Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Waveshaper

  1. erm... I don't think someone really needs different sizes of bottles. Since the Inventory is filled sooner as willed most the time - why should I occupy more than one slot? We can talk about the stack-size of course - but more variety? No, I really don't think that's needed... ^^

    And for Milk... maybe a quater of thirst AND hunger filled? Seems to fit better imho.


  2. It seems an IDs error. Some IDs are used by 2 or more blocks/items. Try deleting the config folder in the .minecraft folder, then launch minecraft. If it doesn't make this, well, problem solved. Otherwise...I don't know.

    The error itself is:

    2013-02-03 16:47:20 [iNFO] [sTDERR] Not in GZIP form


    2013-02-03 16:47:20 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at

    der(Unknown Source)

    2013-02-03 16:47:20 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at<init>(

    Unknown Source)

    2013-02-03 16:47:20 [iNFO] [sTDERR] at<init>(

    Unknown Source)

    that's not an ID conflict!

    The TFC-Item-ID-Conflicts seems to be normal - I saw them as long as I can remember in my logs - don't mean the mod wouldn't work!

    There is also this, that states:

    2013-02-03 16:47:16 [iNFO] [ForgeModLoader] [itemTracker] The mod TerraFirmaCraf

    t is overwriting existing item at 19172 (TFC.Items.ItemCustomSeeds from TerraFir

    maCraft) with TFC.Items.ItemCustomSeeds

    So that's a standard behavior of TFC dealing with item-IDs...

    You're using the wrong PlayerAPI version. Delete everything and install from scratch like so on a clean minecraft 1.4.6:

    1) Forge 486 (directly in minecraft.jar)

    2) PlayerAPI 1.4 for minecraft 1.4.6 (directly in minecraft.jar) - You were using 1.2

    3) Install Optifine now if you want it (directly in minecraft.jar)

    4) TFC b75 (in the mods folder) and any other mods you want

    Player API 1.2 is working too - played long time without issues using different versions from 1.1. to 1.3!


  3. You don't have some more information? There's not even a hint what mods are used...

    But, the error you encountered seems to be a problem with some files/folders on your server. Maybe a corrupted world? A corrupted player.dat?

    I COULD give you some advise, but as long as I don't know more...


  4. erm... own... may I suggest to you, to use the quote-function when you quote someone else? Even, if the quotation wasn't made here on the boards?

    It took a while for me, to figuring out what you actually want to say - especially when english isn't someones native language!

    It's rather hard to understand what's your opinion and what is something, another has said. ;)


  5. 'Anyone who has a different opinion than me is a fanboy!'

    Make my day... <_<

    Finding ore IRL isn't even this hard

    We talk again when you have your selfmade tin-pick and know about detecting traces of ore in sediment only with prehistoric 'chemistry'.


    Nope! Not the Source-Version (unless you are a modder - but also then it would be the wrong way ;) ) - download the UNIVERSAL-Version instead!

    PS.: besides that: No 'Modloader' used for Forge-Mods, ModLoader is part of Forge since a while! There are other 'modloader' that you probably need for different mods, but then you'll find a special Info about that...


  7. Okay... I'm not sure but;

    Minecraft exited with code -1073741819.

    Should be a 'Null pointer' exception.

    What's the problem exactly - I don't know but MAYBE it has something to do with this:

    ------------------ Mod Lists -------------------

    Jar Mods:



    So, WHAT Version of Forge does the install-instructions of TFC b75 say, you should use? <_<


  8. Unless TFC is not going to be updated for MC 1.4.7 for soem reason, I don't see the point in updating to 1.4.6... I can wait for the next build.

    And No, I don't use an alternative launcher, nor do I have any intentions of doing so.


    Jupp - That's your business...

    I personally see no reason to stay with 1.4.5 and I'm also decided to use all the positive features from a alternate Launcher that makes modding, playing and error-hunting so much easier, without taking any negative effect. Well, so we're all different - aren't we?

    But one thing I don't get; Why are you telling us this? o.O

    I mean...

    You were fine with b72 & 1.4.5... okay...

    There is exactly appointed, that b75 is only for 1.4.6...

    It's clear, that atm there is no build for 1.4.7...

    So, what exactly was your intention to open this thread?

    Only to tell us things, we already knew... that you should know...?

    On some days, I can only wonder... o.O


  9. Edit: Ok so as I was writing the above, I had a realization of my problem. I will be uploading a new version which you can install by just putting the zip file in your mods folder.

    thumbs up :)

    I think, requirement for .zip is the forge thing, so I doubt anyone other than Forge developers can do something about it, and even then it's easier to beat into people's minds that "place" doesn't mean "unzip".

    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. People helping in Support-Forums for Minecraft and Minecraft Mods always have to tell this.

    Round about 10% of the stated issues are solved with the instruction: "Put the .zip in the mods folder as it is - DO NOT EXTRACT IT!"

    But it's getting harder to instil this thing into the mind of mod-users when some mods do it the other way... :)

    So - this mod is now also adapted - all fine - good mod by the way...


  10. One Thing you should consider:

    There are MANY issues with installing mods out there - the different boards getting nearly spammed - because people tend to unzip their downloaded mods before putting the files in the mods-folder. I'm not that long into minecraft - so I don't know if that is a relict from back in the days or not - but wherever - it leads to big confusion. (I really don't know why - but it seems that it is scorned to read such things like install-instructions)

    So could you please find a solution, that you mod haven't to be unpacked before using it? Maybe it will prevent some problems - and if it's only because you now can say: "It's simple - download the mod and put it in your mods-folder!"

    It may occur needless on first sight - but believe me; it will pay off! ;)


  11. To be slightly more concrete - the proper way to install TFC is:

    - get a new/clean installation of Minecraft 1.4.6

    - Install Forge build .486 (If Forge is down - here are some mirrors:

    - Install PlayerAPI v1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 for 1.4.6

    - put TFC b75 in your mods-folder

    exact the same procedure as instructed. Please do exactly what instructions say - there is NO source that says 'install latest Forge!'. Also keep an eye on the other mods - as for PlayerAPI - the main-downloads for mods all goes into 1.4.7 - but you'll need your files for an 1.4.6-Minecraft, so be sure to look for older version of this mods!


  12. Optifine U A3 works fine for me - also the A2 have worked before - Problems I can think of:

    1. Optifine before PlayerAPI? You should probably check if both are affecting same classes - than it's always a bad idea to load Optifine NOT at the very last Jar-Mod.

    2. Optifine itself makes problems with your CPU. Such things happen from time to time - I can think of at least two versions of Optifine I used, that crashed all the time I use the Multicore-Option on my Notebook. If I used standard-chunkloading or the smooth option, all was fine - also after updating these special builds.


  13. Come on - trolling has actually stopped on page one. ;)

    Now we all just joking around - it's the phase when everyone calms down - just to hide that we're all ashamed of feeding the beast before. ^^

    It's a total normal process - and none was hurt here - all is good. Don't make it a greater problem than it is, by judging the one involved.

    There is no need to analyze it - such things happen every single minute in the WWW. It's a brave new world - isn't it? ;)


  14. Maybe - but a Troll is a Troll is a Troll...

    If you feed it or not - sometimes it is better to confront such guys so they make that simple mistake that allows mods to kick them instead of speaking to them, what has no effect. They are Trolls because they KNOW how far they can go in bother others while not infringe the rules directly. Sometimes a wildfire can only be stopped by setting up some controlled Counter-Fires... ;)
