Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Diego il Catanico Jr

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Posts posted by Diego il Catanico Jr

  1. 20 hours ago, bilbobuddy said:

    I am all for more specialized and realistic smithing, and would download Tfc just for tempering, annealing and quenching, and using oil to quench is an excellent idea.


    If we could do away with dumb metals like black, blue and red steel and have higher tier tools come from skillfully forged steel, this would be awesome.

    Could be awesome. And we would no longer need black, red and blue steels as they're going to add a new alloying system which you could use to make your own alloys.


  2. 8 hours ago, Stroam said:

    It requires tracks spanning the distance you want to travel, to automate or speed it up it requires magical redstone. If you take it off tracks it become so slow it's useless.

    I have a rail

    I have a hand cart


    Hand cart in rails



    Now, seriously, this would be a good thing. That will be a midway between hand carts and powered minecarts. The rail hand cart will not slow your trip, but you'll still have to push or lead it. And when you're in mine you could use leads to move the cart upwards faster.


    And... I realized how being limited will change to style of the game IN BETTER! In-game communities, villages, cities will be created to make heavy works possible. You will no loger be able to make tos of ingots in 15 minuts ALONE. You will no longer build walls and roads and mansions (well you'll be still able to do it but it will take too much time) by your own. You will no longer go hunting or raiding alone. With limited weight and size carrying players will become to be groups and will steal and grif less. They will care of do not be hated by anyone. People will begin to join forces.


  3. 2 hours ago, Kittychanley said:

    If you don't understand the language you are programming with, modding is going to be much harder than it needs to be.

    My problem is that i don't know how to code my ideas... sometimes i have lots of maths with them.

    But don't worry, i wont need more tutorials, im going to learn at school this year. When i learn the basics i think I will be able to learn faster how to do what I want.

    Sorry for grammatic.


  4. 3 hours ago, Konlii said:

    Hardcore Darkness has those exact options in the config, so I don't think it is necessary for TFC2 to reinvent the wheel.

    Yeah, I realized that 1 week ago.

    3 hours ago, Konlii said:

    I thought I read somewhere that non-animal vanilla mobs are being removed completely from TFC2.

    Wow this means that surface enemies could be enviroment and predators... and monsters will be foud later in game in dungeons... this remembers me the first Tomb Rider.


  5. Now I wrote this. This is only an idea. I'll probably modify it in the future.

    Legend:  R = Range, D = Damage type (Primary and secondary), En = Effectivity/Damage (Iron), Ea = Effectivity/Damage versus armor (iron vs iron), C = Cooldown* (for iron)

    *You will not be able to hit the enemy when the cooldown is under 50%, then the damage will be calculated in the vanilla way.

    **For "two-handed" I mean "used in the main-hand with the off-hand slot empty", not a two-handed weapon.




    R = 2m

    D = Slashing

    En = 100%

    Ea = 40%

    C = 1.0s, 0.75s (two-handed**)

    The sword has a new attack, the stab, that will be done by shifting in the moment of the attack.   (new animation)

    R = 2m

    D = Piercing

    En = 100%

    Ea = 80%

    C = 1.25s, 0.75s (two-handed)



    R = 2m

    D = Crushing

    En = 200%

    Ea = 100%

    C = 1.5s, 1.25s (two-handed)



    The spear should have a new attack animation, where it pierces the target.

    R = 3m

    D = Piercing

    En = 60%

    Ea = 50%

    C = 1,25s, 0.75s (two-handed)

    When thrown:

    D = Piercing

    En = 160%

    Ea =150%

    C = 2s



    D = Piercing

    En = 150%

    Ea = 125%

    C = 1s, 0.5s (quiver)



    R = 1.8m

    D = Slashing

    En = 90%

    Ea = 80%

    C = 1.5s, 1.25s (two-handed)



    R = 1.5m

    D = Crushing

    En =60%

    Ea =50%

    C = 1.0s, 0.75s (two-handed)



    R = 1.0m

    D = Piercing

    En =50%

    Ea =20%

    C = 0.25s



    R = 1.8m

    D = Piercing

    En =90%

    Ea =90%

    C = 1.75s, 1.25s (two-handed)



    R = 2m

    D = Crushing

    En = 35%

    Ea =10%

    C = 1.5s, 1.0s (two-handed)

    Slashing attack (Sneak + Attack)

    R = 2m

    D = Slashing

    En =50%

    Ea =15%

    C = 1.5s, 1.0s (two-handed)



    R = 1.8m

    D = Slashing

    En = 50%

    Ea =20%

    C = 1.5s, 1.25s (two-handed)



    R = 1.0m

    D = Piercing

    En =35%

    Ea =10%

    C = 0.25s

    Prospector's Pick:


    R = 1.5m

    D = Piercing

    En = 50%

    Ea = 50%

    C = 1.25s, 1.0s (two-handed)



    R =1.2

    D = Slashing

    En = 25%

    Ea = 5%

    C = 0.5s



    R = 2m

    D = Slashing

    En =100%

    Ea =25%

    C = 1.5s, 1.25s (two-handed)



  6. Crushing to the extremities = not fatal (less damage with armor), slowness or weakness/mining fatigue

    Crushing to the chest = potentially fatal (reduced possibility with armor,less damage with armor)

    Crushing to the neck* = potentially fatal

    Crushing to the head = fatal (potentially fatal with armor,less damage with armor)

    Slashing to the extremities = potentially fatal (reduced possibility with armor,less damage with armor), slowness or weakness/mining fatigue

    Slashing to the chest = fatal (potentially fatal with armor,less damage with armor)

    Slashing the neck* = fatal

    Slashing to the head = fatal (potentially fatal with armor,less damage with armor)

    Piercing to the extremities = not fatal (less damage with armor), slowness or weakness/mining fatigue

    Piercing to the chest =  potentially fatal (reduced possibility with armor,less damage with armor)

    Piercing the neck* = fatal

    Piercing to the head = fatal (reduced possibility with armor,less damage with armor)

    *The neck will be a 8x1x8 hitbox under the head, in the body


  7. Ok you're right.

    But if we focus on the slings in this way, we have to focus on every weapon in this way. I would like that.

    I will think about it only if people are interested.


  8. 12 hours ago, gtvpo said:

    and having a lot of experience with chert won't transfer to basalt

    This really does not make sense.


    Anyway, the idea is good I think every weapon should be more complex.


  9. This post has been automatically generated from a form submission.

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in the blue box at the top of this form?: Yes
    Topic Title: Crops do not grow
    TFC Version #: 0.79.29
    Forge Version #:
    SSP/SMP: Single Player
    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: No
    Changed Config Options: No one
    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No
    Other Mods Installed:
    If you have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api (Examples: Bukkit, Cauldron, Thermos, etc) installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: I do not have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api installed.
    Crash Report:
    Description: Well, simply there isn't a crop that drops something.


  10. 43 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    st for everyone's info here, as I understand it, palm trees are already planned for TFC2.  Not sure if they're planned to have coconuts or not.  I'd love to see bamboo in the game, for aesthetic reasons if nothing else.  If pipes were a necessary thing in TFC2, bamboo would be great for that.  Otherwise I don't know of many great uses.  I think it'd be pretty worthless as firewood, no charcoal capability.  Great for fences though!  It'd want to have it's own sapling spawning distance, so it could grow denser than normal trees, I think.  I like those images Diego, though the taper is a bit abrupt perhaps. 

    Well that was my not-experienced-man idea... anyway I want bamboo for:

    1. Aesthetic
    2. Building
    3. Weapons, like spears.
    7 minutes ago, kickinit233 said:

    Well I hate to call you out on something but bamboo charcoal made in a kiln has countless  medical and survival usages and might be the most efficient way to produce charcoal.

    Wow... Source?


  11. 59 minutes ago, kickinit233 said:

    Very good textures, much better than my bamboo weapons.

    Also, I don't exactly know what about leaves... in the example I used birch, because it fit well but having textures like this Bamboo_0.png for early stages will be good... And bamboo leaves of course.

    I'm thinking about a new tree growth system that will make trees to work similar to chorus plants...


  12. Here there are some textures for bamboo... now we have to make leaves.

    I though about making everything easier about textures in this way:

    1. The first part of the bamboo (part 0) will use the Bamboo0, the 2nd part (part 1) will use Bamboo1 and so on, until parts 5 & 6, that will alternate until the plant finishes.
    2. The textures will be adapted to 2x2 (1.9 lonely glass pane), 4x4 (lonely fence), 6x6 and 8x8 (lonely stone wall). (Yep, only the 25% of the texture will be used)
    3. Every 8 blocks the trunk widens, and when the plant reaches 32 blocks it stops growing.
    4. The 2x2 parts take 3 days to grow, and when they reach 8 blocks in 24 days they start growing the next stage, that will take the double, triple and quadruple of the first stage. (3x8=24, 6x8=48, 9x8=72, 12x8=96, tot 240 days)
    5. To make this growing rate to fit with other trees, trees themselves shold have a really slow growing rate, with new desired future mechanics... if not I'm sure we can find a way to make Bamboo fit with them.
    6. Also, the bamboo will stop growing if any of its trunk pieces is cut, even the top piece.

    Bamboo parts:

    0 Bamboo0.png

    1 Bamboo1.png

    2 Bamboo2.png

    3 Bamboo3.png

    4 Bamboo4.png

    5+2*n Bamboo5+2xN.png

    6+2*n Bamboo6+2xN.png

    The top BambooTop.png

    I made it gray because it will be seen between the different-sized parts and the top of the plant. I don't really like it but I don't want to make things too complicate.


  13. On 2/9/2016 at 5:16 PM, lJuanGB said:

    Also, for activating kegs, or tnt or whatever it is, make gunpowder placeable. It should act as redstone, like a trail that will be activated with a fire starter and run from where you are to the keg and then make it explode.

    Mmmmh... Explosions...

    Them are undervalued, I think they should get some new physics that will fit with the new block physics. And shock waves? Sound stunning? Highter volume that will make players to startle?


  14. In a recent poll I submit I was going to talk about bamboo, but when I already wrote 4/5 of the post my internet crashed. Then i get really angry and after 5 minutes I decided to submit the poll anyway, forgetting the rules. My post was blocked. Anyway, I though about yumi bows and strong, anti-earthquake buildings. I didn't though about the sharpness of bamboo, even if i cut myself the skin of 4 fingers at once when trying to make a bamboo bow... good point.
