Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Gorni

  1. Don't understand the forge.

    Or you combine them the way it's meant to be done: Go to the firepit and put 1 partially filled mold in, wait till molten, put the next in wait till molten etc This way you won't lose all the moulds. And since you are doing this probably just with the low level ores, it shouldn't take too long to melt them.
  2. Thoughts on B47 ?

    Well take stone anvils not like anvils but like just a big rock you're using to hammer your metal in place. I don't like the fact though that they turn back after use. Would be cool if i could point at a stone and do like "you are the stone im gonna use to hammer my ingots on!" and poof anvil... but yeah the model of the stone anvil may need to be changed...
  3. Thoughts on B47 ?

    it seems that you have to hit the top side of a block to turn it into an anvil, sides won't work.
  4. Thoughts on B47 ?

    well i think leaving flint tools in is a very balanced thing. Since you can mine stuff with them if you are really desperate. You can get more stone if there is no more around and you can mine ore if you hit it right below the surface. But the mining time... honestly you won't be making mineshafts with it. Its just silly. Personal experience: 1 evening of working with 2 other ppl on a server and we already mined down to y30 and found the first good cass vein, thus we have the first tools safe. There are a LOT more veins spawning so as soon as you got some picks and pro picks you find stuff pretty easy. The hard part is getting the hand on the first pick and pro pick to start the mining. Progress is there and it IS possible to start. The start is harder of course but that was the aim of those changes. Use the sluices with gravel and you can start off. It really works and i really like those changes.
  5. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    well with all recent crashes and the server being down right now... i really suggest to move along to 47b with a new map of course. edit: oh we already updated...
  6. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    it likes to die a lot at the moment..someone is somehow crashing it and we don't know why.
  7. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    you do not need to install any additional mods. You can just install the game normaly and play. The rest is just useful for you.
  8. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    great.... anyone got any ideas about that thing? @Seldron, do we have a backup or something like that?
  9. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    ehm just a small question... WTF happened to the server??? When i came on today: all my wheat was gone, my sugarcane was gone, all my chests in the middle of the house (not the good hidden one's elswhere) were completly empty. I thought ok, thats kinda strange. Went to my neighbours house (Yosh) same thing: All chests completly empty, 1 chest had items in rest empty. Went to a house in town to check: everything completly empty.... Did some kind of bug occur or something like that??? Edit: checked your how's too seldron, everything gone. Though not one block is broken anywhere... it really looks like some kind of bug. edit 2: Checked the whole town... it looks pretty strange, the farm is gone, the fruit trees are gone, and like 90% of all chests in town are completly empty... edit 3: from my public factory both anvils and all stuff in chests is gone... okay honestly... WTF?
  10. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    sad to hear that you got banned endless, i loved your chisel creations. Though i can understand seldron, since no logging or what so ever is possible at the moment. If you could accept the fact, that lava placing is not tolerated in town, maybe you could get back if you talk to seldron? I don't like seeing good working ppl be banned just cause they cannot get on a line with the admin. And i don't understand why anyone would get so angry just cause lava ain't allowed in town. Seldron is the admin, so his decisions overweigth those of everyone else, since he provides the server you play on. it just makes me sad to see stuff like this happen. I like the server though im regularly getting robbed... but yeah gotta deal with it since its a beta and no logging is currently possible. That the reason some advanced safety precussions have to be taken by seldron. I really hope everyone can understand that problem.
  11. Bushes?

    bushes are not in yet. They are planned from what is stated but not in yet.
  12. Feedback - Fairin style!

    How is that handled if i may ask, i mean does the time run when the chunk with the animal in ain't loaded?
  13. Heat bug?

    yes the complete heat/forge/fire/bloomery system is broken.
  14. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    46b is not just a bit broken, a quick overview: Cooking/melting is instant, animals don't drop items, mettalurgy system is completly screwed since you can't work metal. AND: It seems no one can join a server on 46b, since the join crashes the client.
  15. Very Bad TerraFirma Texture Glitch

    Did you unzip the resources zip into the .jar file? if yes: Well it has to do with ressources. If it wasn't your first install: delete configs and test again. If it was: first: download ressources again and unzip them again into the jar. If that doesent help do a complete reinstall of Minecraft with a complete folder wipe and try again. It is an installation error, pretty common.
  16. assistance setting up an economy system?

    Still too cheap i think, set it to 40gp/Stack and you can still go with quarted stacks to sell for 10gp.
  17. Generalized list of what to do

    You can plant wheat, works great.
  18. Idea: slight modernization toward end-game

    so, we get canons?
  19. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    I opened up a public factory for anyone who isn't in steel age yet. Go to -70 / -900 and into the building there. you will find 2 forges, 2 bloomerys and metallurgy tables, as well as 2 steel anvils with hammers in. It even includes a public Iron mine with Limonite and coal in it. Entrance is within the Factory. The room also includes crafting tables, some flux, a few recipes for tools as well as a scribbling table to make more. It also has a bunch of chests to temporary store your stuff. Have fun and pls don't remove stuff from there, it's a public thing for everyone to use and you hurt the whole server if you do stuff like this. Thanks p.s. 1 forge is missing bellows, if someone wants to make a small donation of leather or a bellow, i'd be grateful.
  20. Disillusioned with TFCraft

    The oregen is fine, for deep down ores. But it really sucks at the moment for the high up ores. They are very rare and ultra small, exactly the opposit that was aimed at. Im sure the oregen for the higher layers will at least get a change, cause its really bad how it is right now. The big veins on lower y-levels though are pretty fine.
  21. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    My opinion: I like the huge veins deep down. But i can just support the fact that we will see more surface deposits. It really needs more. On the server im playing currently i found a lot of ores, but NO deposit was above y115. So you have to dig very deep just to get to the ores, which can't be the intention. I guess it needs a bit of tweaking for the surface deposits, but the deep down deposits are fine for me.
  22. Color of ores?

    seen that thing too some times... Im not sure if it happens when you're on a layer-edge... but the other colors do not match the stone around.
  23. Delete the complete Minecraft folder (all contents, if you want you can keep the lastlogin file.) Let Minecraft download new, then do the following steps in that order: delete the META-INF folder from minecraft.jar copy the contents of to minecraft.jar copy the contents of MC 1.2.5 - Player API client to minecraft.jar Start the game and check if you can make a new world. If it works continue. copy the contents of to minecraft.jar copy the contents of to minecraft.jar Pls post feedback after doing those steps.
  24. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Thanks for this information, so its pick up your sticks and start the grid search.
  25. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    Well let's put up the facts: 1. When testin on Bismuth directly and on nearby rock it detects the bismuth correctly (tested it myself on the server) 2. From what i know just 2 ppl found ores, yosh found Bismuth and Copper (It was pre44b when he found them though) and i think someone mentioned finding some magnetite. 3. On the last World (Generated with pre44 which had the same Ore distribution), i dug a few vertical shafts for fast searching ores and found in like 50% of them at least 1 Metal-ore, while on this map i dug about 10 of those holes not finding 1 metal ore, just Lignite and Salpeter. So i come to the conclusion that there are the following possibilites: a) We all got an extreme form of bad luck this time / I had extreme luck on the last map. Something is really off with the Oredistribution, but we don't exactly know what the problem is. I don't know if there is an existing x-ray mod, but i suggest someone (maybe seldron himself or a mod? ) takes an Xray mod and checks randomly through the world to see if there actually are ores or not. And if they can be detected with the Propick.