settle on for a new beginning.
    I think a balloon would be well within the timeframe and believability of TFC, and was in fact the first means of men to take on the skies. (Ingame maps in addition to this suggestion would be even more awesome - but that is another discussion ...)
    I am well aware that there is Creative Mode, in which you could fly as much as you please, but I think I'd never start a TFC-world with Creative, if just for preventing myself to get tempted with this "god-mode" - apart from that: this is Terrafirmacraft! To just being able to walk in thin air would completely kill the immersion of this great game for me.
    Possible Realization:
    To stick with the hot air balloon idea: I have no idea how hard it would be to technically implement something like this, but can it be really that complicated? I can imagine a very simple contraption made out of a boat (or maybe the new nest-box?) as basket or gondola, something roughly globular like the big rock boulders spawning all over the world, just with a new texture, as the envelope of the balloon, and perhaps something like bow strings or fishing lines in between. Flight itself would be based on that of Creative Mode; the balloon wouldn't even have to change its position with the direction (only the character itself would do that, like e.g. movements sitting in a boat) because of its more or less concentric shape - in contrast to planes, for instance, which would have to turn into the desired direction, which I can imagine would be much more complicated to code. So it's basically just adding something above and below a flying Creative character. Or am I completely wrong here, you programmers out there? 
    As for the crafting itself: like I mentioned before, it would strictly require TFC end game materials like red and blue steel in addition to ropes/cloth/leather, whatever would fit. When built, it would need considerable amounts of coal for operating (to heat the air in the balloon and keep it hot). I'm not sure if it would be possible to build like e.g. a vanilla iron golem or a bloomery; that would be like making a blast furnace with all its blocks take off from the ground - may the programmers enlighten me!
    I'm also aware, that real-life hot air balloons were more like "take off and land wherever the wind takes you" than steerable crafts (those came later in form of airships with elongated balloons filled with gases like hydrogen or helium and fins/wings/airscrews for propelling and navigating, which would be awesome too, but would have to turn into the directions, aside from the need of a gas source in TFC!), but it still would be "believable" enough for me.
    I apologize if this or something similar was discussed before, but I did my homework and searched the forums and came up with nothing. I am also sorry for the length of this post, and thank you all for your patience!
    Please let me know what you think about that in general and if it even would be worth the work, since I only understand very little about coding and what's possible or not. 