Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. I think that a good texture will allow the hump to look more natural, right now with it all being one color it really stands out more than it might in the final version. Just something to keep in mind.


  2. I'll get around to setting up a page at some point soon. Sometimes guaranteed money like that creates pressure that random donations do not which is not always desirable. That said, money is a good motivator :)


  3. On 5/6/2016 at 0:47 PM, Pwnlord said:

    Personally, I think the best expansion of TFC's exploration-based gameplay would be sacrificial pits. Create a Sacrificial Altar, and when activated, it creates a permanent flame. Interacting with the flame tells you what it wants and what you'll get-drop in a stack of Rotten Flesh, get a small gem; drop in a bar of tool metal, get an enchantment, drop in a bar of tool metal AND a tool AND a stack of Rotten Flesh, get an enchanted weapon-or a spell in the form of a weapon ala TES' Bound Weapons. Of course, there's no guarantee that it's going to want something that simple-it might want meat from an animal that only spawns several thousand blocks away, or a stack of Reeds, or a Lilypad, or some Olives, get the idea. Might even want some Galena. Wouldn't that be nice.

    Reminds me of the altar under the Mages Guild in Skyrim. Sortof.


  4. Yeah looks good to me.

    For future reference. if you guys could add [FINAL] to the post name when you're done (if we have permissions set up for that) it would be super helpful since I don't always add the models to game right away.


  5. On 5/9/2016 at 9:51 AM, Miner239 said:

    Dude, there's no nether in TFC. Kitty said:

    Dungeons, maybe.

    To be fair, that's TFC1. It should be reiterated, TFC2 is not TFC1. Nothing from the TFC1 forums applies here.


  6. This isn't something that I'm terribly opposed to, but its not really on my radar for now. I need to come up with a distinct set of rules for the lore of the world anyways so I'll consider rudimentary firearms going forward. 


  7. MCModelCreator v1.08

    Download (Windows)

    Linux and Mac support may be added at a later date.



    • Fixed Parent blocks at the root not exporting UV settings for their own box if they weren't tagged NoBox


    • Size input fields now support decimal places
    • Added new export format (*.tfc2). This format is meant specifically for TFC2 since I've added a slightly custom version of ModelRenderer that supports floating point numbers for box sizes.


    • Added Settings Tab to Left Pane
    • Added button to reset the camera on the currently selected box
    • Added button to deselect current box


    • Changed lighting to hopefully give a more accurate representation when previewing textures.


    • Fixed mouse rotation issue when hovering over the base block.


    • Fixed RenderToTexture UV incorrect scaling when the zoom was not 1x.


    • Fixed RenderToTexture outputting garbage UV values
    • Texture preview screen now highlights the UVs for the currently selected box.


    • Input boxes are now tabbable
    • Increased zooming speed
    • Creating a new box now automatically selects it from the list.
    • Made a few tooltips more noticabl

  8. 1 hour ago, Darmo said:

    For those that want to help, it's worth pointing out that we already have done many animals (including fox).  If you contact us first we can give you an animal to try that hasn't been done yet, and your first model might make it into the game.   Otherwise you risk it not being used.  We can still use it to judge your skill, but it's not going to make it into the game unless it's better than the one we have already.


    Darmo is pretty much the lead on the modeling stuff since he has a pretty good idea of what I'm looking for with the general art direction.


  9. I'll post here when I've updated MCMC from now on.

    Edit: I've made a pinned thread for that now.

    With this first post, I've pushed a new version with some of the requested lighting changes. Shadow casting is off by default now and the material applied to the model in the editor now has 0 smoothness which should help with some of the lighting reflection that was occurring.


  10. You're correct, the shape of the head is good, but maybe the scale of it is the issue? Honestly tho, that's something that I can handle with a simple GL call in game.

    Heres a good thin raccoon photo.

    I think the model in V2 here will probably look perfectly fine once textured, and if need be, I can scale the head down to like 80-90% of its current size.


  11. 1 hour ago, Darmo said:

     Though depending on how uh, grim TFC2 is planned to be, it would be interesting if the player could also capture enemy humanoids, make them a prisoner with manacles or something, and feed them to the spider!

    Lol that's some Dwarf Fortress stuff right there.


  12. I like the overall shape of the head. However the body seems a bit thick. Raccoons tend to get a thick coat in the colder months that makes them look very fat, but they really aren't fat creatures usually. That said, if we slim the body at all, it may make the head look too big so this shape is probably acceptable.


  13. Looks good, I like the shape. I agree, I don't think the mane is really required. As far as the eyes. I don't mind them as they are, so if the bigger eyes don't look quite right either, then 2x1 is perfectly acceptable. Evil giraffe is kinda funny.
