Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by EvilNecroid

  1. Ok getting rid of the stone pickaxe made the metal 1 sooo much more fun to get to because it instantly became extreamly usefull to the point where u cant live without it. But when i get to the part where im ready to make swords and armor i get bored because i can kill things easy enough with wood and leather so i feel like im wasting metal if i upgrade. So heres what im thinking should be done... Make a new area either biome, dungeon/cave or neather or something that has something of great value in it so people will really wanna go there but make it so u cant survive there unless u have the metal gear keeping in the theme of realizm maybe make it a dark forest biome with lions and tigers and bears oh my!
  2. "A new Age"

    i havent played DF mostly because of the graphics i think but if there was a 3D DF i would play it. there was once a DwarvenCraft mod for MC that rocked but slowly over time it got more and more crappy and then once the guy stopped support for the part of the mod that made u 1 block tall i no longer felt like a dwarf and stopped playing the mod
  3. "A new Age"

    ok i dont know about this village thing but a NEW AGE sounds great maybe an industrail age with digging machines now im talking waaaayyy different to what we've seen in other mods im talking big machines that r built in the world like the bloomery is built so its not just a 1 block machine like in industrailcraft or buildcraft. imagine how much ore it would take to build a factory!!! maybe im thinking too far ahead.. maybe start slow and have more medievil devices or something similar to that better then wolves mod. ow ow now theres an idea for ya bioxx what about a WINDMILL!!!