Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by psychocannon

  1. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Where abouts are you on the server at the moment I feel much the same and would welcome working with someone =p
  2. Yup! At once point I had so much I decided to just make a couple copper picks, a load of support beams - and carve out the Copper vein for easier harvesting in the future. I'll take some screenies when I get home..It's pretty impressive, especially considering we've had 3 people farming the poop out of it already!
  3. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    *Facepalm* yes...yes I did.... *hopes no one saw him slapping the pig round the face with a stack of wheat screaming obscenities about questionable porcine parentage*
  4. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Got online for a bit before work and started the bare bones of a Ranch from the random herd that spawned on my door step. A little delayed as my Iron has mysteriously vanished and the ore in my mine decided to relocate......but whatever, minor delay =p Once it's up and running I'll be trading horses and transport services LOVE how fast the Arabian is! Anyone found that animals are not responding to wheat though? Trying to herd pigs this morning (for meat and leather) but they wouldn't follow me even despite having wheat =/ (reason I'm focusing pigs is they breed much faster than cows )
  5. TFC Tips and Tricks [B75]

    Haha thanks, Affect.Effect is one I ALWAYS derp even though I should know better. Thanks for the correction about farmland too. And the I before E except after C I knew just derped the typing =p I found them just by playing and experimenting when I noticed odd things =p
  6. [Offline][Build75] Open TFC Server

    Update - Due to Chunk Protect you'll need to be added to the permissions list to be able to use the facilities and supplies in Spawn. I'll need your In game user name (Case sensitive) to add you.
  7. If you chisel a block down 1 so it's soul sand sized and place it in front of a door so it's lower than the door, it will block the door as if it was higher and there is not a 2 gap block to go through.
  8. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Hi, I'd like to edit the Wiki as I know people keep complaining about it and it needs updating in a few places. DOH Wiki name is Psychocannon
  9. [B75] Exception generating new chunk

    So my servers been crashing fairly regularly, usually as people explore and I've finally got my lazy arse to trawl the logs and got this for the last crash: Server: Minecraft 1.4.6 Forge: 6.5.0 Smart Move: 12 ChunkProtection: 1.4.6 (0.1.4) I'm wondering if the creature spawn blurb has anything to do with the logs showing players talking about killing some mobs minutes before the crash? logged in with entity id 100982 at (726.282293438124, 144.0, -5167.721048319338) 2013-01-22 03:41:19 [sEVERE] Encountered an unexpected exception t t: Exception generating new chunk at im.c( at im.d( at yc.isBlockSolidOnSide( at yc.isBlockSolidOnSide( at yc.v( at TFC.WorldGen.SpawnerAnimalsTFC.canCreatureTypeSpawnAtLocation( at TFC.WorldGen.SpawnerAnimalsTFC.findChunksForSpawning( at TFC.Handlers.ServerTickHandler.tickStart( at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickStart( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickStart( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreWorldTick( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r( at ho.r( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q( at at Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at TFC.WorldGen.TFCChunkProviderGenerate.d( at im.c( ... 15 more 2013-01-22 03:41:20 [sEVERE] This crash report has been saved to: /.rw/games/minecraft/beta/187958/./crash-reports/crash-2013-01-22_03.41.20-server.txt
  10. [B75] Collection of bug notices

    Ahh are the door bugs only plank doors! That was driving me INSANE!!! Will replace all with block doors asap, thankyou!
  11. [Offline][Build75] Open TFC Server

    So I understand some people spawn in the sheep pen instead of on the path and are trapped as the gate won't open for them? I'm looking into this and will shove an interim fix (ladder) in for now when I get home in about 2 hours as a work around.
  12. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    A great group indeed
  13. [Offline][Build75] Open TFC Server

    OK the server has been upgraded to 1GB Ram for now and we'll see how that runs, if it still lags out I'll double it to 2GB. We have enough regulars now that I've installed a few additional (option) mods Smart Move V12 (you don't need this installed on your client to join the server but it's there if you want) Chunk Protect - Once you've got yourself setup on the server I'll give you 1 chunk allowance to buy and customize who can interact with your property. I'll work out a system to allow you to "buy" more chunks soon. I'll get some screen shots up tonight also.
  14. I've noticed that if you start mining cobble generated by a cave in then stop - it turns back into it's smooth stone original block (edit - hmm nvm seems only to effect the ones that didn't actually MOVE due to being supported etc or ending up in position where there was a smooth stone block not the majority of them....certainly none of the ones that end up on the ground...)
  15. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Nice , Ya that does sound appropriate. Mumble Server - If you register your name it will set your password default to Roanoke - you can then change this from your settings I'll get on and admin it later tonight (about 6PM GMT) and add anyone as admin that needs to. It's only an 8 Slotter at the moment I'm afraid but if the demand is there this month I'll up it next month. Any admins on the forum that want the admin deets for the server can pm me also.
  16. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Random one, does Ranoke (whats the significance of that name btw?) have a chat server? I have one free from Multiplay we don't use as our group already has one for the Vanilla MC Server that's free if you want to use it? It's only 8 slot but could increase that if needed.
  17. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Will do! shall I make a new chest and put it back in that house or is there like a central bureaucracy building I can file an application to file in =p And no worries I plan to finish my place sooner rather than later it's just balancing gathering resource with building =p A note about my place - in ALL my worlds I've always turned my house into a warehouse / workshop - In TFC that's even more the case hence my choice of mountain side base as I have almost infinite room to expand so If you want I'll work with you to integrate the stables I think given the physics of TFC I'll need to scetch out the floor plans first anyway rather than my usual hollow out mountain and backfill approach , especially given the value of pickaxes this early in my game
  18. Should I? [UPDATED]

    I'm just watching your archived streams now! glad you did it
  19. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    So I understand now that ore veins are actually random on each world regardless of seed value so while you may not find ore in the exact same place I did it seems the Biome still gives you a good chance of finding them. the first PIC I posted is of the Island with the entrance to the huge cavern system that makes finding ore much easier! Follow the SE Shore line for I think 500M and you'll find it and probably a lot of clay and Pete besides. When I first hit this Island I found a natural collapse had already exposed this cavern which is how I found it (didn't have the minimap installed at the time - installed that for the screen shot submission of the seed!) but my 2 rolls since have not done this so not sure how that happened but basically if you just dig around the shore line of the island nearest the mainland you'll soon collapse into the tunnels assuming they aren't also random.....hmmm.... that said you can see from the Mini Map there is a large cavern there in my 2nd roll due to all the mobs on the mini map so =p I also dug directly down from Spawn (in a Northerly direction) once I had my pickaxe and found several Tin Deposits very quickly so the Seed seems to give a good amount of Ore, just get used to using the Prospectors Pick I guess
  20. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hey guys, Thanks for the warm welcome last night! I think I'll be spending a lot of time with you all I'm afraid while exploring town and making use of an anvil a creeper snuck up on me and did serious damage to one of the abandoned marked for demolition houses (I guess the creeper was just trying to help?) It's the one right by marked mushroom farm in town. I salvaged the important bits that fell out the destroyed chest and have stored them and will try to leave them aside in case whoever owns that place comes back or the contents were already spoken for (A large Flawless Gem, about 6 stacks of Zinc ore and some Igneous extrusive Rock) the rest was junk I didn't have space for like dirt and saplings etc. After the 3rd creeper inside the house during the day (no idea where the hell they came from) I moved the anvil to my place rather than risk damage the town..not stealing it and happy to return it anytime as I've already made my own =p So just a heads up and sorry for the damage After some scouting around I decided to make my home on the road from spawn just before town - As you cross the Wooden Bridge I've made a 2nd bridge to the cliff face running along side the road and have started carving out the start of what will be my mountain side lair Hope I haven't over stepped any boundaries or broken any rules....
  21. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Hey there, I'd like to apply for the white list if I may Minecraft name: Psychocannon Real Name: Eden Age: Let's just say I'm happy to be village elder, crotchety old coot and all round old than you.... Been playing MC for....a long time...early Beta anyway though I forget which version, We have our own Vanilla server and I have a TFC server also but it's just an 8 slotter and my friends won't be joining me on it for a while as they are invested in some mega projects on Vanilla (as was I but since TFC I just can't play regular anymore without getting bored!!) I think I'd make a good addition to any community on account of I'm a prolific builder and resource whore so I tend to end up making a house come warehouse rapidly followed by ever growing farms of various sorts in order to fill said warehouse, and I am of the mind help yourself just put back what you can when you can
  22. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    What Texture pack are you using? I like that one
  23. [TFC B72] MAtmos Configurations

    Ahh I was wondering why I had that wind 24/7 in TFC but that makes sense thanks! Will give it a shot tonight as I love TFC but the constant howling wind while initially therapeutic (Reminded me of 2300AD in Chrono Trigger) is starting to grate after a week
  24. [Build75] Great Starting Seed

    You may want to increase the memory available to java as well if you haven't done that already and try tweaking Optifine I teraformed the shoreline by spawn a fair bit as the little outcrop we spawn on wasn't enough for any settlement but there was a fair bit of 1 block deep water so I expanded and then expanded some more removing a hill and dumping it in the sea to make more shoreline Likewise with all the saltrock and basalt I got harvesting tin on the plains =p
  25. Check my Build 75 seed - whilst randomised all iterations I've run so far have: 1) Lots of Trees near by of various types. 2) Lots of Clay 3) Lots of Peat for early fuel 4) HUGE Basalt Plains which drop Tin regularly While the Deposits move around on each spawn they always tend to be there (Biome specific I guess?) I've also found good copper deposits on all 3 spawns of this seed which with the abundance of surface TIN means early bronze age =p On the SMP server we've just hit Silver and Redstone as well but are still looking for steel.