Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Thrainn

  1. That's why I am leaving...its not fun anymore. The hardest of the hardcore isn't for peeps with lives. And when something isnt fun I move on. I am just saying goodbye.

    That's your decision of course, but you obviously do something wrong here: your main concern seem to be the crazy cave-ins: open the TFC config, change one single line after the instruction you'll find there, and never have to bother with beams or cave-ins at all anymore. That's a thing of less than 30 seconds, and you can enjoy your personal playstyle again :)Same goes with torches or ore spawns or food decay - there are so many options to make the game after your personal taste.As for your problem with sheep familiarity - you are clearly making a mistake here, if you can't shear them within a week or so. So either you are not consistent enough in feeding them EVERY SINGLE DAY, or you hang in the old bug. The former is necessary, because if you miss one day, the familiarity will drop significantly, unless the familiarity indicator got a white frame. If the latter is the case, try to update, if you haven't already, and go find new sheep on newly generated chunks, or better, start a fresh new world and enjoy.There, all your problems solved :)P.S.: If I'm wrong somewhere, please correct me!

  2. I like the idea.

    If nothing else, the name should indeed be changed. I don't know, "fire starter" doesn't sound quite right.

    And add straw to the crafting recipe.

    These should be some very quick changes :)


  3. Not sure if anybody is interested in it. So far I've only added the four menu tracks from vanilla minecraft, because I think the atmosphere quite suits TFC ingame.

    If somebody was to upload a pack with some of the music mentioned on the previous page, I'd interested in that too!

    But, wouldn't that violate some copy rights? Dunno ...


  4. Also, the latest forge is NOT the one TFC was built on!

    Please use the forge version recommended on the download page (, I believe), this might solve your issue.

    [Edit:] Ha! Sorry, I'm late ... that happens when at work and you need 15 minutes for two sentences! My post was supposed to come after Kitty's first answer :/


  5. It works smoothly, so thanks very much, Sahji, for your guide!!

    @aliceingame: I think, when the next version is coming out, I'll heed your advice and try a recource pack :)


  6. It's very unfortunate, but I can't help but wonder at times if it has to do with the fact that I am a female in power. From his previous behavior as well as the threatening message, it definitely seemed like he saw himself as in a position of authority over me, which is not at all a valid view unless he considered men to have authority over women. It's really a sad thought, and I hope with all my might that it wasn't the case and there is some other explanation. :(

    A threatening message?I honestly don't believe it has something to do with you, Kitty, or with you being female; Vlad was treating other users (e.g. Bunsan) much the same way. He clearly is unable to accept being proven wrong in any case.He seems like the kind of person who goes rabid in a simple fight, starting to throw things or even willing to hurt somebody physically ...Don't let this get to you.

  7. Why would somebody do that? That is so beyond me I cannot even begin to grasp.

    Why would one want to willfully destroy what somebody selflessly and with absolute no personal gain built with so much effort?

    How much frustration must he have with his own life to do something like that ...


  8. Hm ... I'm sorry if I seem obtuse here, but I never worked with resource packs before ...

    So with what you suggest here I won't change the original sound.json in the jar file, but just use it for a custom resource pack, which I can switch on and off as I like, and the original TFC jar would stay unchanged?

    I think I will look into that. Just now I did change the original .json according to the guide above and see if it works. If yes, I may download a new, clean TFC.jar and try the resource pack thing :)

    Thanks for your effort!


  9. Hmmm it's weird that I have this config then. That's unfortunate though, would be cool if I could change the amounts.

    Is it possible, that you indeed had a 0.79.# on your system once and decided to downgrade? If so, you probably forgot to delete your config files when downgrading, that would explain it ...

  10. I seriously doubt, that the devs invest their time to root out a bug in a several months old version of TFC - unless, of course, this bug still exists in the current version 0.79.10.

    Could you maybe upgrade and see if it does?


  11. I sound to me as this could be done via ressource pack instead of messing with the .jar, as all you modify is inside the asset folder, the same as the ressource pack will overwrite with their content.Then you would not have to re-do it every update.

    Interesting ... but how would I do that? No experience whatsoever with resource packs.

  12. An entity is part of the data MC must save when unloading a chunk. If the entity is corrupted (ie some of its data is messed up in some way (a byte went wrong). When saving the chunk data it tries to save the entity information, but if the entity data is corrupted in a particular way it can cause the chunk save to abort. This means that MC falls back to the chunk data that was saved in last unload. It is rare for corrupt entity data to do this, but very possible. Worse is if it does manage to save the corrupt data as that can mean when the chunk reloads it can't use the saved data and has to regenerate the chunk based on seed as it has no other data it can use. There is a response not for you but for others reading who may not understand how this could work and are open minded and wish to learn.

    Thanks for the simple and interesting explanation, I didn't know that, but it perfectly makes sense :)Learning things like that helps a lot for how to deal with weird things happening like that!I know it's off-topic, but would you care to explain similarly how these bottomless chunk holes in the ground happen? Had a few of those nasty things in previous TFC versions ...

  13. Nothing dirty about that guide, Sahji, as long as it is good clean fun!!Personally, when I am not listening to the TFC tracks in game, I am listening to Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, Amethystium, or some other Ambient stuff while I play. Sets the mood just right ;)I am glad you like the music. I have wanted for so long to be able to record more, but have been unable to for every reason under the sun it seems. Soon…..

    Out with it, please! I would love to get some more of - erm, how did GenericB call it once upon in a time in his TFC Let's Play series on YouTube again? Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, the awesome space music!Frankly, this music was one very important reason that got me into TerraFirmaCraft in the first place :)I doubt the devs would mind some more tracks of it!

  14. Well spoken, Shiphty, let's keep reason here.

    Seeing as how his both of his posts have been read, and the parts dealing with cave-ins and torch burnout were specifically not responded to, I'm going to suggest that they probably won't read it the way you did.-Removed again. User has had forum privileges removed for 24 hours.-We get to wait 6-12 months for the lanterns... IF (and that's a big if) and when they come there's no reason currently to believe they will be permanent. Unless you're Emris and can whip up addons on the fly like a wizard you are stuck mucking about in configs or enduring the grind at the expense of creativity.

    I'd rather not know which nasty hostility Kitty removed here that even caused her to ban you. But back to topic: I know you are a fancy builder, and I respect that, but actually I didn't talk about lanterns or other light emitting replacements for the perma-torches, but rather another device or something, crafted with gemstones if you like, that prevents nasty monster spawns. I don't care if that thing emits light or not, as long as it holds the damn monsters at bay! As for believability in this case: if we must have sickly green walking dynamite and moving corpses, I really won't mind some magical device which repells them.

  15. (...)

    I agree completely, especially with the torch part! I really hope, the devs will take the time to read through this post as I did.I'd like to repeat this sentence: "I like to fight back the wild and the evil and gain ground."I have absolutely no problem with torches burning out, for the sake of believability, but we really should have some replacement means to actively prevent 'the wild' from popping out of thin air in, let's call it "conquered" areas, including caves. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I really don't care about 'conquering' areas I often visit again and again from scratch, and the spawn protection system really doesn't help much on this front, like Shiphty said.