Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Waveshaper

  1. [Build 75] Lagspikes and Crashes

    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Already tesselating!?
  2. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    he's getting a 'like' from me though
  3. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    evecommander = ECC?
  4. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    Oh, by the way. Have I told ya 'bout my latest idea of soaking up the surrounding gas mixture through my nose and mouth, filling these two odd looking, spongelike thingys in my breast with it so my veins can transport this gas through my whole body, allowing my cells to work more effective? I think I should protect this idea via some sort of copyright, so none can copy it and use it for themselves... PS.: don't trust the 'edit line' - it's lying - the real editor is called Chardonnay
  5. A poor copy of Terrafirmacraft

    A mod that adds different sorts of (real - so TFC don't have any 'copyright' for using real stone-types) stone. It don't even add new types of ore - so I don't see a reason for call it a 'copy'. Saw it a couple days ago - found it very interesting but than I saw, that it has one (esthetic) problem: It places the vanilla ores with the old texture into the new stones. But a nice mod at all.
  6. With your feet in the air...

  7. [Solved] Freezing on "Converting World" phase

    You're welcome. Hope it will work now. If your problem is solved, please take a second and add [solved] to your thread-title. (edit your main-post - than hit 'full edit' to change title) have fun with TFC!
  8. [Build 75] Lagspikes and Crashes

    If your Game freezes, there should be a crash-log - so why don't have a look at it? If there is NON; try using a alternative launcher for Minecraft which is generating its own log, so you probably can see, what cause this crashes.
  9. Very VERY messed up world generation! [SOLVED]

    Die Lösung ist in aller Regel, die richtigen Versionen zu verwenden und sie richtig zu installieren. Vermutlich ist beim kopieren etwas schief gelaufen. Am besten nochmal mit einer komplett frischen Installation starten - wenn man erst mal etwas löschen muss, um etwas neu zu installieren, ist die Fehleranfälligkeit schon ungleich höher. Ich empfehle generell die Verwendung von 'MultiMC' als Launcher für Minecraft. Zum Einen ist man immer sicher, die richtige Minecraft Version zu laden und kann auch 'downgraden', zum Anderen ist hier eine Funktion eingebaut, die die gewünscht Forge-Version automatisch runter lädt. (Problem hier: Forge bietet auch eine Source-Version zum Download, welche für ungeübte Augen schnell mal runter geladen wird ^^) Also... Nochmal Schritt für Schritt: 1. MultiMC starten und eine Minecraft 1.4.6-Instanz erstellen. 2. Forge .486 laden (oder von MultiMC laden lassen) 3. PlayerAPI 1.1 - 1.3 (Für MC 1.4.6!!!) in jar-mods (NACH Forge laden lassen!) 4. TFC b75 in mods hinzufügen Im Grunde sollte das funktionieren - zumindest tut es das bei den Meisten. Viel Erfolg!
  10. [Solved] Freezing on "Converting World" phase

    That's your problem: Forge after .489 is for Minecraft 1.4.7 - TFC b75 is for 1.4.6 - didn't saw what minecraft version you're using - but it's enough to see, that this two instances won't work together. Same advice for you, as for all others: Use the Forge-Version suggested in the install-instructions for TFC!
  11. [Build 75] Lagspikes and Crashes

    The extreme performance-drop in 1.4.x is a known problem - but it affects vanilla, not the mod in special. Of course it's getting even worse when running mods - especially, if they are adding a mass of blocks from trees. Even before, I got a huge drop of FPS in several biomes from EBXL - Redwood Forests made my machine go from ~40 FPS down to ~15 - and that was PRE-1.4.x! You also must think of the higher world-height in TFC - the world is two times higher than in vanilla! But besides that facts - I find it still confusing, that this problem seems to not affect my installation of TFC. Mainly, because MC isn't running good on my machine at all. But with this version in special it seems, that the client runs better than ever before - since 1.2.5 I mean. ^^ Using: Launcher: MultiMC (latest version) Java 7 x64 (Java: 1.7.0_10, Oracle) MC 1.4.6 Forge .486 PlayerAPI 1.3 Optifine U A3 (Fancy / Multicore / Smooth Chunk loading / adv. OpenGl: off) TFC b75 But maybe ONE thing is different: I'm using LWJGL in version 2.8.4. Can't use the very latest version (2.8.5) because it have serious issues with keyboard input. If you use MultiMC you can easily change the used LWJGL-Version for every Instance. Otherwise just google for 'LWJGL + Minecraft' and you'll find instructions how to update it for your Minecraft. The version Mojang is using is very old Afaik - 2.4.4 if I remember right.
  12. Crashing when opened...

    Besides all the mods that are affecting worldgen (IC2, Thaumcraft, etc.) and are not definitely known to be compatible with TFC... ....IS IT REALLY THAT HARD? So come on guys...
  13. [b75] intermediate crashing

    So, I tested it again. Starting MultiMC TFC-Instance, generating a new SSP-World, get stuck... some strange crash-log appears... Been surprised, cause there was a SSP-World there and I could not remember, that it was crashing before. So closing Minecraft and had a look into mod-settings - for some strange reason, player API was loaded after optifine? o.O Maybe I forgot to put it in the right place when updating it to a newer version. Put it right after forge - tested it a second time... Game ran for about 40min - tested every possible optifine setting - was surprised to had constant 40+ FPS - way more surprised that I got even more FPS when switching back from Multicore to Standard. o.O So I've spent the last 40 min only generation new chunks - nearly died while looking up in the sky and running into a group of bears - but not a single problem in game, not a single warning in the MultiMC-Log and certainly no crash! Still running the same setup as posted above - so the problem isn't reproducible for me.
  14. [b75] intermediate crashing

    All I can say is, that I'm running: Minecraft 1.4.6 Forge .486 PlayerAPI 1.3 Optifine U A2 TFC b75 FPS++ NEI + Minimap Chicken Chunks Weather & Tornado and some minor mods on my Server and also Client (using MulitMC to launch the stuff) without any problems, besides known bugs - but without any crashes. Tested Optifine in different modes (Standard, Smooth & Multicore - fast & fancy)
  15. Flan's mod issues while experimenting

    Besides that - why to hell would anyone use Flans & TFC together? o.O
  16. Minecraft crashes after loading world.

    Hard to say - but it SHOULD work, as it works for all the other people out there. Do it once again - preferably using MultiMC, because it prevents you from issues when doing something wrong with installing Forge. 1. Take a clean minecraft.jar 1.4.6 2. Open it with you preferred unpacking software 3. delete the META INF folder 4. Open Forge (build .486) UNIVERSAL - not Source! - the same way and copy all the files into the minecraft.jar 5. Open PlayerAPI (v1.1 to v1.3 for 1.4.6) and copy all the files into the minecraft.jar 6. Start Minecraft once and let Forge create all the needed folders and download some libraries 7. Check if Forge was loaded right - then exit Minecraft 8. Put TFC build b75 in your 'mod' folder 9. Start Minecraft and enjoy the mod There's nothing more to do - maybe somewhere in your installing-process went something wrong.
  17. [b75] intermediate crashing

    It's more than one Version Number below - suggested one is .486 not .468
  18. Yet again trouble getting TFC to work

    1. Try MultiMC instead of Magic Launcher - Magic Launcher is good, MultiMC is better. ^^ 2. Maybe he is using YOUR Forge version for HIS minecraft.jar which is maybe not the same version? Probably 1.4.7 3. I'm not sure if your counting means that this is the order you load this mods, but... It's PlayerAPI AFTER Forge - think of that!
  19. [b75] intermediate crashing

    What's the Forge-Version suggested in the install-instructions for TFC?
  20. TerraFirmaCraft Ruined Minecraft for me.....

    Or playing on SMP what gives me on a similar machine 35-40 FPS that are more than enough for TFC. Of course, there are many ways to make out the worst of your machine if you don't proper setup you OS. Here is running: 4GB Ram Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz (T5550) okay, and a SSD since christmas - old HHD was on the way to its nirvana... Using Optifine, FPS++, running a clean & well set up system, giving MC/Java a proper amount of Ram and (not at) least - playing the game on a Server! TFC is not the main problem - it's 1.4.x what makes MC nearly unplayable on older machines in SSP. But if you let a Server handle the problem, you should do just fine - also with your Notebook.
  21. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    Anyone looked into the Sphax-Forum? You're definitely not the first... Before starting completely new, wouldn't it be better to cooperate with someone who's also working on this textures?
  22. After getting into Iron & Steel, there's only one way to go for me: Complete the building of that monastery on the very top of this mountain, move into it, find to yourself, settling with the world and hope, that Jeb, Bioxx and all their men find a way to implement proper 'endgame' to minecraft that offers new challenge for the players.
  23. crashed terrafirma

    Same error also happen with TMI and other mods nowadays - also is TMI known for not running along with TFC. So, I think the 'probably' should better be a 'certainly'.
  24. More advanced chemistry

    Nothing to say against this - but it still remains less 'believable'. Going from zero to electricity is not the way it would take - not even in a parallel reality. You need something in between - something that give the people the NEED for using electricity - something like machines & devices. So it would be more reasonable, to give some sort of machines to the player, that he can use for work - based on gears, axes, etc. pp. and THEN give them the way to invent an alternative for powering them without the use of his own hands. But the real question is, if this way of invention is planed for this mod, or if bioxx & his team want to keep it simple. At the moment there is no indication, that TFC will go this way.