Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by dunkleosteus

  1. If an animal's familiarity isn't high enough and you stop feeding it, it will decay. This is likely what happened. When you shift click on the donkey with grain in your hand, nothing happens? It doesn't eat it?


  2. Great! So far it looks like this is going to happen on Nov 2 at 7 pm somewhere in downtown Toronto. Including myself and __Frank, that's 6 people. If anyone else is interested, now would be the time to speak up :)


  3. What are you talking about Dunk? Sandstone obviously forms from sand under (lithospheric) pressure. As such the grains are cemented together. Temperature helps to speed up the cementation process at pressure. 

    I misspoke; you are correct that sandstones don't have to form underwater, but the cementation process involved in lithification requires an immense amount of pressure to progress beyond the initial stage of eogenisis. I couldn't find exact numbers for the requirements for cementation, but wikipedia says here: that eogenisis (distinct from mesogenisis, which is when sandstone actually forms, and is defined as "deep burial" as opposed to "shallow burial" for eogenisis) can take place at depths of a few metres to tens of metres. It's safe to assume that mesogenisis occurs significantly deeper or at least as deep as the upper bound for eogenisis, thus making it impossible for mesogenisis to occur beneath deserts in TFC; they're much too shallow. The sand that forms in deserts may one day form sandstone if it is buried under a very large amount of sediment or is covered by a sea, as the pressure of the water helps the process to occur, but will most likely remain as a loose sediment until then.


  4. sandstone doesn't form under sand like that. Sandstone forms underwater the same way limestone, chalk, shale, and claystone form. Having sandstone but not treating it as another sedimentary rock wouldn't make sense.


  5. ceramic tools are possible because we have specific types of clay that are pure and are baked in sterile ovens. In TFC, you dig some clay out of the dirt, throw it in a hole, throw some grass on top of it, throw logs on top of that and set the whole thing on fire. Ceramic tools are only possible with modern technology.


  6. You're supposed to get ore off the ground with panning as a last resort. Panning requires clay bowls and water. If you don't have the resources to make clay bowls, you also don't have the resources to be smelting metal. If you don't have water, you should probably focus on finding some, as you need to drink it. There are no situations in which this method would be possible and panning would not, therefore it's redundant. I believe that keeping mining exclusive to the pickaxe is the simplest and most straightforward choice.


  7. People used large fires against exposed ores to free them from the stone. that could be implemented in some way.


    The ancient Romans were innovators of mining engineering. They developed large scale mining methods, perhaps most notably the use of large volumes of water brought to the minehead by numerous aqueducts for hydraulic mining. The exposed rock was then attacked by fire-setting where fires were used to heat the rock, which would be quenched with a stream of water. The thermal shock cracked the rock, enabling it to be removed.


    That would be a believable way to obtain ores without using a knife to break stones.

    That would definitely be something you'd have to do once you already had metal. That sort of thing is done because breaking rocks is hard work and Rome needed a lot of ore. Neither of those things are problems in TFC. It's good that you're exploring different ideas though.


  8. Here are my thoughts: depending on the type of ore, this MIGHT work. native metal that is separate from the parent stone could possibly be pried out with a knife but a lot of the ores in TFC exist as minerals dispersed within the stone. Prying ore off the surface of a rock is one thing, but if you're actually breaking the rock itself and extracting the ore from within, you've essentially made a pickaxe. While believability is nice, we've thus far used it to solve existing problems, and I don't think mining ore before you've made a pickaxe is a problem in TFC. The historical record shows that early metallurgy was done with loose chunks of ore found on the ground, and it was only once smelting copper was established that people began searching it out in rock faces.


  9. Roman empire would be cool as a basis! The technology in TFC matches pretty well for the time period. Basing it too heavily on Rome would be a bad idea I think though. Don't go using latin or anything and you can probably come up with your own architectural styles etc but in terms of cultural values of beliefs I think it could work well :)


  10. I'm doing this with refined rice and it doesn't work. I get the same thing. instead of the cow eating it, I'm eating it... :P I tried to fill myself and try it, once again not working.

    Update: Just found out that I can only feed the cows ONCE. I was confused because when I did it I heard a burp so I assumed that I had fed myself!

    Yeah, the animals burp when they eat the food. The way to tell is that when you eat it yourself, you go through the munching animation and sound while you're holding right click before you get the burp and animals burp right away.


  11. I was just thinking, is there ingame any way to tell that you already fed one specific animal that day once?Otherwise it could get quite messy with a bunch of animals running around in your pit when you don't know anymore which one already fed and which not ...Except, of course, if you go so far as to tie every single one to its own post while familarizing them ^^

    we're considering limiting it to a once-a-day thing, where you won't be able to familiarize them more than once.


  12. You are wrong about most of that. Line 362 says "if(!worldObj.isRemote)" which specifies ONLY the server, not the client.


    The >30 < 80 case is specifcally designed to do nothing, as you will see there is also an isAdult() check. I mentioned in the changelog that adult animals HAVE A CAP on how much they can familiarized. Baby animals can be familiarized between 30 and 80, and so you must get a baby animal above 80 before it reaches adulthood in order to continue to familiarize it as an adult.


    You should only attempt to familiarize an animal once per day. Anything more than that is throwing food away.


  13. I never learned french at all. But apparently, google translate isn't all that bad if you can take the pile of words it gives you and sort it out. However, you really can't say anything back with it...But is mob AI really that bad? I mean, sure mobs act like they're complete idiots frequently but....

    it is entirely that bad. So bad. :(

  14. Anymore information you can provide? This didn't happen when I was testing alcohol chat before release and I wasn't able to reproduce it just now.


    here's a log from the server console of the test I just ran: Each time, I was attempting to say "Why hello there" and you can see the different ways it came out. I wasn't kicked from the server. I tried de-opping myself and still nothing happened. 

    [16:57:12] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Why helloo there
    [16:57:17] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Why hello there
    [16:57:18] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Whyy hello there
    [16:57:20] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Why helloo there
    [16:57:34] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Opped nikstick22
    [16:57:39] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: De-opped nikstick22
    [16:57:42] [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer]: Wwhy hello there

    My conclusion would be that it's either related to being connected to a non-local server or another mod.