Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by CreepyCreeps100

  1. Thermometers/Glass addition

    Hey guys now that bioxx has added temperatures to the ambient i can finally add my thermometer suggestion to this lovely forum. I know i have to keep these separate but they are both required to make the item. First of all we need to extract mercury from cinnabar ore by crushing it, making sulfuric powder which then has to be thrown in a rotary furnace separating the mercury from the sulfur by evaporating the metal. To collect the evaporated metal that is where glass condensing tubes come in. The glass tubes need to be placed inside the furnace in the corresponding slots (most similar to how the forge works with molds) or else the metal is lost in the air causing the player some severe poisoning if to close to the source. After that you will happen to have a tube full of pure mercury which can be used as you please. To create the thermometer block you need a glass works, a placeable block crafted by using 5 stone in a boat shape with the rest filled with cobble of the same stone you are using. This block functions similarly to the metallurgy table except with the use of plans and two new buttons called "Blow" and "Float" to create the item you want. In order to use the table you need to melt the glass back down to a blob and put the required amount of glass required to make the item. The glass has to be placed in a certain order to obtain the final result. In order to create the thermometer you need to place the two vertical rows of glass top to bottom and one slot away from each other and place the plan in the slot and press the "Blow" button to make the thermometer. To fill the thermometer simply place it on the ground and right click it with a tube of mercury. The Mercury tube will drain out and fill the thermometer leaving you with an empty vile to be used again in the furnace. Notice tho that the mercury will evaporate in the summer or in high temperature areas then requiring you to fill it again. You do not want to place the thermometer next to your crops or the plant will decease and leave you with nothing. Hope you guys like the idea. How to crate the rotary furnace? I will leave that up yo you since i explained a fair amount to you above by bashing your head in with a ton of words closely attached together with other paragraphs. By means, See you in the comments :D :D
  2. Gunpowder

    That proves that i do not know anything about it.
  3. Calamari and Mutton

    He did not say that you didnt install it. He said to update it.
  4. Gunpowder

    its cool. My misunderstanding.I never played Dune...
  5. Gunpowder

    Tell me why.Your idea is going somewhere no?
  6. Speeding up torch creation while keeping it true.

    You know you can use the forge to burn torches 5x faster right? Making them then is just takes one sweat.
  7. Speeding up torch creation while keeping it true.

    Good point.
  8. Let's Play?

    That is some damn well fine settings you got there. I will be glad to watch your LP, but you have to work a bit on your mic: it sounds a bit jittery and low volume, but the rest is fine! You will be perfect!
  9. A topic of concern

    Those are just the way minecraft generation works in vanilla.When you go in a desert you can always find a patch of floating sand that when updated will trigger it to fall. Since dirt can fall now, you have to be careful where you place your torches or the entire roof of dirt will collapse creating a mass ravine on the surface
  10. Minecraft Crashes When Trying to Switch TexturePack

    This can happen due to high memory consumption. It all depends on what mods are installed and your pc specs.
  11. Gunpowder

    Yes, the gunpowder is already plannedAnd no,i do not think you are telling me what you need the spice for, other than selling it in another game (Spore reference) Please expand your idea about the spices
  12. Minecart idea

    Railcraft will work with this mod, if you can get all the Block IDs right, but you would not be able to craft the items legit in a survival game
  13. Gunpowder

    You explained everything so poorly.You sound like a bot to me. Can you atleast look at other threads before posting yours to prevent the spamming of the same idea. All suggestions have to have their own thread. This is not a wishlist website
  14. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!

    This is a very minor change to the leaves to sticks mechanic. Kinda bugs me to see that trees leaves only drop sticks... In my opinion they should drop also branches, which is used with an axe on a crafting grid used to make sticks. Think of it as a bonus of sticks. Branches can also be used in a fireplace as fuel.
  15. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!

    Yes, i noticed i messed up on the title. It's suppose to be ''The smallest suggestion EVAR"
  16. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!

    I already do that.This topic was posted to scratch my back for awhile to stop irritating me
  17. TITLE SAYS IT ALL!! just wanted to know if anyone knows a what level ores would spawn.
  18. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    As i can see. You want to see pumpkins have other uses than just making them into lanterns. Melons also seem pointless since they only heal 2/1 hunger. I think that the more nutrient the food is, the more it fills the tank.
  19. Enhanced Calender

    So i was thinking about how our character can magically tell time by pressing the "N" key 0n your keyboard. Well i want that changed as is seems "Unbelievable" (As bioxx does not want the word realistic in the topics). My idea is to create a method to make a calender block which can be placed on a wall to tell the date and a watch that can tell time( this is an end game Item) rather than that annoying watch in vanilla minecraft that only tells the position of the sun, the TFC clock can tell the hours minutes and seconds. All the ideas to be able to make these items will come from the public community of the forums
  20. My guy it Thirsty i need to drink water

    They are not being rude. They are trying to help you get better at making threads in this particular forum.Also you can take spelling examples from other comments on other threads just like the one i just typed to help your grammar. Simple as that....
  21. Enhanced Calender

    Um, Exactly?
  22. Thermometers/Glass addition

    Well at least we got the idea out there when agriculture is out. I will wait whatever time i need to wait then and hopefully this will be added.
  23. Resins and Awesome Tree Stuff

    WOW, Those trees look AWESOME! I want to see them in game!
  24. Thermometers/Glass addition

    Mercury production has been started about 500 years ago so why not put it in a suggestion? You do not necessarily need some kind of electricity in order to make this idea function correctly.