Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Mohander

  1. It would more interesting and beliveable if (as the title says) some of the wild animals would look more likely the arcaic ancestor of them, more in particular, pigs were darker before they have beendomesticated, and cows was more like the color of bisons. This "wild aspect" would turn into the normal and actual aspect of those animals once the familiarize gauge would reach91-100% or when a new generation is born. Something like this; pigs cows
  2. Just Another Spawner

    Based on what I understood from this topic, the two main JAS cfg to look at are "Creature Types" (where the tags are) and Vanilla.cfg into the EntityHandlers folder, correct me if I'm wrong. it possible to set the TFC mobs to only spawn below sea level (y<128) to force them to only spawn in caves using JAS? If yes, how?
  3. Offer support for galacticraft...?

    GC will be ported to 1.10+ too, I hope in a collaboration that would start soon to assume a possible well-integration of these two beautiful mods
  4. Offer support for galacticraft...?

    TFC is actually a great mod, it gives that feeling of progression that vanilla missed,and it is reallyrewarding. Many modpacks have been released adding other mods that would make "a continuation" in the developing of a rising civilization, but none of them ever added galacticraft. We know why, GC has it's own player interface, like baubles or other mods like this, but it would very amazingif a compatibility would be worked on it. Nothing is more rewarding thanstart from nothing and reach the space Probably I'm not even the first asking that, but, is there something that can be done about this? and if could be there a solution, would it be from TFC-developing-team side or from Galacticraft team? What about a collaboration? and which one should begin from?
  5. [TFC 0.79.27] Technofirma Mod Pack

    @kev12eastwhy did you removed enviromine (if I can ask)? Also, did the air quality system worked? I had some issue making it work with tfc