Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Cakey

  1. Ruins

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum?(Yes/No): Yes Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted. Hi, I am a big fan of Terrafrimacraft and beside some things I complained about I really liked it. I wanted to know If there is any chance to make original structures in TFC2? Some ruins after wild tribes living there before or something. What do you think about those things? I think it would make long distance trips a lot more interesting. It could be just something simple but extra structures were always loved by people and I think It would be great Idea.
  2. World Generation Settings

    What about adjusting seasons length? Would it be possible?
  3. Fatigue

    Let me put there a little critique. I know what you mean by realistic fatigue, but I don't think that doing nothing/watching your character in sleep animation is interesting thing. I frankly think that it would make gameplay really boring. In normal minecraft you don't sleep untill all people in server sleeps and it last like a moment but you suggest to watch your character doing sleep animation for this entire time. I am a player that is active whole 24 hours, so it would be just wasting time for me. Second thing. We(They) can add an urge to pee and poop too but I think there is enough options already and adding fatigue would be too much. Maybe It could be vouluntary like it was in vanilla minecraft. Maybe it would stop consuming your food and water so you can last longer without that suppies so it could be useful in winter? That would be much better idea that just making players lost their time and fun watching their character in sleep animation.
  4. Ruins

    I thought just about interesting spots on map. Just looking good. I thought that as a souvenir there could be some rare stones like flux or salt or just things that you really could use but they requiers a lot of work and time to make. I just wanted the "evidence" that someone lived there. Ruined hut with some old orchard or old, small mine with some ores in there, maybe some wild chickens. It would be cool if there would be something like sonehenge or sacred groves! Chunkhunter. I think it wouldn't work very well on TFC. Since it is about survival I would maybe suggest something with technology like furnance but it is the most that I would put in there. Mostly becouse if it would too good it would be very very rare and I don't like idea of going through the whole world to find something interesting like it sometimed happend in TFC1.