Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    The advantage of a brazier over a firepit or forge (as I see it) is that it is portable. I do agree that an oven could certainly find a use though.
  2. Frames and Plaster (scaffolding and building block)

    Many castles were constructed entirely without mortar by masons with interlocking rocks. Let me rephrase it: at this time, mortared cobblestone is not a top priority in terms of new building blocks. Many other candidates might fill a much-needed gap in the array or add a useful new feature. Aesthetics for the sake of aesthetics is one of the lowest priorities until a well-balanced, stable system is established.
  3. Plate Tectonics WorldGen (co-programmer needed!)

    If you can get this working reliably, I'd be more than willing to implement it into TFC, with Bioxx's consent.
  4. Farming

    To add to what kitty said, large-scale green-housing wasn't feasible with the materials and technology of the time period[citation needed] and so most likely won't find it's way into a future build either.
  5. Transportation Infrastructure

    yeah, there is, but it's nasty. It would probably result in a lot of code duping, which would have to be updated and maintained simultaneously
  6. I've done it! What next?

    Congrats on getting so far
  7. Frames and Plaster (scaffolding and building block)

    I believe that another type of cobble stone is unnecessary, as bricks are designed to fill the need for a stone-based non-gravity block
  8. Braziers -heating (and cooking)

    Made sure to read the thread this time >.> Is it necessary to have braziers that render differently along the x and z axes? It causes problems for anvils and is generally a pain. Additionally, chiseled block rendering isn't desirable, as it eats up a lot of memory. Ideally, you'd want the model to be explicitly defined, in which case you aren't bound by the limits of what you could chisel. The brazier could look much more like the 'real-life' image in your OP. I think your concept of coals vs flames is interesting, and important as far as cooking goes. As was mentioned above, flames aren't desirable when cooking, as they just char food. The brazier would most likely function the way that other fire-based blocks work, with a temperature meter, although that might just be behind the scenes.
  9. Ranching: tending to your animals

    yeah, that would have to be the plan
  10. Transportation Infrastructure

    Ideally, a road would be a concept rather than a block. Carts (if they exist) would simply run faster on stone or wood surfaces and not get stuck during the rain on them. By having explicit cart-friendly (chisel-able for ramps) dirt roads, we have to add a new block and extend the functionality of the chisel mechanic, which currently has all chisel-able blocks as stone. This is why you need a pickaxe to break chiseled planks, and would mean the same thing for dirt.
  11. Ranching: tending to your animals

    These are things we must address. With everything else that happens in TFC, it's not unreasonable for tall grass to grow all at once when a chunk loads, just as all other processes catch up when a chunk reloads. Overall, a few changes will have to be made that determine how and where grass and plants grow in order to accommodate animals. For one thing, there will have to be a way for animals to forage during the winter in colder climates. It will most likely be harder for animals to find enough to eat during these times, so colder climates might support fewer animals in the same space. It's also possible that animals will eat wild vegetables, from berry bushes and from fruit trees (if they can manage that) Carnivores will probably end up being a bit more complicated. The whole system needs a good looking-at, because some of the factors that support ecosystems in real life are hard to replicate in game. For starters, wilder forests often support more animals than one might initially think, as many of their inhabitants avoid human contact or contact with other animals. Carnivores like wolves can be sustained because more prey animals are born each year within the area that they hunt than they consume each year. This might require ratios upwards of 20 or so deer for each wolf, which in TFC wouldn't work, as most animals sit there dumb and let you kill them. It's difficult to code them in such a way that it's a challenge to run them down and stab them. I'll look into this though. Better pathing might be required; at least a way for them to pick a destination that doesn't have them running in circles or back towards the player. Ideally, I wouldn't mind large herds of animals like deer or cows, especially if they would run at the sight of the player. If players had to sneak up slowly on a herd and peg one with an arrow, the game could support larger herds and I think would be more fun. For cows at least, they should be able to retaliate when wild, lashing out or charging. Currently, animals are few and far between because otherwise they're too plentiful. The first step in making animals require food is making animals behave properly, and that means new AI.
  12. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    This is correct. So far, we've been going with mineral pigments for dyes in TFC. Truth be told, mineral pigments are more often used for paints than for cloth dyes, but it's not unreasonable to use minerals. The mineral approach also makes colours more interesting, I believe, that simply picking flowers. Currently, red dye is made from hematite powder.
  13. Can't craft a book

    I did test it. That's when I originally decided I must have made the mistake, as none of the recipes I tried worked. At the time, it seemed I needed 3 paper in a stack, but i guess I must have been mistaken.
  14. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    Dyes will be used to dye cloths, but not glass. It's been stamped down from vanilla because it felt excessive. I didn't intend to sound flame war-y, just to sort of joke that I like to take things to extremes sometimes. You seem to be quite convinced that we're all butt-hurt... I'm not sure if you noticed the little title below my name, but I'm one of the developers for TFC, and between TFC's two devs, the one who frequents the forums more often. In a way, I'm the one you're making suggestions to If I see a suggestion with promise but that I think is heading in the wrong direction, I'll try to correct it to help the discussion stay relevant and become a feature that might get implemented into the game.
  15. Frames and Plaster (scaffolding and building block)

    Plaster was used extensively in antiquity, and a use for a useless mineral is always welcome- nice job.
  16. Ranching: tending to your animals

    Animals should and will be able to sustain themselves on wild grasses, basically grazing (on tall grass), however animals would rather quickly eat all of the grass if there are more animals than a given space can support (ie the population density you would see in the wild). The only self-sufficient number of animals is at most as much as you might find in a similarly sized area in the wild. This means that (assuming you contain your animals in a reasonably-sized space) your animals won't die off completely, and instead settle at a stable number of animals. Any animal density you wish to have above the natural equilibrium would require you to feed them. What this means is that you might be able to fit 20 pigs in a 80 x 80 enclosure without feeding them, but that's impractical, and so you would have to supply them with food in order to shrink it down to something more manageable, such as 20 x 16 or something like that. These are just random numbers though, not to be taken as a statement of a future feature.
  17. Transportation Infrastructure

    If you want to argue with what someone says, go ahead, but we don't tolerate direct insults. I strongly disagree. Stone is one of the easiest materials to get, given the amount of mining required to find minerals and ores.
  18. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    I commented on your post because if the content or the topic of your suggestion changes, you should update your original post to match those changes. The title and original post suggested that you were looking for a use for wool. That's misleading if the discussion has moved away from the topic. Hang on here. I said stained glass had been examined before, and rejected due to an inability to get the chemicals involved. You countered by saying as an aesthetic option, it should be in anyway. With that in mind, you could only be suggesting an implementation that didn't involve using the correct chemicals, which I said is bad, as it's the sort of thing you'd expect from vanilla. What's been discussed earlier in this thread is irrelevant, as I was responding to YOU.
  19. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    I'm debating the use of dyes to stain glass On a related note, after looking over the wikipedia article on stained glass, i think we actually have a reasonable-enough mineral assortment to support stained glass: Right, so that took a number of hours to come up with. There's much less data on the more obscure elements than I'd like, and I only found what i was looking for through
  20. Transportation Infrastructure

    1/8th slabs is slope-y enough
  21. Items with building (structure) requirements

    The bloomery requirement has been pointed out as incorrect, as obove. Sawmills don't even exist. The anvil requirement makes "sense", in a way, but is rather obtuse, and I don't think it would be straightforward enough for players. I think a lot of people would get confused, especially because it's hard to communicate such requirements to the player.
  22. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    Because dammit, I'm going to teach you how to make coloured glass! One of my pet peeves with minecraft was that things were crafted or existed based on the conceptual notion of a thing, rather than what it is itself, for example crafting tools was drawing the tool in a 3x3 grid, or with items that represent something, such as dyes just representing a colour like blue, and then anything blue that you want just needs that dye. TFC already does away with that, we make you work metal on an anvil into the shape that you want, so i see no reason to fall back on a vanilla mechanic just because it's easy.
  23. Items with building (structure) requirements

    I'm not opposed to the concept, but the examples presented are a bit lacking :/
  24. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    Looked into stained glass once. The reason it wasn't implemented sooner is that I forced myself to stick to traditional / historical chemical compositions for stained glass (not dye based, but the chemical component such as gold for red glass). TFC just didn't have the mineral base for a wide enough variety of colours and/or the ones that could be manufactured from existing chemicals involved complicated processes.
  25. Sounds good until my boss gets back tomorrow, I'm just manually entering records into a database, as per my instructions. You can do that if you like