Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Darmilian

  1. I'm not sure... If anyone more have something to say about what he/she thinks about the model. Also if it's posible a brief Bioxx opinion whould be helpful for me, if i go for aligator snapping turtle or maybe more turtle sizes.

    if i there is no opinion in a few days, i will mark it as final.


  2. I tried doing my best working on that problem, this is the result.






    -Head rotation adjustements

    -Reduction of tail

    -General reduction of width body

    -Shorter head

    -Texture adjustements

    "If the neck is animated with Y axis rotations, will happen the same as in the head in the 2.5 MCmodel version ."


    Textures and model:

    Snapping turtle V2.8.png

    Snapping Turtel V2.8.MCModel





  3. Updates based on the tips are now here:

    I'm happy to see his neck again :D.





    This "down shell texture" is more accurate with reality:





    -Neck added, again.

    -Lower shell box removed, and changed with a texture.

    -Tail scales removed.

    -Tail small adjustements.

    -Canvas texture size changed.


    Textures and model:

    Snapping turtle V2.5.png

    Snapping Turtel V2.5.MCModel





  4. I've solved that things, but i must keep some kind of dragon tail in these cool creatures.


    -Neck removed.

    -Smaller tail.

    -Color brown added to the eyes.

    -Scales width reduction.

    -New form of shell

    -New "lip" form



    Textures and model:

    Snapping Turtel V2.MCModelSnapping turtle V2.png

    And don't worry, i'm going to post my shark model here.


  5. I'm with Konlii about neck's angle. I think -60º degrees could be a more smooth position for eyes, but i think it's a very nice model.

    I'm seeing upper legs are divided in two segments. This will be posibly for a future more complex animation, right?


  6. Well, if you are interested what happened with the changes of the shark, here it is my new model.

    BTRS 2.0.png

    Model and textures: blacktip reef shark (swimming) V2.MCModelblacktip shark texture 2.0.png

    Relation of changes:

    -Black dots and eyes boxes, eliminated.

    -Change of the head form.

    -Resized fins width to 0, excluding the bigger upper fin. (Because as you know, 0.x boxes textures are a little buggy)

    -Small texture degradation in body and tail parts.

    -Box names corrections.


  7. I think the sharks could be implemented, with some type of hunger values, and be more agresive with you if their hunger is low. They could add some esthetic to the game, how i'd said after "the oceans in minecraft are boring", and the sharks could be use like tameable mobs used in pits to defend your house it like Dwarf Fortress. Or they could have interesting berhaviors and be agresive also with other water mobs, like squids, or seals... and make the game deeper. 

    The animal that i'd based for my MC model, have an alimentation small animals like crabs, some types of fishes and cephalopods.

    This could be an excuse to include some food near the coast like crustaceans, or another type of seafood.


  8. Hello, everybody.

    I've read about mob implementations in TFC2. What do you think about including diferent types of sharks for having more dangerous oceans?. In minecraft vanilla, deep ocean biomes are boring, excluding sea temples. I know that water mobs are a little derp when they are in small  lakes and beaches, but mobs like elder guardians in deep oceans,  have great movements. Sharks can be enemies that attack you usually, when you go to deep in ocean, or could destroy your boat. According to the biome could spawn diferent shark species.

    I've done a blacktip reef shark according to real size , and MC creator forum rules'


    The model use 0.x width for the fins and eyes, but there's no textures isues, because the boxes use the  same colour in a uniform way. I've decided not to add theeth because, the model size it's too small.

    Here is the model and texture : blacktip reef shark .MCModelblacktip reef shark texture.png

    Please, give me your opinion, and tell me if you want to see more shark models.



    Blacktip Shark.png

