Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Anyone willing to tell me how my french was? I'm pretty bad with it, but to clarify: I think this would cause many more problems than you think, and it's unfortunate. Mob AI is actually incredibly bad for minecraft, and if it isn't relating to direct necessary functions of the animal, I don't think it would be worth it. In this case, I think it would be too much of a strain on the computer with not enough benefit to gameplay. Sorry, but it's the way it is.


  2. Mon francais est mal.


    Je comprends.. je pense?


    mais, c'est plus difficile que vous en pensez.


    j'ai essayé comprendre :/


    en le futur, utilisez l'anglais s'il vous plait


  3. In addition to what Azdoine said, "Impossible" is usually a very firm way of saying "NO."


    There's a huge difference between making realistic proposals that actually have a chance of being added, and not taking no for an answer and wasting our time by posting stuff for us to read that is just going to once again be told NO.


    Dunk made a joke a little bit ago talking about the difference between optimism and not taking no for an answer is that one of them will get you kicked out of bars. >.> Somebody else go find that quote for me because I'm too busy kthx. <3 Edit: I will give you the title of "Official Quote Fetcher" on the forums if you do it for me. >.>





    Title updated as Kitty decreed :)


  4. Wow, some pretty harsh reactions to this suggestion. I'll try to be a bit kinder.


    I can say to begin with that this isn't going to happen, sorry :/


    The focus of the mod isn't to follow reality to the letter, only as far as we think it's fun and interesting, which can mean generalizing or glazing over certain aspects of processes we are representing.



    I appreciate the suggestion, but I feel it strays too far from the direction we'd like the mod to grow in.


  5. It's technically possible, but a really bad coding practice and not something that should be done, so what Kitty said. I figure I'll mention this now so that it isn't brought up later.


    If you HAD to do it for some reason, you could code a brand new block with it's own block id, tile entity and everything and use that. It would be kind of nasty though.


  6. Part of the purpose of not allowing certain items to go into chests is because it makes those items hard to deal with for storage and management. This is intentional.


    Storing logs in chests goes directly against how we want the game to operate.


    Ingot piles are just because they're cool, and because ingots are a lot harder to get, it's rare that players will have more than a few blocks worth of piles for each metal type.


  7. I saw on the wiki (and have noticed in-game) that animal size is determined, at least partly, by the size of its parents. This got me thinking, is there an upper and lower limit for animal sizes? Is it possible for me to breed teacup pigs, and giant mutant sheep? I am mostly playing on a server, so all of my animals are descended from one male and female pair of each type, and while I have a good amount of size variation in my sheep, horses, and cows, my pigs are all the same size.


    Is it possible I've just hit a size limit? Or is something else afoot?

    in b78, there is a hard size limit of 0.7 < 1.3 times the normal size for each animal.


  8. Still don't really see a reason to invent your own bycicle over it. Vanilla rain can fill cauldrons too, by the way.

    Indeed, but that doesn't make vanilla rain useful. Cauldrons are a small subsection of minecraft. Some player may never bother with one and even if they did, making a bucket and an infinite source pool is trivial in vanilla. In TFC, barrels can only be filled at natural sources of fresh water before red steel. Fresh water is vital to the player's survival, as they need to drink every day. There's a huge difference between cauldrons and barrels.


  9. I tried this about a year and a half ago. It wouldn't have been a viable system at the time, as there wasn't a good way of doing it without base-edits, but I seem to remember it being difficult to balance the colour scale, so that when ingots were faintly glowing, you could still tell what ingot it is. A brownish wrought iron ingot with a faint red glow will look different than a whitish platinum ingot with the same glow.


  10. Theres a good chance that the point of this thread is not to talk about how eating food alone is boring, but that dunkleosteus is looking for people in downtown Toronto to eat food with

    Indeed. My friends mostly live in residence at another school, so I am both a few km from them and without access to their food, which leaves me without anyone to eat with. A lot of nights I stay late to work on TFC in the lab and then I'm hungry


  11. Something else came to mind as I was playing. My days are pretty filled in game from dawn til dusk. Gathering wood, tending crops, trying to build, firing a kiln, keeping track of food decay and storage, finding new mines, etc. Even though torches that burn out are realistic, the amount of time in a MC day is too short compared to a real life day to fit in every little realistic task. I have 20 minutes, not 20 hours to accomplish my daily tasks. Changes for realism and believability are fine in my book, but you have to consider time in MC. There are only so many minutes in the MC day. Adding things that simply take time is not really beneficial to gameplay if they don't lead to something better. Pretty much everyone who has posted is simply going to turn off the change. Seems like a lot of wasted effort for the Devs if the majority just turn it off.

    This is exactly the discussion I had with bioxx when the feature was first announced. Burnt-out torches can be relit by right-clicking with a lit torch in your inventory (inventory torches never go out), so once you make torches, relighting them is quite easy. For mines with long, narrow hallways, it will be quite easy. Monsters may take up residence while you're gone, but that sort of adds to the fun in my opinion. You'll likely be walking past all the torches anyway and so tagging them as you go really won't be too big of a problem. A house that is well-established will likely have sufficient spawn protection to avoid any nastiness from spawning, even if you leave the area for a long time. I think it's interesting that if you abandon your home, it will begin to be reclaimed by the wilderness. The maintenance of living in your house won't be much more than the equivalent of flicking a few light switches every day.


  12. Sorry for having a half full glass instead of a half empty one, thats just how i am cant really help it :P


    I was going to say something constuctive on the matter, but i see its been added to the "Do Not Post the Following Suggestions" today, so ill just not go there. It wasnt my intend on making this topic about "salt from salt water", i just really like the idea behind it since it makes sense thats all.

    "half full glass" is a bit of a stretch. Optimism is one thing. Not taking "no" for an answer is another. That's the sort of thing that gets you thrown out of bars.


  13. necro?


    We've talked more about carcasses since this was originally suggested. I think at this point it's an idea we like (not specifically how it's outlined in this post, but the concept, as we haven't committed to many details yet). The overall appeal to the system is that it would be more difficult to move killed animals, as carcasses would most likely be too large to carry. The meat on the animal wouldn't have to despawn as a vanilla item, and could instead rot naturally, and it allows things like meat hangers or more advanced food handling. It's still just an idea, more of a "Wouldn't it be nice?" but I think bioxx and I both agree that if it isn't done right, it probably shouldn't be done at all. It would feel like an addition to a system that works and not a requirement, so there's no strong impetus to implement it. Unless one of us comes up with a fully-formed, amazing mechanic or way to implement it, (which certainly isn't unheard of) it probably won't happen for the foreseeable future.


  14. -no danger -> no atmosphere, After some time it would be like in vanilla where rain is just annoying

    -tornados would only occur in certain climates (it's up to you if you want some danger or not)

    -stone is not affected by tornados so if you build an adequate house and barn for your animals there's no problem

    -making your own weather system is well and good but why creating a new one if there is already one? That's why I didn't say "hey owner of mod make better wether mor fast cauze now is borin". You could save your time for other things.


    If you think it's out of place in the theme of the mod that's ok becaue i love your mod and you know best how it should develop further :)

    I don't count this system as a viable option for TFC


    Rain in vanilla is annoying because all it does is cause lag, (in the case of thunderstorms) allows monsters to spawn and has loud thunder, and is annoying to listen to. In TFC, rain can already fill barrels of water (in B79), and if bouts of rain were much shorter than the days they can last in vanilla, I think they'd be easier to handle. Not to mention that rains can be a welcome sight to farmers, and if we were able to control the climate, that would certainly be something to look into.
