Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Question about salt

    I'm going to take a look at making salting meats make a bit more sense with requirements. With 78 we had been so lazy that for so long that we just wanted to get a release out. So I released things in a workable state, tho not really their final state.
  2. WorldSpawn

    78 is rather buggy in how it sets the world spawn. I'm partially surprised that its continually changing it, and yet not entirely. Anyways this *should* be fixed for 79.
  3. Question about salt

    Believable does not mean that everything has to be accurate. The idea behind believable is that it gives us much leeway to change facts as we see fit to provide a desired gameplay outcome. A great many things are possible in the real world, but that does not mean that all of those things are beneficial to providing a progression based gameplay experience. In the case of salt, sure I could easily add boiling salt water to attain salt. But what would be the purpose besides just giving the player something else to waste time on when it would be that easy? Attaining the salt would be trivial at best and would cause two problems with the flow of the game with regards to how I want things to go. First of all, another aspect of real life is that salt is and always has been an incredibly important and valuable commodity to humans. Of course on earth you may need to travel hundreds or thousands of kilometers to reach ocean where salt is more abundant so naturally this creates areas that are more and less abundant in salt. In mc however it's rare to travel more than 1 or 2km before reaching ocean which causes the intrinsic value of salt to be extremely low. By only allowing salt mines and not seawater evaporation to provide salt, we are able to keep salt as an extremely valuable and sought after resource. Secondly, easy salt makes the food grind even more of a grind. It's no longer a welcome reward but is instead just another part of each players daily grind of trimming decay etc. Scarcity gives value. This is a core part of TFC. Now after having said all of that, The primary reason why no-one shuts up about wanting easy salt is because other preservation methods are not yet in. Obviously I'm aware of this. You guys should know after two years of this that I often implement stuff that needs other stuff later to make total sense. I promise that after 79, you're not going to care so much about sea water salt.
  4. Version 78.16 Available

    Version 0.78.16 Tweaks Bloomery now requires at least 1 ore to be lit to prevent dopes from wasting charcoal Sleeping should no longer autokill the player. When the players hunger plays catchup after sleeping, it now drains at half speed and the player will not take damage from this. However if the stomach is empty after playing catchup, the player will be subject to the normal damage rules regarding hunger. Mortar Recipes are now shapeless Ore blocks will no longer all sync to the client at worldgen/chunkload. Instead, only ore blocks that are exposed to air or a non-opaque block will attempt to sync. This should cut down on "Memory connection overburdened" console messages and speed up chunkloading. Many blocks are now flammable if they make sense including thatch. You're welcome. Added some "bad nbt" warnings to tooltips for items with bad nbt. Bug Fixes Bloomery doors should no longer go flying away when broken. Saddles on horses now sync for the client when closing the horse inventory.
  5. Smokehouse Multiblock Structure!

    It's not a bad idea. As ziat007 said, wood is preferable for sure. Don't be surprised if I use some of what you have here
  6. Irrigation / Water Channels

    The smooth stone idea is interesting. I've always wanted aquaducts in tfc and with rivers becoming more rare in 79 there would certainly be a place for it. I'll ponder on it for sure.
  7. Non-translucent doors and trapdoors

    It's not possible to create a non-opaquedoor in MC because any block that is not a full cube is considered non-opaque and allows light to bleed through. Edit: kitty informed me of vanilla stairs and slabs, so maybe it is possible after all. Anyways, it's something I'd have to look into in more detail.
  8. Cooking Skill and Recipes or Meals

    You are correct on your assumptions. As for skill level, it gets applied immediately starting from skill level 1.

    The sheer number of numbers that I'd have to come up with for this to work is crazy o.O, but that said, I'm not entirely opposed to this as it retains the exploration factor.
  10. No other dimensions?

    I may or may not have another dimension planned....
  11. Waiting around at night

    My philosophy is as follows. Forcing the player to be awake at night until they get a real bed causes two effects. First of all, its enough of an annoyance to make the drive to metal and finding sheep greater while at the same time, not penalizing the player (Being able to sleep is a bonus. Not being able to sleep is NOT a penalty). Secondly, It can create some interesting/memorable experiences if you're not the type of player to dig a hole and go afk. Whenever I get my mob ai stuff working all those danger arguments will go out the window anyways. It is very important to note that often times, we make changes with future changes in mind.
  12. Thank you Bioxx and Dunk!

    Glad to hear that you came back and are enjoying TFC once again.
  13. Game Mechanic - Metal Failure

    This wont be making a comeback. Features like this are nice in theory and tfc originally went this route. However all it ultimately did was cause us to have tons of new items and recipes for all the metals as well as any associating code to manage them. Then we needed to have new art as well. All in all, it added very little gameplay value since after your first playthrough you'd never use gold for your axe again. I'm very against discoverable features that are no longer discoverable after the first playthrough since nothing changes. It's a cheap gimmick at best. It also caused a headache for me to have to balance and provide maintenance for.
  14. Depth and temperature

    if anything, the temperature would actually increase with depth as it does in RL. This however is not currently present in TFC.
  15. Version 0.78.15 Bug Fixes Stone anvils no longer show plans for copper tools since they couldn't be used to make them anyways. Fixed removing logs from a lit pit kiln. Fixed certain blocks breaking rendering by forcing all blocks to render all sides at all times. Fixed ingot pile dupe bug Fixed chalcolithic achievement not always being attainable. Removed most of the Z-Fighting(Two faces trying to render in the exact same space causing flickering between textures) that would occur with placed planks and corrected the UV maps that they used for rendering. Flint and steel should no longer set blocks on fire if used on a block that can be activated. Wood Constructs now do some operations to render less blocks when possible. If an entire face is formed with identical wood types (8 planks side by side), instead of rendering 8 separate blocks, a single block is rendered instead.
  16. This thread is for discussing the prospect of staying with 1.6.4 moving forward. After some further testing it appears that my issues are limited to running the game in eclipse. I built a jar of the mod and played in a live environment where it performs quite well, so this entire discussion is moot
  17. Moving Forward

    Hey guys, time for a little TFC sitrep. First of all, I want to say hello to all of our new fans who've been flooding in recently. We hope you enjoy the mod and stick with us going forward. Now onto where things stand and where they are going. MC v1.7 Currently we have a functioning 1.7 branch. This means that we can properly generate worlds but a lot of content is still very broken. However my current thoughts are not very positive when it comes to actually going to 1.7 with Build 79. As I am sure many of you who've tried 1.7 already realize, 1.7 tends to be a performance killer for many folks. Personally I have a very nice gaming rig so actual FPS isn't an issue. What IS an issue however is the terribly slow chunkloading times. If this cannot be solved than I can say that we will certainly not be moving past 1.6.4 for the foreseeable future. I've created a poll and discussion thread to hear what you guys think about this over here. Build 79 As for actual content in 79, I don't want to get into too many specifics. A few things that we can hope to get into 79 however include: Rewritten barrels that can be used for liquid OR solid storage with a special bonus for food. Expanded Fishing and Trapping Rewritten Sluice <-This was one of the first things that I ever programmed for MC Changing how animals/mobs spawn so that they no longer use the terrible vanilla system. As is usual these are subject to change and in now way represent the entirety of what we'll be working on in 79. Build 78 I'm fairly proud to say that Build 78 is one of our most stable builds yet. This is in no small part due to Kittychanley routinely forcing us to actually fix these bugs and even fixing a few herself. Some work has already been completed on a 78.14 patch and I'm hoping that we can say that's the final hotfix. Although we'll continue to hotfix if truly needed.
  18. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    Don't worry thatch towers will get nerfed.
  19. Loaded Chunk Question

    This is not correct and neither is your earlier assumption about saplings needing to be loaded. As is pretty much the norm in TFC, whenever any object that stores a timestamp gets loaded, it rapidly goes through the motions of catching up to the current time. This means that leaving a sapling in an unloaded trunk and coming back in a few weeks will see it grown. The same goes for crops. You could have your farm in the south where it's warmer and live hundreds of blocks away with no issues. Simply loading the chunks containing the crops will cause them to catch up to the current world time. Only mechanics that work on a very short timescale would use the vanilla style mechanics of needing to be loaded such as fires and heating/cooling items.
  20. Website Under Load

    Assuming that you can get this page to load then you'll know that the website is experiencing very high traffic recently. We apologize for the slowdown and are actively looking at ways to improving your browsing experience. Please give us some time to sort this out. Thanks
  21. Outdated Guide: @echo offtitle ===Simple Minecraft Error Test=== - by Mr_okushama and _303echo ===Simple Minecraft Error Test===echo.echo Starting -Xincgc -Xmx1024m -cp "%APPDATA%.minecraftbinminecraft.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl_util.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinjinput.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%.minecraftbinnatives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraftecho.echo Finished sessionecho.echo.echo Right click, Select all,echo Press Enter (This will copy the output to your clipboard).echo Then paste the result on http://www.pastebin.comecho.echo ===========#Risucraft===========echo.pause
  22. Your server crash makes 0 sense and you're the only person that has this issue so far. So my immediate assumption is that your installation is bad somehow. The line of code throwing the exception literally cannot be reached on a server. hence why no one else seems to be reporting this. If your issue is continuing to persist across worlds then its definitely something in your installation that is borked. How or what is beyond me. The same thing applies to your client crash. The detailed blocks code has been functioning perfectly for months.
  23. This issue has been fixed in a ghost fix. Re-download 78.12 if you haven't already. NEVER EVER set FOOD_DECAY_RATE <= 1. Anyone who was, was being stupid.
  24. Berry help

    Berries do not reproduce and there is no other way to get them than by transplanting to your home. I believe that kitty still needs to make that page on the wiki. I WOULD add it but I have 0 know how when it comes to wiki stuff and kitty is very particular about her baby.
  25. The temperature gauge is very important because an item can only heat up to the temp of the fire. However, it was decided to only allow item cooking if the fire was not in its dying phase to simplify the code somewhat.