Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Nidor

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  1. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    I think I'd like to give this server a shot IGN: Nidor age 27 I'm not that great at TFC, clueless on farming, and only stumble on veins by luck it seems, but i like the variety of trees/woods and the use of partial blocks to make things out of, such as the chiseling. I love working with people to make towns or other such hubs, rare these days since it seems like everyone spreads out and plays singleplayer with chat .
  2. Research

    I rather like thaumcraft, and its research system for being different from the norm, so I like this idea. The quill pen could be a tool like the anvil/hammer and have a durability if you want to stretch the ink/feather supply. First time you research a stone it would say that it was the igneous ex/in etcSecond could tell you what types of metals are found in itThird could tell you how many uses a tool made with it have.I do not know if the whole recipes are locked till it is researched aspect of thaumcraft would go over well with tfc, but even if they aren't locked it would give an ingame knowledge repository.Players that know all of it already wouldn't need it, but you can't say there isnt a demand for this type of feature, look at the crafting table II(I), recipebook, nei recipe mode type mods out there that take the guesswork (and wiki) unnecessary. If it weren't for dwarf fortress I would have to look up the wiki every time I found a metal to find out what cassiterite or cinnabar and whatnot was (and if it was magma safe ). If the tiered information thing is in, thaumcraft's discovery pages would be nice, and to get next tier you could put them into the paper slot to upgrade it with the material again. If that becomes to block id or item intensive, a simple logbook like the thaumicon book is fine too. Sure it would take longer to do all this stuff than to alt tab and check a wiki, but honestly the wiki hopping has spoiled some of the fun for me on many games. There is also plenty of people that would enjoy this feature just for the fact it would give them something to 100% completion achievement for, even tropicraft has a book that does much of what this topic suggests. Heck I would like a tropicraft style "I saw it, so I'm going to write it down" basic entry into that book even if it just has the name and a picture of it, just so I could at a glance see what shade of grey the stone types are so I can tell without taking a sample every time .
  3. Underground Ecology

    Well, I was meaning more of a visual cue for playerrs to tell when air was getting a little thin, I know that isn't too realistic for the gas one though. From a gameplay standpoint, silently passing out and dying that way isn't very fun, so gas might end up being more active to balance that. There doesn't necessarily have to be guages either, a visual cue in the same vein as the nausea or entering a portal would be interesting, if it starts out subtle and gets progressively worse. As for early age cues, there is the classic canary or other small animal. Torches might also help, as you would need air for them to burn, or ignite flammable gasses If thaumcraft style guages are too much, perhaps a compass/clock style meter could work. There are quite a few ways to make it work, what would you use to make the cards, I'd imagine they would have to be fairly cheap to make for a gameplay perspective.
  4. Underground Ecology

    Hmm, I know some people are against having too many ui bits cluttering up the screen, but the thaumcraft2 vis & taint level bars could work as oxygen & gas meters. Would negate the need to animate any gas bits at least. If it is possible to get the game to 'pathfind' to the surface from the player, the number of paths could determine air and gas levels. It would make caveins even deadlier, as if your path up is blocked off, the oxy meter will go down as the gas meter goes up (co2). That method runs in to a bit of trouble as it would take just a couple of blocks from a malicious player on a mineshaft to mess with you. Just a couple more random thoughts in that direction.
  5. Underground Ecology

    Sure, these ideas aren't a package deal, just a collection of related thoughts, I'm not dead set on any particular feature, it is just examples towards livening up things while digging. I hadn't thought about the point that plants would help the air issue, and I like that idea. Adding more mobs, even hostile ones isn't necessarily hell on or under earth, as mo' creatures adds plenty, and the scariest thing in that mod to me is when it looks clear and a rat drops on my head as I pass a doorway. I'd imagine for those that just want to head down to mine wouldn't be as hard pressed to survive as those who wish to set up a homebase down there. Any suggestion really that livens up the place beyond 40 layers of one color of rock, or a cave of the same color of rock if you are lucky. To look at those air filtering plants suggested earlier, a possible implementation would be some sort of breathing helmet, which would lean towards the folks that like their Rapture like bases Even if the liquid type gasses are out, how resource heavy would be a block that triggers an effect when destroyed or walked on?
  6. Underground Ecology

    here is what I came up with, again this is taking bits and pieces from the current texture pack and tweaking them to make the textures look like they would fit in. Didn't feel like getting into the animal items on this go. top row is: Glowing mushroom, edible mushroom, poisonous mushroom, moldy bread, slime mold, giant mold 'fruit' 2nd is the rock tripe and reindeer lichen. bottom row is just how I'd picture the planting progression of the giant mold, knock off the top to remove the 'fruit' and the majority of the stalk stays. Kinda like the pineapple on tropicraft. Didn't do much with the edible and toxic mushrooms, as they arent much different from vanilla ones. Just want to mention that this was done for fun, I don't mean to step on any current artists of the project, I just like making mock screenshots or graphics.
  7. Underground Ecology

    There is a work in progress mod called betweenlands that looks promising, has a swampy theme to it and some of the promised features on that would not be a far stretch to fit in with this. I am making some example textures for this suggestion, in case it takes off, and I am bored .
  8. Underground Ecology

    After touching on the subject on the "what would you like added to agriculture" I felt the need to make this topic, as it adds more than just underground agriculture, rather touching on the underground "biome" as a whole. On this topic I want to add some incentives or excitement to choosing to build like a dwarf by carving out a home rather than building on the surface. These are just examples, if you want me to go into more detail on a particular feel free. Livelihood: As it is now with the temperature penalties to metalcrafting workstations, domesticated animals, and the fruit trees there is less need to be underground save for mining minerals and carting them back. I find this to be a shame, especially now that there is a higher elevation cap making the vast majority of the world underground. What I want to suggest is adding a bit of excitement to choosing to live in the depths. Firstly I rather like the cave-in system and think it adds a bit of much needed 'excitement' to what would normally be rather dull stone mining. These suggestions add a bit of spice to choosing to work away from the harsh glare of the sun Terrain: Caves are nice and all but would it be possible to find underground rivers and lakes, rather than the occasional 1 block pillar of water. As mentioned in the Air thread, possible hazards could include pockets of gas, or a lack of oxygen. If the piping suggestion thread takes hold, perhaps require pumping air to your underground base/mine. A possible means of coding the hazards in would be to make a block/liquid that emits splash potion like effects, either whenever, or when disturbed, like redstone ore. Smoke as a hazard would mean torches would be a danger the further you go down. Workstations: I would like to be able to use the metalcrafting things underground, but with hazards related to ventilation and smoke/toxic fumes related to working with metal. To bypass the elevation penalty perhaps you can give bonuses to counteract the penalty by building near lava. Another suggestion could be to have a bell curve on the temperature, where very high or very low elevation gives a bonus. Food storage hazards: As a few threads have suggested, quite a few people would like storage to be more limited, like with logs/logpiles metals and ingot piles etc. I would like to extend this to food, making meat lockers to hang uncooked meats on hooks (after butchering as per the butchery thread or before, in the kill mobs get corpse thread type carcasses). Barrels for liquids and drinks if distilling and alchohol is added (barrels could behave like those buildcraft tanks perhaps?) but so far these suggestions would be for different threads to flesh out, I bring up these non chest storage ideas to lead in to the storage hazard topic. With a lack of ventilation, rotting food products become more of a hazard than an upset stomach, and would pose a hazard much like miasma from DF. This would make proper preparation or storage a priority in an underground situation, and would still provide an extra bit of variety to topside homes. Life: I would like to see a full ecology of flora and fauna specific to the deeps that would provide the same means of progress as aboveground, yet to make things different make it harder or more dangerous to do so. Say with underground plants, mushrooms, molds, lichens and mosses they require low/no light environments, and might be toxic unless properly prepared or harvested. Plants and farming: I think there is plenty of room for underground equivilents for topside plants to make life below comfortable. I think we could mimic the DF requirement of muddy stone, by making flowing water leave behind a small layer of mud, kinda like snowy weather leaves behind layers of snow on top of bocks. Though I am unsure how they would react to planting, as snow dissapears when stuff is placed on it. Mushrooms Glowing mushrooms: could add an organic source of light, similar to a redstone torch, perhaps let them be placed as such? Unsure if it would be possible to implement, but perhaps let them be rendered into a dye or paint that would give off faint light when placed, like powered redstone dust?Edible mushrooms: something you could eat straight out of the ground, as filling as a cookie, similar to how brown mushrooms used to be in early versions of the minecraft demo.Toxic mushrooms: A weed mushroom that grows on your mushroom farm and takes up valuable space. Not totally useless as a source of poison that would be nice for the alchemy/apothecary suggestions. With a bit of carefull preparation, a possible use in medicine.Giant mushrooms: rather than a mushroom pinata as they are in vanilla, giant mushrooms can be a wood analogue. Spores or sporepods can be the sapling equivalent.Molds Bread Mold: Provided the above food storage, accidental or intentional spoilage of bread products.Giant molds: A fruit tree equivilent, a giant mold that has fruit like sacs at the top, ok taste, horrible texture Example that explains why they could count as fruit. mold closeupSlime molds: Found in damp areas, in MC i would put it on edges of cavern edges as a slipping hazard, properly cared for, collected slime moulds could fruit into giant molds.Lichen/MossSome types of lichen are edible, quick wiki search shows 3 of them, i think 'rock tripe' and 'reindeer lichen' look the best of the 3 though.Mosses - I could picture moss being an alternative to wool in some recipes, or as a pretty nice decoration. I am sure there could be uses in the alchemy/apothecary suggestions too.I am sure other plants are possible underground or dark areas, but I just wanted to list the more commonly known stuff, certainly lots of room to add more though. The wheat progression topic covers cave wheat so I won't bring it up here.Animals: Some examples. Amphibians would make a solid mob type I think, giant cave toads anyone? could be a source of poisons or an ugly type of warty leather for armor,as leather armor could use some of the metal armor's variety I say.Blind, aggressive cave fish. could be a stronger source of light than the glowing mushrooms, and some of those fish have nasty teeth that could have a possible use.If you are looking for more fantasy races, demons (dug too deep!) or grues (burst into flame at even low light levels!) could be a fun implementation.Large aggressive worms could be a source of meat, and can be aggressive, possibly boring through softer materials to get at you!This section has potential to be much larger than the plants section, but I wanted to give less fantastic critters (cept demons and grues, that was for fun). In a nutshell I think that while you can survive off of the creatures of the deep, they would make you work harder for it (aggressive, poisonous till cooked right) and give less returns than topside foods (not as tasty or unpleasant textures).Anyways, I apologize for the rambling, and I am not aware if I have said anything that was already brought up. I just felt that caverns were a bit cramped and lifeless currently.
  9. Butchery

    Here is a small 16x16 texture of most of the features I mentioned in the OP, whipped these together real quick using bits already in the tfc texture pack so that they would look similar to what we already got. Sorry if I didn't accredit anyone, this was a topic inspired by various suggestions that I have read. I have only included the cow examples as I am lazy, but if anyone wanted more I can try to build on what I've got here. Top row: butchery table, grinder, ground beef 2nd: carcass (side of beef to prevent an entire cow being in your pocket), skinned, and the skin hot dog (offal + organ) 3rd: failed product (offal), organ (intestines for casings), hoof 4th: fat, tallow, soap In this gui example I left out the words, but you'd butcher the carcass to get the skin and fat off on the first render, leaving a partially preparred carcass. The 2nd render is for the bones, meat, and organs to fill the slots. The skin as you might see is a fresh skin so no armor use till that is tanned as per the tanning topics. This is how I imagined everything at any rate. here is a quick link to how the tables would look ingame, bit too large of an image. http://img850.images...991/tablesl.png
  10. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I would like to see an underground/cave based agriculture to go with the above ground. Lichens & mosses, a variety of mushrooms and the like for those of us that prefer to carve out a home rather than build up one. What with the depth penalty to the metalworking stuff there is less incentive to do so.
  11. Wheat Domestication Flow Chart

    A few ways I could see; working like forges (and DF) where it needs a clear shot upwards to the sky to count as outdoors. As far as I know minecraft has light levels, 15 being sunlight or glowstone, in fact doesn't mushrooms have a maximum light level before it lets you place them? other mods have light level detection, such as equivilent exchanges energy collectors, or IC2's solar panels (though those i think might just be a generic nothing above and is it day detection) As for the topic, I think it is a really great idea, and no reason why it couldnt be used for more than just wheat.
  12. New Health and Medicine System

    Sorry, nother wall of text incoming. A paper doll is just a term used to describe an equipment screen showing a 2d version of the player, with inventory slots over the body parts. Named after those old paper cutout dolls that would be 'dressed' by putting paper clothes on it via folding or whatnot. An example Additional things to add to the list earlier could be stomach/intestine internal injuries, that would make use of the hunger/nausea/both? ailments without having to make something fresh. Probably not full blown nausea though as that would be frustrating As for the medical screen goes, if anyone has played Call of Cthulhu it has a fairly nice one at the bottom here, squares under the body part would change color based on how bad it was and what type of injury/item is needed. http://xboxmedia.ign...0142444-000.jpg In minecraft you could have 3 grades of severity as well, for example burn would go nice as it already has 3 grades of severity IRL, but can be used for the others as well. Grade 1 would be minor, and would heal on it's own without treatment, basically a timer style ailment like minecraft has already, probably a fairly long timer, it can be treated or waited out. Grade 2 and 3 would be permanent, and if the healing items are consumables, i'd recommend that they wouldn't outright cure the ailment, just knock it down a severity grade, so 3 becomes 2, take another to drop it to 1, another to cure, or just sit it out from there. some naming ideas. Burns- 1st degree (redness) <2nd degree (blisters)<3rd degree (blackened) Breaks- Sprain<Fracture<Compound Fracture (bone on the outside) Bleeding- Minor<Major<Arterial Infection- Mild<Severe<Gangrene (not sure on these, suggestions?) Poison/disease- these would probably be situational rather than varying strength, fevers, colds whatever the developer thinks could fit. Internal- another tricky one, as it would depend on whatever body part you want to affect, could probably lump em into respiratory (1 lung< both lungs impaired) and digestive (nausea < nausea and hunger (implied vomiting)), that covers a majority, brain injuries might be a bit out there for single player or difficulty wise but It could be possible to simulate blacking out with a forced 'entered sleep mode' periodically, but taking controll completely away from the player like that is never fun. Perhaps a severe visual screw up like major nausea? If healing items are equipables, it could be an over time thing. I think it would be easier time and coding wise to make them consumables, as interesting as a medical equipment screen would be. If there becomes a clothing/vanity item menu (not sure if i heard that on a suggestion or not) it could always be equipped there instead of a clothing item perhaps. Lastly, I wonder if it would be possible to let players use healing items on someone else, as it would give way to a medical profession. Perhaps a bonus to healing efficiency of health items while on a bed or medical bench that they could lie down on?
  13. New Health and Medicine System

    While I'm not sure of the after death effects due to some problems listed above, specific injuries with ailments and cures is plausible. You figure you are basically adding more variations of the milk cures poison status. A health system would be interesting for sure, but still has to make it work with single play like mentioned. All that aside I like the concept, could give way to a DF styled healthcare profession, and would give gypsum a use for plaster casts as well. I am always for new plant types, and would mix well with the other suggestion of mortar & pestle/apothecary. Such reactions I could think of off the top of my head: Burns- could come in three levels of strength (first 2nd third degree burns, burn 1 2 and 3 like poison is 1 and 2) inflicted by lava, fire, ghast blasts, or other heat related things (like steam or hot oils like some suggestions). Ailment could cause sensitivity to further damage? Treatment could include the aloe you mentioned, as it is commonly used for some burns.Bleeding- various sharp sources of damage such as arrows, swords, or other such traps.Ailment could cause slow health loss, probably a bit of a vision problem as it gets worse? Treatment could be bandages/poultices and possibly stiches.Bone breakage- long falls, blunt trauma. Ailment would most likely be a movement speed penalty, as preventing jumping might be too extreme, for arms, tool weapon proficiency perhaps? as again, locking out use of tools would be extreme. Treatment could be plaster casts or splintsInfection- failing to treat prior ailments in time, or by noxious sources of damage, like zombies. Ailments could vary, a vision impairment, or gradual damage would seem plausible. Treatments could be soap (a suggested use for tallow in the butchery and other threads) for prevention, penicillin from bread mould (could be part of the apothecary reactions again) to remove?Poisons and diseases- quite a broad topic, could be used as a catch all for any symptom really.Internal- This is a complicated injury type, and I'm not sure how realistic you can get with it as surgeries would be a bit tricky to fit in SSP. I suppose lung injuries would cut down on breathing time for underwater, and severe (both lungs) would give a breathing timer even out of water unless treated. (Urist is having trouble breathing! )There is a lot more that could be done with it, explosions would be especially nasty as they can cause burns, lacerations from shrapnel, and broken bones from the force of it all at once. as for working out the implementing, would you think more of use medical item as potion? or could a 'paper doll' style ineventory for them work? It could be in a similar vein to DF's healing system where the dwarves would essentially equip the stiches and casts untill the wound went back to normal. if a paper doll setup, you run the risk of making it too complicated again. You could use the current one where you sacrifice protection from armor, for healing items and getting better. With such a system damage values might need tweaked, as every injury could have a chance of inflicting an ailment, armor would reduce the chances of course. Just throwing ideas out there, I like to expand ideas and make them play nice with other suggestions so i tend to go on.
  14. [Offline] TFCraft Server - Prospector's Haven

    1. Minecraft name: Nidor 2. Age 26 3. Your favorite thing about TFCraft : I'm rather fond of the variety of stone and wood types, both for decorative purposes and that they mostly have a purpose.
  15. IGN: Nidor Age: 26 Why: I'd like to give SMP with TFcraft a shot. Ban: None that I'm aware of.