Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Everything posted by ChairBorneRanger

  1. New Developments

    Where do ya'll get this information!?!?!?!?! I see nowhere on the forums that stuff TFC2 is posted, or ANY posts from Bioxx. EDIT: ok, so I'm a knucklehead and it was farther up this thread. Still, the "announcements" sub-forum is fairly quiet. It'd be nice for us anti-social lurkers if someone would keep a running log of IRC infonuggets.
  2. [BUILD74] Golden Valley (great beginner spot)

    Howdy all! I've been playing this mod since early November, and I'd like to thank the dev team for reinivgorating my intrest in MC. I figured with my first post I would share a seed I randomly mashed in, but eventually fell in love with. I created it in Build 72, but I've regenerated it in B74 with minimal differences. Seed: 6349834152 On spawn, I started on the coast of a shale and sycamore hill forest with the ocean to the South. I decided to head East with the rising sun. Soon the shale turned to andesite, and after topping a large hill, I was greeted with this: From this pennisula there are shale hills back to the West. To the South there is a dacite/willow swamp with loads of clay. To the North the andesite mountains and hills turn into chalk plains. I haven't explored much into the East, but I can assume more andesite mountains. In this little convergance river valley there are great deposites of cassiterite, copper, and some sphalerite. The only basic metal I haven't found on the surface is bismithinite. Exploring the deeper depths has uncovered more valuable metals, but I'll let anyone who tries this seed enjoy finding them. The pennisula itself has a small stand of oak and hickory trees that I've nurtured with care. Here are a few shots of what i've done with the place. Thanks again, and enjoy!
  3. Come back TT. Teh n00bz miss you. They look up to you...
  4. [BUILD74] Golden Valley (great beginner spot)

    When you find ore nuggets on the surface, mark those locations. It's likely there will be ore of that type in the first layer or rock. When you have enough for a pick, start digging down and prospecting.
  5. Farming Nutrients bugged? (B72)

    I've seen this also. Still happens up to B75. Planting right after plowing a grass/dirt block will give max nutrients. You can also preserve the remaining nutrients by rotating crops. Simply plant immediately after harvesting. I'm starting to wonder if it is the hoe checking function itself that is causing this. I'll try testing by checking the level before harvesting, leaving a block fallow and not checking with the hoe, and then planting with a check after...
  6. [BUILD74] Golden Valley (great beginner spot)

    OP will surely deliver! Instead of clogging up the board with images, I made an imgur album with a small tour through my SSP world on this seed. Enjoy! PS: @yubyub Japan is pretty nice. I'm here with Uncle Sam's Flying Circus (aka USAF) so when I'm not working there's plenty to go see and do. Since I live on the base I get to keep a little bit of America with me.
  7. What gives you that sense of accomplishment in terra firma?

    Looking at a mountain that's blocking my view and thinking "I'm gonna flatten that." Then getting halfway done and finding a really cool symmetrical rock formation and going mayan temple on the whole thing. It cost me about 4 bronze shovels and a full double box of dirt, but shaping whole pieces of the landscape can be rewarding.