Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Splode

  1. Encouraging specialization

    Compared to vanilla MC, I find a lot of specialisation happens in TFC. The fact that many of the jobs can be performed by unskilled newbies usually works out well for me, as a lot of the people I play with can't be bothered to learn the more complicated mechanics, and are happy to just cut down trees, produce charcoal, hunt, or fish while the few dedicated players prospect, smith, and oversee mining and farming.
  2. My only concern is over lead pipes. Maybe re-enacting the fall of the Roman empire is a bad idea? Lead poisoning is not a fun thing. As for someone discussing alcohol, I think it's viable if the whole water-level system becomes a survival issue. Alcohol is found in every society dating back before things like bread, because it's often the only source of drink when clean water is unavailable. There is no reason to put it into TFC unless two things happen: it becomes possible to die of thirst, and it becomes possible to contaminate water. Considering how much work this would be, I'm not sure if they should bother with alcohol...
  3. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    This would be amazing, because TFC adds a lot to the early game of minecraft, and Redpower & Thaumcraft add a lot to the late game. I don't care much about thaumcraft (only because last time I checked, it was singleplayer only, and magic is for pussies and elves). I love redpower though, as I can automate EVERYTHING. Redpower II and TFC could end up creating some amazing facilities. You could build a steelworks controlled from a central computer. Railcraft would be a lovely addition to this project too.
  4. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Hi all! I'm new to these forums, been mucking around with this mod for a few months, it's wonderful. I warn you now, this is going to be a long post, feel free to skip it! I run a fairly small server, 10 people max. On this server, I attempted to set up a player-run economy. On a vanilla server, I immediately ran into an issue: Food was worthless, because of the current death penalty (none.) I used a plug in called ban on death, and set the penalty to 15 minutes. Two things happened: - People valued their lives CONSIDERABLY more, and food was extremely valuable. Up there with iron. - The server died. As people have pointed out, if you can't play for fifteen minutes, you just go and play something else. This death penalty also had another issue. A pvp war began (un-moderated, this server is entirely player run), and I had to step in as admin and demand they came to an agreement, because the war was never going to end. In fifteen minutes, dead players still came back, now with even less to lose, because their base was destroyed. I've been following this thread closely, as a solution to this problem is essential not just in TFC, but in minecraft! So far, I've seen nothing useful, just people suggesting new respawn debuffs, which have been (wisely) repeatedly rejected, and bickering. I don't have an answer, but lets think about other games where dying is and isn't an issue: Quake style shooters have no death penalty, but reward survivors much like ECC is suggesting: surviving allows you to accumulate armour and better weapons, dying resets you to your starting gun and no armour. However, due to tiny map sizes, getting these advantages back is not a massive issue. as a result, players tend to value killing others over their own lives. It's not a big problem like MC, but I don't think it makes death a big enough catastrophe. DF: remember, individual dwarfs die permanently. TFC makes you feel like a dwarf, but remember: In df, ALL but one of your dwarves can die, and you don't lose! DF has a very harsh penalty for losing (permadeath of the fortress), but DF is a very bad game to use to help us decide this, as DF is all about losing. The game is about either how long you can avoid losing, or how catastrophically you can lose. TFC is not this game! most singleplayer games make you reload from a previous point in time, but MC doesn't really work that way, though it's a possible Singleplayer solution we should take seriously. Old fashioned saving. As for multiplayer, I think ECC's "world de-buff" is GENIUS. This mod has so many time-eating mechanics that I only play it multiplayer because singleplayer is too slow. Inevitably, TFC is a co-op game where you live in a village. Making you have to reclaim your village is the kind of mechanic that means death is to be avoided and continues to encourage cooperation, one of the things that makes this game truly realistic. What I'm saying is, the dead-body DF style Ghost (please not a zombie, use a ghost. Everyone is sick of zombies of any sort) is enough of a death 'penalty', when combined with dropping all your items, and potentially respawning far from your home (pre-bed) or far from wherever you were if not at home. To be clear: the dead body problem means dying at home SUCKS, as you have to clear out your home again to make it safe. the displacement mechanic currently in native minecraft (spawn back at your bed) means dying far from home ALSO sucks, as you will probably lose all your items. Good thinking ECC!