Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by wildfirefly12

  1. Book and Quill?

    Hmm... not sure what exactly I am doing wrong. It is just a shapeless recipe of a book, feather, and ink sac, and yet no combination of those three items works for me. I tried deleting the configs in case that was an issue, but it didn't help.
  2. Animals!

    Buffalo and Bison aren't the same thing, but many people misidentify the American Bison (Bison Bison) as Buffalo. I don't really know much about aurorchs.
  3. Animals!

    The incessant breeding for bigger and bigger animals was another reason why I wanted to include the amount of food the individual animal needed to survive on. I forgot to include this in my post above, but that would also be affected by the size of the animal. Obviously a larger animal would require more food to survive on. Therefore a cow the size of a house wouldn't be practical due to the amount of food it would require to even get that large. Speaking of, availability/quality of food could limit the size each animal could reach. Also, I think there could also be a size cap to limit the size the animals could reach. IRL a cow couldn't reach the size of a house because it's body isn't designed to be that large. It wouldn't survive.
  4. Temperature bar

    Another random thought... there could also be hot springs? Pools of warm/hot water in various spots in the world. Although you would need a way to visually differentiate them from cold water.
  5. Animals!

    This may be overly complicated, but as I was thinking about how I would be breeding my animals in game, I realized that there wasn’t a lot of incentive to be selective. So I began wondering what if each animal had specific traits that were desirable or undesirable in the animals you were breeding? If specific traits were implemented (not necessarily those below) it would give an incentive for players to not only be selective in which animals to breed to which, but also to seek out better breeding stock throughout the world. So when you move from hunting to farming instead of hunting for the biggest, most impressive animals to kill, you are hunting for them to capture and tame. These are the traits I’ve been considering: Cows – Size, Meat Yield, Meat Quality, Milk Quality, Amount of Food required to survive Pigs – Size, Meat Yield, Meat Quality, Amount of Food Sheep – Size, Amount of Wool Yielded, Amount of Food needed Chickens – Size, meat quality, amount of food needed Wolves/dogs – Size, total health, defense, attack Explanation of Traits Size – Obviously this is simply the overall size of the animal. (I realize this is already implemented in the game, I felt I needed to include it though.) This would affect other traits such as meat yield for prey animals. Meat Yield – The amount of meat the animal produces. This would depend on the size of the animal and their fat to meat ratio. This could also depend on the type of feed an animal is given. For instance those fed on grass would not necessarily produce as much meat as those fed on grain. Meat Quality – This would simply be how filling the meat is. I’m not sure if this would be possible to implement as I realize it would probably cause the same stacking problems that food decay would. Milk Quality – How much thirst milk sates and perhaps the possibility that it would sate some hunger as well? (I’m not sure if milk currently or will ever sate thirst or if this could cause the same issue as meat quality.) Amount of Food – This would be how much food (of whatever source is implemented) each individual animal requires to survive. It would also be interesting if the amount of food available above and beyond the needed survival amount could increase the overall meat yield of the animal. Amount of Wool yielded – This would be pretty much the same as the meat, except it would not necessarily depend on fat content, but perhaps just size and food quality? Total health – Simply the total health an animal has available to it. Defense – How resistant an animal is to attacks. Attack – How effective an animal’s attack is. Perhaps there could also be more negative traits, such as aggression towards the player, even when tamed. Also, I realize there has to be an in game way to discover these traits. Perhaps simply including the information when right clicking on the animal? I know a lot of this idea needs a lot of tweaking, but that is what this forum is for is it not?
  6. pile of ideas

    I love the idea of revamping the chicken/egg. It would be interesting if domestic chickens only laid eggs if provided with a coup. (IRL you would place a fake "egg" in the coup to encourage the hen to use it.) Also, it would be more believable if wild chickens only laid eggs in "nests" of some sort. That would require the player to actually go out and search for the location of a nest. Each next could have a chance of having 0-[some reasonable number] eggs in it. Also on the side of believability, only female chickens should be able to lay eggs. As far as breeding chickens, what if you had to incubate the eggs using sand warmed in the sun or over a firepit? It would take 1 or two TFC weeks (IRL it takes about 21 days) for the egg to hatch. But, there is also a chance that the egg won't hatch. I also wonder if there was a way to implement needing a rooster in the vicinity of the incubated eggs in order for them to have a chance to successfully hatch? This are just a few of my ideas regarding this subject. My aunt raises her own chickens and the minecraft versions have always bugged me. PS. This is completely on an aesthetic line of thought, but it would also be nice if roosters were visually distinctive from hens as well as chicks.
  7. Animals!

    I just have a couple animal related questions/suggestions. Are Aurochs (if I'm remember what is planned to be implemented correctly) going to be similar in concept to the American Bison? My last semester of college I took a Montana History class and learned all about the Bison Jumps. TFC reminds me so much of everything else I learned about in that class I have this crazy desire to create a Bison jump on one of the plains and... well, use it! Also, are birds (other than chickens) at all planned. (I should probably double check the planned list before I ask this, but I don't remember seeing any on there... could be wrong though.)
  8. Salt Water

    I used to use a mod called Thirstmod ( which is incredible out of date now. It had a couple of nice ways of dealing with water. Any water source just on the ground could be drank (is that the correct grammar?) by standing in it and holding down the right mouse button. However there was a very good chance that you would be temporarily poisoned by doing so. It also had a rain collector and the ability to make various fruit juices, as well as a filter for bottled water that was obtained from a stagnant source. I definitely think a rain collector of sorts and some sort of purification system would be very consistent with TFC. It will be interesting to see how they decide to continue to develop the thirst aspect of this mod.
  9. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Just thinking out load (er... on paper... er... digitally?) here, but IRL if you put food that is older with food that is fresher, the fresher food can then only be kept as long as the oldest food stored with it. Could it be possible to make each stack of food only as fresh as the oldest piece in the stack? Then if things are stored in some sort of way that keeps it fresh (ie: some sort of refridgeration or dehydration method) it stays as is and only decays when in your inventory or storage device that is not capable of keeping it fresh? I guess now as I write this out it sounds a lot more complicated than it did in my head. Probably not worth implementing. But I do love the idea of balancing out the food system to require you to farm/hunt more regularly in the later stages of the game. PS - New to the forum and moderately new to the mod. Absolutely loving every minute of it though. Even manged to set up my first modded server using TFC and am currently in the process of getting a good friend of mine hooked on it.