Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. I'm not going to give actual numbers but there's a ~30-40% increase in durability from Steel to Black Steel. You also need to then factor in the fact that the speed of breaking rocks also increases the higher tier that you go. Also the enchantability once I get to that point. Overall the tools are a solid increase at each tier. The question yet again comes down to, do you want to spend the time needed to make those tools to use every day. It takes a ton of ore to make the anvils etc that are required so its not cheap.

    For SMP, if you have a dedicated smith who loves to smith stuff then its not such an issue, esp with several miners and bloomeries running. For SSP everything is much harder.


  2. I wouldn't call it end-game per se. IRL there might be better metals for certain things but you wouldn't always use it because another metal is cheaper even if not quite as effective. That is ultimately how metals work in TFC. Blue and Red Steel are far and away better than everything else, it jsut comes down to how much time and energy that the smith wants to put into it.


  3. I actualyl did consider renaming it to sickle, however the sprite doesn't match as it was designed to be a scythe. That said, I'll probably be adding a sickle later. For now the scythe will be fulfilling the rolls of both a scythe and a sickle.


  4. Also when you're looking at the wiki, the Working Heat Level is the minimum heat required to work the metal. You want to heat it PAST that level in order to have a comfortable amount of time to shape the metal. I've updated the metals page in the wiki to hopefully be a little more easily understandable.


  5. Some interesting ideas here. Remember that as the system becomes more challenging, it also needs to be rewarding, otherwise it becomes a nuisance and just more tedium that does not equal fun. I like where this is going however. Continue throwing around ideas and I'll be checking back here later.


  6. Crysyn is correct, the ideas are sound but only really serve to introduce tedium. It's a careful balance where the line must be toed between tedium and fun drawn out gameplay. Everyone has their own idea of what point that line is, however the trick is finding a point where everyone finds it at least acceptable :P. As far as everyone just trying to tech up by mining, its important to note that, that is the only complete feature in place at this time so ofc everyone is jsut doing that. With time, as I can get more areas of the game done, you'll see that things will naturally slow down.


  7. Apparently I need to address this so I'll do it here. This thread was not closed because of some rage issue. I closed it on order to prevent this from catching on. Simple as that. The current wiki is whitelisted. If you want access, all you need to do is make an account at the wiki and ask for editing permission. It's really quite simple.


  8. Terrain IS more hilly than before, and this is mostly not intended. I have purposefully added more variation to terrains in order to make the terrain more realistic to some extent. However when I raised the terrain to 145, a lot of anomalies occurred, including the obvious issue of too drastic terrain. Rivers in particular do not want to generate properly I've noticed.

    I get a lot of grief when I force world gen changes in updates so I try to spread them out a bit. I'll be taking a look at addressing this issue among others as I implement the agri changes.


  9. The moronic behavior that was mentioned above is part of the reason why our wiki is closed to the public. I don't do any wiki editing myself, however we do allow a several others besides spAnser to edit the wiki. Another large part of why the wiki is closed, is due to people at the old wiki decompiling the mod and posting raw data that is not intended to be shared. TFCraft is not meant to be a numbers game. As soon as important raw numbers get exposed, it changes the entirety of how players think about the game when they play. If you feel the wiki is missing something, recommend it in a pm or a post here on the forums, and spAnser or someone else will get to it.

    Lastly, and very importantly, having numerous wikis floating around does not bode well for the future when something changes. I can have someone quickly modify the current wiki when I make an important change, but if an unofficial wiki is floating about with no-one maintaining it, people are liable to be following bad advice. Please stick to the official wiki and recommend changes as needed.

    I'm locking this thread because I do not approve of an unofficial wiki.


  10. Exploit mining was the practice of digging tunnels by mining the top block of your tunnel first and then digging down. Open Pit quarries are not affected by this at all. Players were using this technique as it would never ever cause a cave in if done properly. The initial parameters for checking for a cavein were changed to prevent this behavior from working.


  11. Outdated Guide:



    If you are experiencing a crash please follow these instructions.

      [*]Open Notepad [*]Paste the following:
    [*]Save the file anywhere as a .bat file. If using widnows you can do this by changing the file save type to "All Files (*.*)" and name your file "minecrafterrortest.bat" [*]Run the bat file and it will launch minecraft. When your crash occurs, follow the instructions in the console window and then give us the log.

    @echo offtitle ===Simple Minecraft Error Test=== - by Mr_okushama and _303echo ===Simple Minecraft Error Test===echo.echo Starting -Xincgc -Xmx1024m -cp "%APPDATA%.minecraftbinminecraft.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinlwjgl_util.jar;%APPDATA%.minecraftbinjinput.jar" -Djava.library.path="%APPDATA%.minecraftbinnatives" net.minecraft.client.Minecraftecho.echo Finished sessionecho.echo.echo Right click, Select all,echo Press Enter (This will copy the output to your clipboard).echo Then paste the result on http://www.pastebin.comecho.echo ===========#Risucraft===========echo.pause


  12. That all comes down to player responsibility. Either don't allow people that don't know what they're doing to play on your server or use WorldEdit (it's compatible with non bucket servers isn't it?) to control who owns what land. I don't typically make decisions because they're popular, I make them because they feel right :P


  13. Yes it is a design decision to make getting sequoia and kapok saplings impossible. This is partially a balance issue (I know I could let you have small trees if I wanted), but it also has two other reasons behind it.

    • It intoduces a concept to lumber that is lacking, scarcity. You might have all the wood you could need for a while if you start in a jungle biome but you'll find out sooner or later that it all goes away and you'll never gain have purple planks unless you find another jungle. The same goes for sequoia.
    • It also raises awareness to the very real problem that we face on earth of our jungles being wiped out by systematic logging. (I'm no tree hugger, but this sad).

  14. They extended the world height.... awkwardly.. its technically two chunk sets on top of each other, this makes extending the worlds a bit more complicated ;)

    Yes it's terribly annoying. Dunkleosteus is looking at it but he has been htting the same roadblocks as me. We'll see.


  15. Prospecting Pick
    Any threads suggesting a change to the Prospecting Pick to make it easier or more accurate will be summarily terminated. In any system that I implement, I try to do justice to the folks that do these things for real. Prospecting takes years to learn and master. As such, prospecting in TerraFirmaCraft is a skill. It CAN be mastered. In fact there are quite a few people who have already discovered how to use it to great effect.

    This is the nature of TerraFirmaCraft. Not everyone will be good at everything. This is by design. I don't WANT everyone to be masters at everything. Please accept this. Thank you.

    There are plenty of things that NPCs could be used for in TFC but none of your reasons are good enough for me to want to have to add NPCs to the equation on top of everything else. Whats that? Your idea IS good enough? No its not.

    Once TFC leaves beta and we have in place an easy way for others to create mods targeted at TFC and you want NPCs then by all means add them. It is not and will not be a focus of our development.
    More suggestions that should not be posted are listed below by the rest of the TFC staff. Make sure that you read this entire thread, not just this post.
