Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by w43gy5v4y5hw6g4w7hjuim56ew

  1. Rock knapping duplication bug

    Since I had several mods currently running I decided to make sure this was an TFC issue and not an issue caused by other mods. With a clean install with Minecraft, forge, api and TFC. It seems like it's easier to get this duplication if you hold in Shift and then press both buttons. But yes it's an bug in TFC.
  2. Rock knapping duplication bug

    I'll try to explain this as accurately as I can. Sorry for any grammar errors or if I explain this in a bad way. Just like always, equip the rock in your hand and right click. Once the knapping interface is up, cut out the shape of any item. Place the item you created in the inventory. (Do not close the knapping interface) Pick up any rock stack you have and hover them over the single box to the right of the knitting interface. Then push both the left mouse button and the right at the same time. This will start a new knapping rock and put the leftover stones in your inventory but also create duplicate rocks which it drops on the ground. So if you started with 64 stones and you opened the knapping interface and made an item. You now have an item + 63 rocks. You picked up those 63 rocks and placed them in the box to restart the knapping process. But instead of pressing left mouse button or the right. You pressed both at the same time. At this point something messes up and it drops 63 duplicated rocks on the ground. But also restarts the knapping process which takes 1 stone from your original 63 rocks. So you end up with 62 original rocks in your inventory and 63 duplicated rocks on the ground. Feel free to censor certain parts so that only Mods/Administrators can read them. Would help a bit to prevent abuse on multiplayer.
  3. Temperature bar

    I wish to make a minor suggestion addition to this. Instead of slowly losing health because you're too warm or too cold. I'd rather have it like you get slower, vision gets blurry or you might even pass out for x amounts of ingame hours. As to the health loss, I suggest that only happens if you don't drink for several days and food for several weeks. It's a lot of time but it's realistic, but then again... Biomes are tiny compared to the real world, so I guess this can be tweaked to be balanced.
  4. Yes, I meant the firepit. It's my fault for mistaking the name, thanks for helping me and responding so quickly and I'm glad it wasn't some glitch caused by interfering mods. //Off topic: Do you happen to know how you can change your character skin to x32?
  5. I do have Optifine and the following mods / versions. Optifine_1.4.5_HD_D Forge Mod Loader: Minecraft Forge: CodeChicken Core: 0.6.11 mod_GuiAPI: 0.15.1 Smart Moving: 1.0 Smart Render: 1.0 TFC Universal:_Core_B2_Build69 Could any of these be outdated or broken that's causing this problem?
  6. This is a wonderful texture pack and it works great. But I noticed that the fire animation isn't showing up on the fireplace. I'm not sure if I just screwed up the installation or if this is a overall glitch. I'd greatly appreciate a reply if this is a glitch or something I can fix myself, thank you.