Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Mohander

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    Wood Cutter

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  1. Yeah, that worked, my bad I take the instances open for too long and often forget that the reloadcould be a good option in these cases The most simple things are often the most effective hehe
  2. I don't know if you was aware of that but the new custom Knapping Recipes (at least for clay side) are not shown in NEI, even using TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin-1.7.10- Any solution or workaround for this? Is thisTerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin fault?
  3. Is Flux nothing more than Calcium Carbonate?

    Yeah, you are all right guys, minewas just curiosity I spent some time doing research and I was too tired in that moment to realize these facts Thanks alot for have replied btw @Darmothe simplified version is that one, yeah, more likely it's main function (further than ease the combination of metals)is also to prevent oxydations while working them
  4. I'm actually tryng to create a pack centred about beliveability/realism/educational aspect and I just discovered an interesting thing.. I was going to implement Fluorite and other minerals, and suddenly I discovered that apparently the rocks where you get Flux are the same rocks composed mainly by Calcite, otherwise Calcium Carbonate, CaCO3 Why the decision to call it justFlux without reffering to the chemical composition btw? *yeah, I know that Cryolite already is a sodium fluoride with traces of aluminum, but I needed pure Fluorite crystals for what I was tryng to accomplish:P*
  5. By the way, I still have a question unresolved.. because the solution works for blocks like gravel, dirt or stone, but for grass for example we have a problem... With that code in fact all the grass block became covered by the texture, but we want that only the "top layer" is affected, and even in that moment, we get another problem, sometimes the top layer has to become the side layer (because of better grass connected texture in tfc)..
  6. Ok, glad to say that thanks to a person on the optifine forum I've managed to merge into a solution: matchBlocks=terrafirmacraft:Gravel metadata=5 method=random tiles=0-2 weights=5 3 2 it works pretty well hope it can be useful for whoever want to make random texture now on
  7. Mhm, I took a look at that texturepack, and in effect one of the methods works, the tallgrass one (the planks by the way seems to not working) The author used this for randomize the tallgrass blockIDs=31 method=random tiles=0-2 weights=5 3 2 but I wonder, he was using the vanilla ID for tallgrass... this may explain why it is the only block that seems to work with ctm I tryed the same with gravel id but it didn't worked unfortunately.. also, the properties file was named as the vanilla unlocalized name for grass, this may not work with the unlocalized name for gravel since it has ":" like;<terrafirmacraft:Gravel:5>
  8. Sorry, maybeI have not explained myself correctly, my bad I meant that I've already tryed with optifine/mcpatcher with no success I made a mcpatcher folder with ctm in both the paths (resourcepacks\better soil\assets\minecraft\mcpatcher\ctm\Gravel Rock Salt and resourcepacks\better soil\assets\terrafirmacraft\mcpatcher\ctm\Gravel Rock Salt too) but with no results.. I tryed actually with the suggested format with no results too :/ //Gravel Rock Salt matchBlocks=Gravel Rock Salt method=ctm tiles=0-4 edit2: the ctm was wrong, I re-tryed using all the 47 needed tiles but no success... edit: I've even tryed to use //Gravel Rock Salt matchBlocks=Gravel Rock Salt method=vertical tiles=0-3 (since it only require 4tiles) but it doesn't seems to work anyway
  9. Is it possible to create alternate/randomized texture for a block? (example; alternate 6 types of "GrassTop" or alternate 4 types of gravel for every terrain in tfc) I'm aware that you can do this in vanilla usingoptifine (because it has mcpatcher functionality), but, is it possible too with terrafirmacraft? Probably not with mcpatcher, but, maybe with some .mcmeta or json file?
  10. How do you tame/ride a horse?

    Toby you just need to feed the horse first (with grains naturally), for at least 3-4 days. The animal should allow you to try to ride him when the familiarization level is high at least like this:
  11. Just Another Spawner

    Idk if this could help someone in the future, but I post it here just in case;
  12. Still, I found a way to make it work btw, because even if added from another mod, it's still an heat recipe. The only counterintuitive thing is that I had not to remove the output (the rubber) but the mixture So it changes from mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber>); to mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber Mix>);
  13. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Thanks alot!
  14. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Is eventually possible to add in your own addon another config option in order to disable also the heat recipe instead of just the furnace recipe? just asking
  15. In reply onthis: Is that normal that i can't remove the rubber heat recipe with TFCTweaker?I used: mods.Terrafirmacraft.ItemHeat.removeRecipe(<tfctech:item.Rubber>);in the config file of the mod there is only the option to disable the normal furnace recipe, or well, so it seems