Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sandmann

  1. I was trying to travel to the point at which the temperature reaches 0, to see if I could find snow or ice. The game uses more and more memory as I go, until it eventually crashes. System specs: Nvidia GTX 690 x2 i7 3770 @ 4.5Ghz Plenty of RAM. Is it a problem on my end? Is there a way to set more resources to Java? Made it to the snow biomes. It rains below 0 temperature, which destroys the snow. Snow also forms over rocks. Terrain generation is really awkward when you get below 0 temp. The terrain gen tries to place lilypads on ice, which instantly pop off when you load the chunks.TiagaIce Oceans do not form. Snow never regenerates, ice never regrows.
  2. laddars

    This does work, let me get an example. This is with full bars of stone. There is probably a way to make this smaller, but I didn't feel like doing too much chisel work. This works with the smallest pieces of blocks too. Confirmed, works with wood. The mini-block needs to be on the last 18th of the block Only works when they are made with the slab mode. I am guessing the game still thinks the block is a slab, so it tries to climb up it. With the blocks being 18 thick, it acts as a ladder. Either that or the devs are godlike.
  3. Ores are too hard to find starting off.

    When one of your first posts is: Pretty much bashing the mod. The ores spawn perfectly. You SHOULD have to relocate for the ores. This guy needs to go back to equivilent exchange. You can argue that he is new and is just getting into the mod. We have a wiki for that, we also have many tutorial videos that he could go through. Overall, the mod is extremely dangerous and everything is bothersome and tedious. That is what makes this mod good. I can't mine straight down with 10 logs and a stone pick and come back up with diamonds. It sounds like this guy died once and then gave up because he lost some pixels.
  4. Your chisel creations!!

    Hoping that it isn't a bug, but you can start a forge and then chisel the blocks around it. The forge still works properly. You can make very compact forges or stoves with the new stone. Using chiseled stone "Pipes" to give it sky access.
  5. Your chisel creations!!

    If the shading problem is possible to correct,this would be amazing. Arrow slits + Basalt carved on a marble background,SdjQO#1 carved basalt looks a lot like wrought iron Wrought iron street signs