Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About XHawk87

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Bukkit API for Forge

    If you're using Build 75 of TFC, it might be hard to find the right version of BukkitForge, as they no longer have 1.4.6 on jenkins. However you can still find a copy that worked for me buried in their commits on github: P.S. Unfortunately it looks like this version cannot detect player mouse clicks when used with TFC. Still looking into other versions.
  2. I am having this same problem. Can you tell me which version of BukkitForge you need to make this work?
  3. Running with Javelins

    I hope they don't take it that far, but bows definitely need a buff, and javelins could cope with a nerf. I just really hope they make javelins behave more like javelins. I would definitely use them if I could remain mobile, and use proper skirmish tactics like a real javelineer. That would be fantastic.
  4. Running with Javelins

    Thanks for all the great comments. I liked several I thought made good points. Especially suggestions how to bring balance to the proposed change. I would like to address Pakislav's point about running backwards with javelins. Since the motion speed is added to the javelins speed, if you're running backwards you're actually making the throw weaker and less damaging, which is realistic. It would require players to run towards their target to get a decently powered throw, which is not something you would always want to be doing. I did mean while drawn and ready to throw, and as dunkleosteus and I have already pointed out, a javelin is a weapon that is intended to be thrown while running. It sounds like its the bow that has the problem really. I mean seriously, 20 arrows to kill a zombie? A javelin is a stone-age weapon, it just needs to be brought into balance with other weapons, but it really should be more javelin-like, which is my point. As for the recipe, I don't see why there shouldn't be a spear-head you need to make through knapping to build a javelin, and you could create better spear-heads later using metals. Javelins were used well into the medieval era. Thanks.
  5. Running with Javelins

    Currently javelins will slow you down as you draw them, and take as long to draw and fire as a bow, but this is not at all like how javelins work. It just feels wrong. A javelin is a weapon that is typically hurled while running, it would be awesome if the game mechanics reflected that. Here is an example of how it could work: You have complete freedom of movement while drawing the javelin, allowing you to run, sprint, stand, strafe etcYou cannot fire until the javelin is fully drawn, its simply not possible to hurl a javelin until you're ready to hurl itYour speed in the direction of the throw is added to the base javelin speed, making it go further and hit harder for more damageThis suggestion is purely to change the behaviour of javelins not to affect their balance, make them over-powered or nerf them. I just think the bow should be bow-like in behaviour and the javelin should be javelin-like.