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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Metal Tiers

    As far as the infinite progression, there will of course have to some sort of hard limit based solely on the range that attributes could generate on a particular metal. Maybe 'Hardness' of a T5 material can only roll between 5 and 10 as an example. and we put a limit of 100 for any stat. That does create an eventual limit and a hard cap while still being far enough removed that there is plenty of reason to push forward. To the question of stone, it would not make sense to limit any of these to any particular stone type. The running idea is that every single island after tier 6 or w/e will have a set of procedural materials in addition to the static ores and minerals that spawn based upon rock types. As far as surface nuggets, that's not a thing in TFC2 quite yet and I'm not really sure weather it will be added or not. The exact changes to prospecting are still under review at this point. It's safe to assume that the current understanding of alloy production in TFC1 should not really be used as a baseline for comparison. As far as ore veins themselves. Veins do not generate like they used to the Y level issue really isn't an issue. Veins rise and fall as they please.
  2. Metal Tiers

    Probably not. I'll have to totally rewrite how we handle alloys right now as it is. Which isn't a bad thing really because while ti worked, it was really really messy and I should probably handle the whole thing in a better way.
  3. Metal Tiers

    I forgot that we'd actually discussed that kev12east. I'll add that to the op.
  4. Metal Tiers

    There's no way that I'm going to do procedural stone. Too many hurdles there, but there is always the option of metal plating your walls with the alloys as a substitute.
  5. Metal Tiers

    I wouldn't say that being a smith and being a metallurgist are the same thing. Nor would I liken it to alchemy. There is plenty of room for magic to be an additional optional advancement technique. How exactly we accomplish this is still open for discussion in another thread. I see metallurgy as its own profession or an offshoot of mining at the least. If anything this means that for purposes of multiplayer, I may go out and mine stuff up and discover an awesome metal alloy that is very good for armor specifically. Now I can make and sell/trade this with other players. At some point there will be so many possible combinations that you really will have something unique that no-one has made before and probably no-one will ever be able to figure out unless you share the recipe.
  6. Volcanoes

    It just sounded like you thought blue steel wouldnt be a thing. As far as the metal teirs, exactly how it needs to be done still eludes me a bit. There are a number of interesting possibilities that we'll have to explore, but that's a topic for another thread. As far as some kind of boss to fight in a volcano, that's not terrible.
  7. Volcanoes

    Not sure where you got that idea. I've not commented at all on metals in tfc2 I don't think.
  8. Crafting Table 2.0

    The more I think about it, the more that I like the idea of a modular workbench. Not quite what the OP suggested, but closer to what Saberwulfy mentioned above. If there is anything that I believe most folks can agree on, its that the need to build your smithy somewhat specifically in tfc1 was something that worked well and should be expanded upon. If we had some sort of bench that the player could customize by building a workshop in the area and then crafting could be done based on what was available, I think it would be pretty neat. Feel free to take the idea and run with it.
  9. Volcanoes

    Ehh there's a number of issues simply related to everything on an island interacting. Rivers, canyons, lakes, volcanos, cliffs. They all have to be able to coexist, or at the very least know that they need to ignore each other and not cross paths. Things like that. It should be easier than it has been, I'll probably figure it out. As far as if this discussion is even needed, if you guys want to figure out some gameplay purpose for volcanos besides looking fancy, then I'm all ears. I really haven't given it much thought. As to the eruption stuff, that would take way more time to code than I even want to think about. You guys may see fancy mc mods that do crazy stuff like tornados but it took that coder a whole heck of a lot of time to get that working and often mods like that don't play nice with anything else. Realistically there's only so much that the mc engine is really capable of doing well. I really don't think that proper justice could be done for a volcanic eruption even though it WOULD be badass.
  10. Coding Contest

    @Th3A1ph4d0g - I could always use more help, Darmo should get in touch with you either here, or in a pm or something so that he can go over things with you if you still want to help out.
  11. A more complex iron age.

    In regards to players skipping iron on their way to steel, I'd like to point out that the current island hopping progression that is planned will specifically require the player to acquire a specific tier of tools/weaponry in order to move on to the next island. I'm perfectly fine with exploring ideas for making the mechanics involved more interesting, but skipping tiers likely won't be an option.
  12. Volcanoes

    Anyone who has looked closely in the repo should know that I've toyed with volcanoes in the past. Islands are obviously perfectly suited for having volcanoes. My issue right now is just making them appear correctly in the world. It's a lot harder to adapt them to the island maps than one would wish.
  13. Encumberance Inventory system

    @Darmo - All points that I would make myself here. I would add to point 4 that having a pure weight system means that we could give a barrel 100 slots and it really shouldn't be unbalanced as long as items themselves aren't unbalanced. - As to the issue of size, I would say that the size parameter is probably already represented to some small extent by the stacksize system that we are forced to keep no matter what. Rather than trying to set some arbitrary size restriction like in TFC1, it seems easier and more intuitive for the player to not have to focus on that. Altering the inventory system in any way will add more complexity for the player to deal with, so our goal with the encumbrance system should be to present it to the player in a way that is as easy as possible for him/her to understand and deal with. TFC1 inventory was a good try at something new, but I was never really happy with it. It seems to me that if all I have to deal with is stack sizes and a weight indicator while I'm in a container, my time will be spent much more efficiently.
  14. Weighted Uncountable Material

    Kitty is VERY correct here. The vanilla crafting system is a massive pain to work around.
  15. Coding Contest

    Ehh I get this type of suggestion a lot but honestly it just wouldn't work. More often than not when I'm adding something it causes me to go back and rewrite something else or rethink something entirely. Having other people coding stuff would just interfere with that process. For me I create an outline of what I'm aiming for and then I just start coding something and even I don't know what it will ultimately look like in the end. The local weather system that I recently added looks significantly different than how I'd originally envisioned it when I started working on it, and it required edits to a whole host of other areas. When I had dunk to help code stuff it did take some load off my shoulders but it also meant that I had to rely on someone else which isn't my natural state. That said, I'm all for people submitting pull requests for various things, but we really aren't yet at that stage for TFC2. I am working hard at trying to get at least a little bit of work done each day so that we can get something playable out sooner rather than later. The place where I usually need help is just art related stuff. Darmo has been volunteering his help in making lots of animal models and textures in techne for me so that we can have a diverse ecosystem in tfc2 and it has helped a ton. Things like this are what I really need, as I have zero artistic talent.
  16. Handling your wood, Carpentry and logging.

    I actually really like something this.
  17. Saws & Sawmills

    This is a case where I would probably have to go against my stated belief that time is a perfectly acceptable resource for gameplay purposes. If you start to get carried away with making things take a very long time to break etc, you end up with ppl not bothering to continue to play to get to that next metal tier in the first place. Which completely negates any further progression tech. The number of times that I've had to adjust the hardness of stone is in imperfect but acceptable example of this. If my trade ship idea is implemented (And it probably will be attempted to be implemented at the least) then having more efficient ways to get more resources should be very valuable.
  18. Encumberance Inventory system

    @Darmo Doing what you're suggesting regarding stacksizes isn't really possible in mc off the top of my head. Stack sizes are determined either by the item itself or the container in which it resides. And it applies to ALL items in that container. So for the player to have a max stack size of 16 stone, ALL items in the players inventory would have to have a max stack size of 16 OR stone can only stack to 16 in ALL inventories. There is not middle ground with how containers work in mc. Obviously limiting the players inventory is a no-go and setting the stack size to 16 just keeps the same problem and makes others worse. Obviously there is the argument to be made about efficiency but that ultimately just requires a discussion of balance and a reason to not take a donkey deep underground into your mines for instance. As for the builders among us, Nothing really changes for them except a slight bit more inventory management since they'll have to go back to their work cart or other transportation source to pick up a bit more stone. On the flipside, what we gain is a more fully realized world with a purpose to a vanilla mechanic (minecarts) that even mojang has yet to provide.
  19. Encumberance Inventory system

    This is precisely it. I used to toy with railcraft in a mod pack in the past and it always bothered me how little point there was to making trains to carry goods.
  20. Well the easy way around that encumbering issue is to simply not make the corpse a standard item. Instead of appearing as a small icon in the world, it would need to have its own 3D model which would probably just be the entity mesh rotated on its side. Then to pick it up, the player has to activate it in some way.
  21. See this is the depth that I like to see in a suggestion There are specifics that I would change just due to personal preference and ofc other things that would have to be changed because of the difficulty of coding them to work, but overall I like the ideas presented. It's something that I've thought about for a while but with dunk mostly running the animal show in TFC1, I didn't want to delve into. Now that I'm the one doing entity work, I have the freedom to toy with things however I want. As with a great many things, a lot of the details here will depend on how the finished decay system looks in the end as well as other core mechanics. Keep up the ideas tho, I'll be watching this.
  22. Why TFC Multiplayer is highly problematic.

    Without expounding in depth, the OP makes some good points. Many of which I'm specifically attempting to address by designing TFC2 to have a more directed approach while still allowing the player to do whatever they want. There is, as others have pointed out, something to be said for adjusting exactly how you approach the game. I've always stated for instance that Steel is the final tier in TFC1 and everything beyond that is pure luxury. But if you want to shoot for the colored steels then the option is available to you. As for the depth in other areas, we just don't have the manpower for that. Finding someone that I am comfortable coding along side is not an easy thing, so probably 90% of content is done by me alone. Anyways, hopefully TFC2 will address some of these concerns. Edit: wierd double post Edit 2: I'd say more but Fallout 4 is calling me back.
  23. 2016

    As off-topic as this has become, I'm letting this thread remain open because of the continued interest in the discussion. However I'd like to remind everyone to remain civil and not let your thoughts or emotions that are brought out here, spill over into the rest of the forums.
  24. Separate Classes for different plant crops.

    This is something that I'll think about. I'm switching gears again but I've been working with food a bit lately. I'll see how I can apply this.
  25. 79.16 launched

    Alright guys, 79.16 is finally out. Thanks in no small part to Kittychanley spending oh so many hours bug fixing and cleaning up after all the coding mistakes of Dunk and I, we should hopefully have another stable build. Even though this is not a full version increase, we've included the new oil lamps to hopefully appease some of the crybabies I hope you guys enjoy the new patch! Head on over to the Download page to grab a copy and don't forget to read through the change log as always! Upgraded to Forge Important: This update breaks compatibility with the majority of TFC addons. Either uninstall all addons, or wait to update TFC until the addons you use are updated to be compatible.