Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Avidavi

  1. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Heh, yeah, the height thing has some definite flaws to it, but it does allow someone to take advantage of a weaker point in someone's defense if they're missing some pieces or using a mismatched set. For instance, if someone only has a steel chestplate (and no or less-valuable armor elsewhere) then it's advantageous to sneak or jump to hit his legs or head, respectively. Jumping up and down would allow for strikes to the head, but it isn't enough of a plus to do so constantly in battle unless the head is actually a weakpoint! Heck, removing the auto-critical hit when jumping would fix that right there . As for the circling, I saw that as a plus: whomever can outmaneuver his opponent gets the advantage, and if you can keep up then all the better for you. You can take a chance and try to get behind someone who's trying to get behind you, or you can make sure to always face them to get a better block in. Of course.. this is all in my head. It could very well go South and become that bland circlefest when implemented ^^.
  2. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Sup dudes! I've read through the topic and a lot of interest is in the type of blows vs the type of armor. However, my $0.02 will concern how player actions in combat might effect the outcome. As some folks have termed it, "spam clicking" and repeatedly smacking the mouse buttons doesn't do TFC justice! .. I explain things better in pictures than I do in words so most of my explanation with be in png format, but there are some thing that images wouldn't emphasize. For one thing, the hurt animation and knockback have to go, and I mean G-O out the D-O', go. Besides them being sucky in general, their removal is kind of necessary if my suggestion is to be considered. What I'm suggesting is combat that has everything to do with player position relative to each other and whatever else they could possibly attack in melee: As well as this basic system, let's not forget critical hits via sprinting or jumping. I also suggest a stun value. Simply put, attacking successfully prevents one's opponent from starting a new swing back, and the time penalty could be determined by the strength of the hit. This can also be applied with a particularly successful block (parry?). If someone's block is so successful that (after calculating the total damage dealt), the attacker dealt negative damage, then he should feel it and his target should get a handout. In lieu of vanilla knockback, I propose a less dramatic version. Particularly strong hits (perhaps, if they happen, only critical hits) should cause the target to shift backwards- but that's just it: a shift (more or less a stumble), and a small one at that. Getting hit front-on with a sword does not launch you three meters out and one meter up... Unless you're already in the air. Addendum: On initial review this system works well for ranged weapons as well! ... That's... the gist of my idea. If I'm forgetting anything then it will have to be remembered after I wake up tomorrow. Anyhoo I hope to read some feedback at some point. Peace!
  3. 1.6 snapshot

    =P You guys do realize you can use WASD (or at least, AD) on SH horses, right? In any case, the TFC horses will be controllable by AD or mouse (toggleable), because I've found that AD can get a bit unweildy at high speeds. WS will still be used to speed up or slow down your mount . Oh, and no strafing horses... jeezus no.
  4. Horse meat

    One the one hand, you should keep in mind that horses will be able to be ridden and used for draught, maybe even mechanical power (in horse mills). They'll probably also be able to be harvested for various other resources, depending on how the butchering system works out. Adding them as a food resource as well could seem like to make the horse a totally OP animal. On the other hand, I mean, resources are resources. Animal is animal and meat is meat (more or less). Still, though it'd be weird to outright rule out horse as a source of meat, I think it is also necessary to make breeding more common meat animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens (and sheep?) more advantageous. It may come down to people just not wanting to slaughter horses simply because they have much more benefit alive than on a plate, and they do. But a player should have the option to kill and eat something if they're that close to the edge, or are simply developing an ingame culture that demands it. TL:DR, horse meat will probably happen unless Bioxx throws something heavy and possibly sharp at me, and it won't have any debuffs or such, but there will probably be something that pushes a player toward putting effort into other food sources.
  5. Horse meat

    As a Dothraki, I approve. As a normal human being, however, I'm all for animals dropping meat in general. I mean, if you're starving in the wild, any bit of non-putrid meat is good meat. Carnivore, herbivore (ruminant or non ruminant), fish, bird, or bug: if you're hungry, you should be able to eat whatever you can wrestle down for some amount of sustenance. The meat probably shouldn't be worth much compared to beef or veal or poultry, and breeding wouldn't change that, but you should be able to stave off hunger with whatever dies in front of you. In lieu of a mechanic like that, I don't think it'll be happening. You should be able to harvest other materials such as bone, hair, and leather though. - Horse lady to be working on horses
  6. TFC icon and banner

    I'd say, a picture of one of TFC's caves (with stalactites/gmites and ore) would do the trick. For a banner 4 .