Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Waveshaper

  1. [SOLVED] TFC will not install (Build 75)

    *thumbsup* Life is hard enough - take every help you get - even if it is a alternate Launcher for MC
  2. [SOLVED] TFC will not install (Build 75)

    Yeah, that is was I thought... If there are no such logs, it seems that forge isn't installed the right way. Make your life easier just by using MultiMC as launcher for your Minecraft. It's nearly self-explanatory, so using it offers you the advantage to play several setups of you minecraft without even touching your minecraft.jar. 1. Install MultiMC 2. Create a new Instance of vanilla MC and log in once so the program load the files for you. 3. Shut down MC, select your Instance and klick on 'edit mods' 4. On the first tab you manage the mods, that needs to go into the minecraft.jar (Forge & PlayerAPI at least) simply hit 'Add' and choose the file you want. For Forge, you can also klick 'Forge' and choose out of all available Forge-Versions. 5. Don't forget - Mods in the MC.jar have to be loaded in the right order (first Forge, than PlayerAPI!) Do manage this, there are the Buttons 'Move Up & Move Down'. Forge have to be over PlayerAPI - preferable on first position. 6. Now you can add Coremods and normal mods as you want in the corresponding tabs too. (So for you, add to the 'mods-tab') 7. If you're done close the window and start your instance again. When you first start MC with Forge installed, a smal window will appear that offers you, that Forge is downloading some files. That's always a good hint, that your installement works as it should. From now on, you can simply swap all the files if some mods are updated. All you have to do maybe is delete old configs if something changes - but for now, you should be good. If you don't want to use MultiMC, try it once again the old way: 1. Download yourself a fresh minecraft.jar 2. Open the .jar with your packingprogramm 3. Open the right the same way (Forge build ##.486 - be sure to download the UNIVERSAL-, not the SOURCE-File from!) 4. Delete the contend of META INF as instructed above (I really don't knew that this have be changed since Iam only using MultiMC for a while o.O) 5. Drag all the files from the into your MC.jar - simply drag and drop them 6. Do the same with the files from the PlayerAPI (be sure it's 1.1 or 1.2 for MC 1.4.6) 7. Start and shut MC once - here also should appear this small window that says, that Forge is downloading some data. 8. Put (build 75) into the mods-folder 9. Start MC again. It looks like the same you done before - but maybe you've missed one point? Such thing can happen - also to people who done this many times before. trust me - I know what I'm saying Argh... and there is more... One Point: Be sure to download all the mod-files from GOOD sites. Forge directly from (or via MultiMC) and the Mods itself preferably from There are other sites, but a lot of them offer you mod-files for the ACTUAL MC-Version and what you get is a file for the previous one (or older). I don't trust sites that offers versions, that not even are offered in the official Mod-Thread from the author itself.
  3. [B75]Fire pit

    Seen this in #74 before. I think it had something to do with the bugfixing of flickering firepits that causes issues with lighting.
  4. [Solved] Server crash when player joins

    unfortunately, I really don't know if there were older versions of TFC that work with this Forge build. But also if there were some... As lon as you can't install player API into your jar, there no way around to get TFC working. -.-
  5. [SOLVED] TFC will not install (Build 75)

    If you have exactly done what you're saying, then all should work properly... Pleas post the content of your ForgeModLoader-client-2.log in your .minecraft directory. you mean minecraft.jar, do you?
  6. [Solved] Server crash when player joins

    It don't looks like the Server is crashing when a player joins - for me it rather looks like the server crashes on startup - may be caused by this things. Is this 'true'? Player API is IN the mods directory? If this is so, please read instructions for installing TFC and Player API again - Player API is a jar-mod! You are using TFC build 75? Why don't take the Forge-Version Bioxx suggested? It's .486 not .467.
  7. Star navigations

    Of course, of course - but what I addressed isn't only a TFC-Problem. Nearly all mods ends in this dilemma if they want to add TOO much stuff. That's the reason, why many project came to a point of using their very own engine sooner or later. If I HAD a idea dealing with this, I would tell ya - but I'm not sure if there is solution at all. I mean - no one would be hurt by adding this feature - everyone who don't need it can simply ignore it. From this point of view, it's not that big thing. What I want to ask is, how many player ever would really use this feature, if it's in and if this would be worth the effort. The Idea itself is good - really good actually - but I'm not sure if it is more than just a concept. ^^ I think, to implement it on the technically side, it wouldn't be THAT problem. But at least you'll need someone who can code this out of vanilla AND know about astronomy and how the sky looks and changes. It would probably enough to make a rudimentary system for TFC, but also then you have to find a concept that allows you safe navigation. If you look on the mod-setups of the most player - nearly everyone have a minimap - so do they really need such thing?
  8. [Solved] Crash at Mojang

    do you have a crash-log? Best would be the forgemodloader-client-2 from your minecraft directory. erm... I'm really not sure... it's way too soon in the morning without sleep and more than enough alcohol... If the crash occurs while generating world, maybe the original crashlog from MC will be better than the Forge one. Take the one from the 'crash log' directory - you can identify the right one via date & time if the crash in the filename.
  9. [Solved] Crash at Mojang

    You have put the TFC-Modfile in the mods-folder, have you? The Mod don't need to be copied into the minecraft.jar or UNPACKED into the mods-folder. Take it as it is, as .zip-file and simpy put it in the mods-folder without extract the contend elsewhere.
  10. Quick Question about Error

    Iam sitting in middle europe - austria - so, I'll HAVE recom€mendations, but I'm not sure if it will really help you. When you choose a hoster, it should (at least) sitting on the same continent. It make many things easier for you. Since I dont have a clue, from where you are - I can't give you a real recommendation. But whereever you are - the situation will be probably nearly the same than here: You get 'Gameserver' fo about 6-8€/month (1-2GB Ram / 4-8 Slots) for those you get access to all the files, but most of them don't offers you the option of using custom start-scripts. If you want this possibility or if you need a huge ammount of Ram, take a vServer for round about 15-20€/month (up to 16GB Ram - at least 2GB guaranteed - 4 core unit - only technical limits for the slots you will offer). I think, there is no need for an REAL root-server only for playing Minecraft on it... But maybe you'll have the 50-100€/month to spend? ^^ If you only want to run a server for less than 15 players - there are a lot of offers for Gameserver, that costs around 10,-/month and don't need much maintenance. You can pay in advance for it - month for month - so you also have the opportunity to change your provider (your player only have to change their IP for login - you can carry all your files, settings, worlds, etc. pp. with you) or shut it down completely without having money spent on it for month in the future.
  11. Star navigations

    Nice Idea... of course... but is this really a feature we want to have in a computer game? You cannot take ONE concept - how realistic it ever will be - put it in a non-realistic setting and be sure, that it will fit in the whole concept. To be realistic - no one ever will use such a thing, cause if it't REALLY works in a realistic way, no one could handle it! Be honest - who of you is able to navigate only by the stars? I'll bet the most oft you only know 3-4 constellations per name - and can identify 2 of them when looking into the sky at night. The Idea sounds interesting - but don't forgett about one thing; This is only a GAME. It's not an simulation of life - and it never will be! What a game should handle is, to offer 'playability' - not 'realism' - it's simple; this is not the duty of a game! I've read about the idea of implementing a whole 'tier' besides metal by adding ceramic-working to the game. Also a quite neat idea on the surface, but if you read the imagination, how this should be realised in the game... What would such a hard concept really offer the player? In my oppinion only ONE thing, and that is the even more urgent need to look into a guide or the wiki only for knowing how to proceed in the game. There's no real opportunity in the game, to figure out how to do it only by trying - if you make it more complex that it allready is, there's no bonus for the player - only more things he will not figure out by himself. That's not what a GAME should offer! What I want to say; I also like the idea of complexity and realism in games I'd play. But I deal with the trouble of proper 'Gamedesign' since years, and if I've learned one thing, than it would be, that complexity never is a garant for a satisfying gameplay! That all sounds good in your mind, when thinking about it - but think about the people, that play the game and DON'T have invented it. They don't know about, how to do complicated things that never are explained. And reading a manual for it deprive you the feeling of figuring out something by yourself! As for 'Navigation by stars' I would in any way vote for a clear NO. Too complex, too less need for it in the used game-engine, too much work for the coders, too little payback for the playability. There are so much other things, that would help the concept to get even more satisfying - things that never will be implemented, simply because it's too much work to change the engine/programmcore - If someone will deal with this to make it as an plugin for TFC - do what you want, I'm sure there are lot of people who will enjoy this - but I'll bet, there are way more, those never will need this feature. Especially for Minecraft there is one rule: The less you change, the less you'll hurt the compatibility with other mods. Sure, TFC is designed to be played alone - but think about the people who'll play the mod - everyone has a different taste - don't take them away their opportunity to choose for themselves.
  12. Game fails to get past Mojang logo

    be sure to use all the stuff for the RIGHT versions together! If you use MC 1.4.6, then use: Forge build .486 Player API 1.1 for MC 1.4.6 (The versionnumbers of the API starts from 1.0 with every new MC Version!) TFC in the latest build #74 atm (#75 is announced) Be aware - nowadays, there are TFC-Updates nearly every day ^^ But at least since #73 you can use the same Forge- & API-Versions. PS.: To make your own life easier -> use MultiMC (or any other launcher - but I would really recommend MultiMC) to set up your modded MC-Instances. So you can swap out every mod without editing the MC.jar every time from base.
  13. Quick Question about Error

    Sollution is quite simple: 1. Install the Mod on your localhost-Server and be sure it runs without errors. 2. Tell your server-hoster to delete all existing files on your server 3. Give them your Server.jar & the TFC mod-file. (Iam sure they know what to do - otherwise: place server.jar -> Start server -> when ready stop it, delete the world folder, paste TFC mod-file in /mods -> start server again. A better sollution would be, to change to a hoster that allows you to manage files a/o start-script by yourself. They don't even cost more than other hoster.
  14. wow.... that looks like a BIG desert... O.O
  15. offline?

    Cause is down more often nowadays - I've got this Link from a nice guy on IRC: There are all the Forge-Builds linked to the original source and to a mirror that is not affected. To get the files from mirror, klick the '*' behind the links to the original source.