Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Stoneburrower

  1. in what tought would it be my fault?


    I was not saying it was your fault.

    I was stating the above so that Lion could have a reference.

    It might have been caused by a mod that you or I have running that crashed things.

    Perhaps something incompatible with the TFC version being used or conflicting with Forge.

    Just giving him what info my Log page was showing me to help :)


    I do apologize if you felt slighted but the analytical/troubleshoot side of me took over


  2. Well that was short lived.


    Got to play for an hour or so then the server crashed within 5 seconds of MaitreCarl logging in.


    Was it caused by that user or did the server just give up?


    LionheartRicky, do you use Skype?


  3. Also, all my stats got reset to Novice level, all Exp gone, and my hunger/water bars do not move and it shows me as hungry but they are full.


    Obviously noone will fess up for raping my town so unless you use something to look into it (core protect) I am boned.


    Hope everyone has fun with their unearned gains.


    As well bigblueturret and crew has plopped protection outposts on some of the mines that I had outposts on. Perhaps a point in the right direction?


    If area cannot be rolled back then do not bother Lion, wont be worth it to start all over.




  4. So sad....


    My Nation and Town were deleted I believe. Had plenty of money in them (90 days) when last checked a couple of weeks ago.


    I have now been robbed blind. Even took my Jack o Lanterns!


    So much work lost to thieves is just not worth it


    Hopefully an investigation will reveal the culprit(s) and they get banned


  5. 1 Stoneburrower

    2 Spokane WA USA Pacific timezone

    3 I have Skype

    4 15 rich ore = 525 for 5 ingots and 25 left in the Crucible

    5 Can build/use a forge and know how to do crop rotation

    6 no Recording yet but hopefully after Xmas :)

    7 too old to mention, have 3 kids, one in college. Gamer to the core and love TFC so far. Would have to say I am a noob at (but not Minecraft!) it but I learn quickly (working on Bloomery in Single Player atm)

    Only join whitelist servers as I hate trollers and griefers


  6. Noob to TFC but loving it!


    Currently just doing Single Player to get to know it better.


    Running Udary Mod and have a few questions that I could not find answers too in posts.


    1. What is the Ore Calculator Block and how is it made/used?


    2. How is the in-game Alloy Calculator activated?


    3. Glass bottle support for most fluids-  Is the bottle made Vanilla style or is there a different recipe for it?


    4. Using a glass bottle over ceramic jug for water porting/drinking-  Is one more durable/hold more than the other or are they the same?





