Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Monarch_of_Gold

  1. By multi-tiered, I was meaning material requirements. Like how the metal tiers go from copper to red/blue steel, only with materials you'd use for an oven.. so... clay, stone... iron? I don't think we've managed a better oven since Iron. Or, at least, not one that runs on fuel. I was mostly meaning that not all ovens cook at the same temps and most clay ovens made back in them days (how long ago was that?) were definitely not used to cook things like cake or complex pastries.

    You'd need some kind of oven as a base for glass blowing anyway, so.

    And TFC is already mean. If we didn't want people to be mean with addons/tfc we'd go back to regular modded minecraft and Pam's (both great things, btw, but not terrafirmacraft-level hard).

    But yeah. Not moving it does make sense. I was wondering about that. As for timed construction, it would just force us to wait until we had absolutely everything before we built it, which is a good habit for TFC players (how many times have you died trying to build a house without all the materials?). Also having durability would mean that throughout the game, just like with most everything else, you're still having to think about food and your next oven. Life isn't cheap. Food shouldn't be, either. It would also be a good way to force progression into the next tier of items (metal pots and pans, better food storage - canning, etc, maybe?)


    [Edit] So I've finally gotten to a point in TFC where I'm actually using your mod. I made soup after going through 5 or 6 campfires and constantly referencing NEI to figure out what I'd done wrong. The main thing I kept screwing up was the ordering of ingredients. Is there a way to make the recipes "shapeless" so that as long as the required ingredients go in, soup will be made? I've never heard of an order-specific soup, or being unable to make one because you put onion in before garlic. Just a thought. It annoyed me quite a bit and resulted in a good bit of wood being burnt through before I finally managed something. How is it supposed to be "gui-less" if you have to keep referring to NEI and wikis to figure out how it's done?

    Just wondering (and a bit annoyed).


  2. I was going to ask how the sand is shaped, but then I saw that the first step is to slap a clay wall down onto the ground. Can you move it? I would imagine it'd be very hard to move and very heavy. It would be interesting if it had a certain time limit for completing the build, else you have to start over. Then you'd just wait until you had everything and build it all in one go, else, you've just wasted your time and a fair bit of clay. 

    You could also make a multi-tiered oven system, where some ovens can get hotter than others and last longer (I can't imagine a clay oven like that lasting forever). Maybe with different materials/stone/finishes?

    Just some thoughts. Looks awesome, by the way!


    Sidenote: I am excited, however, by the prospect of cake being craftable in TFC. (Maybe?)


  3. How many bricks will you be able to fire at a time? Just 4? That sounds like a lot of hassle just to do a little baking...

    Is there a way to allow two bricks per spot in the pit kiln? That way it'd be a little bit easier to get things going, but not too much easier.


  4. On 7/30/2016 at 8:58 PM, TonyLiberatto said:


    Thanks that will for sure help.

    BTW You do know the recipes for the Tomato soup and Chicken soup are not working right?

    Looking in NEI it looks like is asking for 160 oz of Salt.

    That would make for an inedible soup recipe. Who calls for 10 lbs of salt?!


  5. 11 hours ago, StrayWolfe said:

    I know you can survive on a few food items without getting deficiencies, but I am not really interested in replicating real life. Like vanilla, TFC seemed a little lacking in the food department so I began creating this mod. I enjoyed the the challenge of needing different foods that Pam's Harvestcraft and the Spice of Life mods brought to vanilla and I wanted to bring that to TFC. 

    Alright. It's your add-on. I was mostly mentioning that for the sake of discussion, and also because I thought it was an interesting point to bring up.

    And yesss!! The bowl thing is so annoying! Why did they have to change it to only two bowls?


  6. add to that, shouldn't potatoes be one of the things you can eat consistently for some kind of sustinence? While The Martian was at least partly fictional, the part where he lives off of potatoes is quite true - they're pretty much the only thing that provides just about everything you need. No doubt he got tired of it, but he ate them because it was all he had left. The author probably did quite a bit of research to figure out that potatoes alone can sustain you. You won't be the healthiest person on Mars, but you will at least be alive at the end of the year when your people come back to rescue you.

    Just a thought.

    [EDIT] Did a little fact-checking and, while it would technically be possible to survive on potatoes, by the end of the year Watney was definitely ill and suffering from some major key deficiencies. A lot of scientists say it would have helped to have some "pulses" on-board in case of emergencies - beans like pintos or peas - which would help provide what potatoes lack, and push nitrogen back into the soil, making it healthier for more crops. Pulses are also useful because pretty much the entire plant is edible, from hull to bean to leaves and maybe even stalk, which would add a bit more variety and yet more nutrients.


  7. Hi there! I was wondering if you could maybe add jams, jellies, and maybe even pies to the mod. My mom has been working on making jams and preserves this week and I was just thinking about how awesome it would be to be able to do that in TFC! All you would need is a pot, a cup of fruit, a cup of sugar, and a jar to put it in after it's done cooking. This would maybe make 2 cups of jam which could fit into the jar. You could then either put the jar down in the world sort of like how the pottery thing works or plop it on a bibliocraft shelf.

    Thanks for the awesome addon!

