Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About EndR20

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  1. One layer of dirt?

    hmm, i did some research but thisonly seemed to happen in specific biomes, ,,edge,, ones being the most of all, i dont know ;_; Also, sorry for not participationg for so long, TFC just doesnt run all that good on my PC unfortunatelly :-( its a shame, cuz this is a great mod...
  2. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    i think leaves, trunks, and branches of fruit trees each take a certain amount of in game days to grow, leaves grow each like...2 days i think. Check the wiki on fruit trees
  3. [Solved] Big Fat Male Pig!

    ok, i guess i was just misinformed. Where did i take that from tho? im confuzing myself at this point
  4. [Solved] Big Fat Male Pig!

    okay this is getting weirder and of them just died...what?? i heard a pig death noise, ran over to them, and there was skin and bones by my log pile...WHAT IS GOING ON??? Can they die from a 1 block drop??? there was no high ledge to climb on around there... screenshot with the spot of death...and i have just fed them...
  5. [Solved] Big Fat Male Pig!

    o, he didnt leave ONE pregnant..he left all of em holy cow! or pig! ;_; iiiimm gonna run outa food soon.... O wait! More news! I can shear my sheep Kitty! but again, they do not show they are at 30% familiarity! I think your display is broken! Ill try leaving the chunks and coming back. EDIT: nope, they are still nowhere near 30%, they barely habve 1-2 pixels in their hearths
  6. [Solved] Big Fat Male Pig!

    This post has been automatically generated from a form submission. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in the blue box at the top of this form?: Yes Topic Title: Big Fat Male Pig! TFC Version #: 79.29.922 Forge Version #: SSP/SMP: Single Player Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Changed Config Options: Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes Other Mods Installed: MapWriter, TFC deco addon, TooManyItems, CodeChickenCore, FastCraft, Optifine If you have Optifine or a non-forge server plugin api (Examples: Bukkit, Cauldron, Thermos, etc) installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: Yes Crash Report: Description: So the one male pig that i got at my place is most probably bugged, he left one of the pig ladies pregnant even tho he is not at 30% familiarity and he ate like...i dont know, 90 oz of food by himself, i can STILL feed em, i got 20 oz...lemme hop in game and try to feed em. Yup! GONE xD So one thing i remember is that back a long time ago when i found him with a bunch of other pigs i am 100% SURE that there was at least one lady in the pack too, but when i went back there to get them to my base not long ago, only MALES were there, thats all the info i got unfortunatelly, aside that i dont know. Also, the lady pigs that i have and my chickens are acting normally...and my sheep, only this one pig seems craizy, and btw, i only grabbed the one male from the big pack i was talking about, so maibe the whole pack was bugged??...dunno
  7. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    Hmm, probably, do some testing man, find out yourself, its fun! :-) Just have the /time add 48000 (to add 2 days to the time)and plant a fruit tree and a normal one, do the command and see how many times it takes for each one to grow, then do the same with the multiplier =10 or something :-) Gl HF man
  8. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    okay so i cranked up my butchering skill to expert and im now getting like 25 oz per chicken, but DAAMN am i gettin alot from pigs xD im getting like 9 stacks per pig its RIDICULOUS! nyway, we should stop this thread now, its done its job
  9. One layer of dirt?

    So i have been flying around trying to figure stuff out, and i have found out that high hills biomes and edge ones have one layer of dirt: wont let me upload more screenshots, but beaches and plains biomes have a bunch of layers of dirt, then gravel, then stone. Also, i found a ,,plains,, biome with, a BUNCH of trees almost to the point where its dark enough for mobs to spawn! in high plains there were kapok trees, is this normal?? Btw dont mind the 2 holes in the stone i misspunched
  10. [Solved] Fruit trees and /time set day

    Man, nevermind the world works, but are chickens supposed to drop like 4-5-6 oz of meat??? the trees ARE growing, it was just winter crops are good...all is good except chickens drop a very small amount of stuff, both the cheated in chickens that are new and my old chickens drop that amount i want to point out that i spawned a TFC pig and it dropped like 300 oz, is THAT right??? isnt it ALOT?
  11. where? i cant find such thing in the blast furni or crucible wiki sections
  12. Gotcha on the bellows I guess, I'll have to experiment If you gotta chop 2 you spend 2x the time with it, so yes it is a huge difference, but you know I just realized, with how many trees you chop for charcoal, only needing 4 logs might actually be nice Ow, I didn't know, but maibe its INTENDED to be that way then? Dunno why you shouldn't be able to irrigate crops with it tho....its water after all, its just hot ;_; But if it can create a source in front of it if there's a stream behind it, you could just keep going with it endlessly and get all the water your need which seems OP. Or does it only work if the water flow behind it is salty or hot? Then I guess its understandable.
  13. Electrical energy!

    Also, there already is a topic onmechanicalpower, just a heads up :-)
  14. Electrical energy!

    I didn't even think of windmills man! Yea! I was going straight for coal in my idea! Also, its not like I'm a genius for this idea, it was way more than obvious that this would come after the iron / steel age. Electrolisys would be fun I guess, but how could it be used in a productive way, or are you thinking I'd just be for fun? I was thinking of the motors too, but couldn't figure out a good recipe, it would be used to make gennys, water mills and the electrical grinder I have just thought of The Tesla coils seem very ridiculous for TFC to be honest man xD I think we should leave that to suggestions based on magic, cuz if the coils were a thing, they would use a lot of energy probably, so it wouldn't be viable. Especially with the chunk protection in TFC That's also an idea, maibe doing it like that would be slightly more efficient than just burning the wood on a campfire or coal on a forge too, so there would be a reason behind it. Oooorr it could just be a faster cooker. Bout the bellows, don't know how it would work, because something has already come up saying that automating it would be inefficient on coal
  15. Even kitty said it only takes 2-3 bellow blows to get enough heat, after that, it just wastes coal It is, but that doesn't mean we should be able to make everything at a quartered (even more that that) cost of materials, but I guess it works. True, but I thought a water ,,filter,, wasn't supposed to be used as a water ,,mover...,, there are buckets made for that, red and blue steel ones, but tbh they don't make sense. Am I the only one that thinks the filter shouldn't be exploited to create water sources wherever you want?? That's nice, I just want the wood one myself, I'm not much of a fighter :-P