Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Thrainn

  1. Well, does knowing that D is sweeter than C really help my cooking?

    Ok, I guess this first unskilled information is here for the sake of consistancy and to give the whole cooking skill progression more sense and it doesn't really have to help me, especially since a tasty food now only effects saturation. With the "old" nutrition based system I would care much more!

    Anyway, I did my duty as my forum title implies and just did some thorough research: and you are indeed right! Nowhere could I find information that differs from what you stated here, thus I stand corrected!

    Sorry Kitty ...


  2. Hm, but I honestly see no point in this information then. It tells me practically nothing regarding my taste, doesn't help with cooking at all.

    If says Not Sweet or Sweet makes absolutely no difference, since the range from Perfectly Sweet to Ridiculously Sweet is still very wide, so why bother with this feature at all until you get your skill high enough for accurate information?

    If it was as I said (and I at least think to remember you stating), that Sweet meant food to be about my characters taste, then I at least had luck finding at one taste my char likes, and I could somewhat use that in early cooking.


  3. It's intended. Early game you won't have the tools to defend against mobs. Run and hide.

    I agree, but zombies seem to be killed easily enough with just a stone axe and 4 or so critical hits. Skeletons and spiders don't seem to give up so easily.On the other hand, zombies get alerted to you from quite far away, which the other mobs don't.Well, I don't think there will be anything done now to rebalance the fantasy mobs, since they hopefully won't roam the surface world for long anymore ...

  4. Thanks very much, Kitty, also from my side - even I knew many of it already, this still was very enlightening!

    Trenix is right: you should post this information on the wiki, instead of answering every single thread about it.

    You basically said all there is to say, but many players don't frequent the TFC forums, let alone read this thread.

    Surely you already have concrete plans for the wiki page and just are too busy to get to it yet, but you maybe could add a link to this thread on the wiki for the time being, I think that should save you a lot of time and effort :)

    One last question on the topic: I may have missunderstood, but I seem to remember you stating in the past, that a flavor being X instead of Not X without a high enough cooking skill meant that it's within the range of your preferred taste. Yet you wrote now above that it meant that it's over your chars preferences, so that something ridiculously sweet would still display as sweet wihout skill?

    Has there changed something, or just don't I remember correctly?


  5. Ok, seems I just missunderstood something here. I usually read changelogs very carefully, but sometimes I just don't get the full meaning.

    You meant the baby "state" which is only for a certain amount of time, while I thought that the cap does not apply to second gen animals.

    But the fact that there is nothing indicating this cap makes things really complicated. I don't have enough grains yet to carelessly waste it ...


  6. I could not find anything on the forums answering my question, please forgive me if I overlooked something:

    Is there anything indicating the familiarity cap of the first generation of animals?

    I got all my animals to the white border, which indicates that their familiarity won't decrease anymore. There has been no offspring yet, some of my females are already pregnant.

    But I assume I can keep feeding them to raise the familiarity further?

    How do I know that the cap is reached?

    The changelog states that the indicator change to golden when max familiarity is reached. But does that mean only with 100% familiarity, or also when the max of the first gen cap is reached?


  7. I do like this idea, especially the hay drying and feeding to animals.

    That could also be used in relatively small animal pens: leave full hay blocks in the pens, and the sheep will eat that hay to regrow wool for instance.

    The hay blocks would need to be non-solid blocks like thatch of course.


  8. I think, lipki is right on this one. Like the original devs did he just have the best intentions, and a lot of players seem to really like this new feature.

    Thanks for your work, lipki :)


  9. How do I feed the sluice? Throwing gravel/sand in the water flow?

    Correct. But it seams that you have to hit the upper part of the sluice for it to accept the gravel or sand.

  10. Vanilla maps do work in TFC, but you'll need 4 wrought iron ingots and a piece of redstone to make the compass, as well as find some reeds for the paper to make the maps. Everything else is vanilla though, so you can put them on display in item frames and everything.

    Oh really? I didn't know that! I'll be sure to try that as soon as I arrive in iron age :)I personally have never once used a map mod before, but the vanilla map can really be helpful!Since my surroundings are loaded with iron ores, that shouldn't be all that expensive ...

  11. Thank you very much, TFC Dev Team!

    I came finally around to play 79.12, and the change to the firestarter is simply awesome! The animation, the sound, the smoke, the little flame - the result is even better than suggested in this thread!

    Thanks again for hearing our voice! :)


  12. ok, but thats highly subjective, you wouldn't have to use them. I higher variety of meals would be a benefit all in all, realism or personal feelings aside.

    That may be, that's why I made some suggestions on food variety myself, if you recall.

  13. @Thrainn: for 100.000 years the homo sapiens didnt drink milk or ate cheese and they didnt have 20% less health...And as we are producing steel, we are at least somewhere in the 18th century, so a joghurt wouldnt be that far off, or a variety of cakes etc

    I wasn't talking about realism, I was talking about immersion!And I can confidently say that a muffin and smoothies would kill my immersion in the game ...

  14. the problem i've found is that they usually spawn a bit off shore and rarely moves closer to the beach, meaning that you'll be literally throwing your spears into a lake. and even if you did hit them you'd still end up with a fish item and a spear on the bottom of the lake.which in hindsight might not sound that serious if it's a tinier shallow lake. but usually for me it's a big ass deep lake.for spear fishing (and net tossing too) to be a truly viable fishing method there should be a way to attract fish closer to the beach. say if you where to throw in a bait (rotten meat?) to lure fish closer for you to then pluck out with a spear or a net.I don't think they flee from you which also kinda need to change.

    In my experience they do kinda flee. Try to swim amidst the swarm and see what they do. In my lake they do spawn not too far away from shore and I often succeed chasing them there. If they don't flee by default, just hit them once with a spear without throwing it and they surely do. I really like the new fish and playing with them :)I like the bait idea though, but I would suggest that they are herbivorous and be baited with corn or bread. Yah I know, uses for the otherwise utterly useless zombie flesh ... but who knows, maybe we'll get a nice variety of fish with time ;)

  15. Spear fishing is already possible in TFC since B79. I have done it several times in my world. You just have to find a Lake Biome, there fish will spawn as actual entities in swarms like squid in the sea. Spear away at them as you like.


  16. We went with bottles only for a few reasons. Off the top of my head, bottles already have a system in place from potions to very easily render a whole bunch of different liquids in them, and make them easily distinguishable. If you could put alcohol in a jug, they would pretty much all look exactly the same unless we started adding even more textures. (...)

    I do hear all your arguments except this one: why bother rendering the jugs differently according to their contents? A jug is after all not transparent like glass, so even real life jugs won't tell you what's in it by just looking at them either. That seems to me much like ceramic vessels: you have to "look" into them (per tooltip) to know their contents.In real life you likely won't even be able to visually tell water or vodka apart.So why not just add a simple tooltip that tells you it's water or rum or cider? This would simulate "smelling" the jug, if you will.

  17. I'd love to see a change to this too. Maybe craft a fruit yogurt or a fruit smoothie? That'd go a long way toward pushing fruit and dairy, and could also quench a little thirst. Skip the sandwich, make a nice salad, and craft a cherry cheesecake to replenish some grains, dairy, and fruit? Lots of possibilities.I can see achievements for building a BLT, a waldorf salad (would need to add nuts as a protein) perhaps a pork sausage cheese 'n egg mcmuffin? :) How about crafting a cup of coffee that gives a slight speed boost modifier?ps. I don't expect this to go anywhere...just thinking out loud. :)

    McMuffins? Smoothies? A cup of coffee? Seriously??Please don't forget the timeline TFC is set in. I really don't want have my immersion ruined completely by fruit smoothies or such!In my opinion even "sandwich" is a bit too much for a game set from stone age to medieval.I'm thinking more on the lines of "stew", "soup", just "meal" or whole animals skewered over a campfire ...If you want smoothies please play Sims or something. Not even sure if you get them there. But please leave TFC alone with it.

  18. #1. Food your character likes makes him more saturated, meaning he doesn't have to eat so often to keep him away from the new debuffs like mining fatigue and slowness.

    #2. Food taste is also determined by the soil it grew on. So an onion that you found at world spawn may taste differently than one you found some kilometres away.


  19. Why would you forge tools? Isn't it easier to make tools with clay molds?

    Yeah, but only until you reach the Iron Age. You can't smelt iron ores with vessels.[Edit:] Just to confirm: it is not possible to fill tool molds with bloomery/forge smelted wrought iron in a ceramic mold, or is it?

  20. It isn't in chart form because the mod is a bit too complicated to fit it all into a single chart, but the information for the most part is there.

    I think what he is looking for is something like this: must admit that Dwarf Fortress is still way more complicated than TFC, and a chart like this should be doable. Maybe somebody would take his time and put something together like this chart?

  21. As soon you get your first saw (copper, I suppose, although the material doesn't matter), you can make 4 plank blocks, one of which are made by crafting 4 plank items together. With them you craft a good old crafting bench, which will disappear and bless you with a nice 3x3 crafting grid.

    That has nothing to do with experience :)

