Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by drkoaeg

  1. 3 hours ago, Darmo said:

    Within the new game system, I think there's only really a couple options for improved pottery.  One would be increased capacity - the more difficult vessel has more slots, the more difficult water jug holds more water.  Not totally logical, and I think the process would need to be significantly more difficult or time consuming to justify these sorts of bonuses.

    I think this is logical: I have already worked with such things, and it is hard to make a vessel with big volume: as bigger it gets, the more difficult to keep the shape.

    So it could be more difficult to make vessels than jugs, but instead of bringing a little bit more water, it would bring more inventory slots, which is more value.


  2. 8 hours ago, KronoNomikon said:

    In any case, if it's an upgrade, but it isn't easier, what would be the advantage of it?  Making things that are unobtainable when hand-crafting?  If it's for vessels and jugs as a whole, one would think it would just replace the current mini-game.  Why do I say this?  Because vessels are needed (currently) to melt ores, which would be needed to cast saws, which would be needed to craft a legitimate potter's wheel.  Before they began to use potter's wheels, people used to form vessels differently, I believe.

    Actually there are many historical pottery wheels that are made of clay:

    Historical pottery wheel.jpg

    So it would not be a huge complication...


  3. This mini game would help people get intuitive to vessels etc without having to look up some patterns in the wiki all the time.

    In my opinion are those clay products pretty worthy, so the little more effort is reasonable.


  4. 1 hour ago, KronoNomikon said:

    What kinds of rewards do you propose for those who do it skillfully?  Less clay used?  Lighter types of vessels?  Certain masterworks only able to be accomplished if done perfectly?

    I did not think about achieving better or worse product. I don't think this is needed, the clay clicking mini game gives also only product or no product.

    But I could also imagine that the resulting volume of the vessels and jugs varies. Don't know if this is easily doable.


  5. Just now, Kittychanley said:

    I have stated multiple times now that I won't go through the process of creating a whole new release just for more features.

    Okay, sorry for having missed that point


  6. I am sure, there is somewhere said, that it is not possible, but I can not find it.  So I wanted to be sure: Would it be welcome to make pull-requests on GitHub for tfc1?


  7. If you look at YouTube, you will get a good comprehension, what does not go so well for new players. There are two difficulties with smithing. First one is the smithing interface which is for everybody used to it no problem. But at the start you get easily confused and the success experience which should come quite fast for starters, lacks.

    Second problem comes later with iron working, while most players get stuck in bronze age, but I think that was already discussed in an other thread.


  8. 3 hours ago, Lorkenpeist said:

    That or having lots and lots of different animals just isn't a priority for them.  They would rather focus on other things like elytra (awesome!) and new combat mechanics.  And making minecarts freeze up periodically so you have to reclient... :\

    They have tons of money and a multinational corporation support. So they could have some people to make Minecraft a good base game. But instead they throw rarely some new features without any vision on the market. It seems to me as if they just do the minimum to keep people somewhat interested in the game.


  9. 4 hours ago, kev12east said:

    Since I am doing this, I'm curious to know what you like/hate about the current version of the pack, what mods you like/hate/ignore/use, and what mods you want to see added in future. This information is useful so I can refine the pack and make it better, keep in mind I do have an idea about how I want Technofirma to be, and can say "no" to any mod/feautre change that I don't agree with (the power of tyranny!).

    I think in SpecialAI is the FragileTorchMod already realized.

    Dynamic Surroundings has BetterFootsteps implemented, but can't be used at the moment in tfc, so you might want to add this seperately.

    How about AccidentialCircumstantialEvents mod? It has very cool mechanics that can be implemented with this.




  10. Assuming the clay working mini game keeps about the same, I would like to propose a second mini game for vessels, jugs,...

    It could be pretty fun to use a pottery wheel and the clay is moving around while you try to keep it in place and give it shape. For better imagination is here a graphic, that could resemble the game interface:

    Vessel on pottery wheel.png




  11. I just wanted to emphasize, what good job you guys do. I think yesterday came out a new snapshot with polar bears in it. They look so primitive in relation what you are creating at the moment and have created. Thumps up!


  12. Just now, Kittychanley said:

    It's much more likely that you either dropped the item, or you didn't actually pick it up or take it out of the container because of the lag. In those cases, the item isn't lost, it's either on the ground or back in the container you thought you took it out of. The only other alternative is if you were playing some sort of custom modpack that interferred, or if you were in a dimension other than the overworld such as the nether, which TFC does not support and is known to have multiple inventory-related bugs.

    Okay, so it seems as if the lag had played some tricks on me. So it is impossible, that items get "simply lost". Thank you for the detailed information =)


  13. 4 minutes ago, Kittychanley said:

    If all of the items were heavily damaged, it's much more likely that what you were holding was a ghost item that had already broken, but didn't appear broken yet on your client because of lag. Once you held it in your hand, it updated the item on your client and properly destroyed it.

    Okay, so the dropped items from mobs might have been ghost items, but why do freshly forged items as the mentioned chisel break in such lag cases?


  14. 9 minutes ago, Kittychanley said:

    Was the item low durability when you used it?

    It was not dependent on the damage it already had. So there were a chisel with only one/ two uses, but also an armor piece from mob which were quite damaged. I thought about the item damage because first of all it were only items affected that get damage and they only disappeared when they were hold in hand...


  15. Just now, Kittychanley said:

    What do you mean by the item "get lost" ? If it disappears, are you sure you didn't just hit Q or something and drop it on the ground?

    If I should guess, I would say the item gets damage and disappears. I am absolutely sure I did drop nothing. It even happened much frequently when I was using local server with friends (friends lost tools).
