Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Stone

  1. Hey there, Is this mod being updated or fixed at all? I was curious to know because I encountered an issue with CraftTweaker that fails to remove the recipe for the Leather Water Sac, The reason for this is so I can change to recipe to a preferred one and remove the unnecessary multiple knife recipes (Using Ore Dictionary), If so then thanks!         -UnlimatedStone9


  2. Will there ever be any continuation of this mod? reason being because of how useful it could be but how broken it currently is, I'm getting unremovable recipes for things like electrum being obtainable by melting steel and a whole load of broken item names and missing recipes


  3. Well then, Welcome back to TFC!

    46 minutes ago, popolnator said:

    Oh !!! what a good news !!!! i've been thinking that TFC was dead... but not !

    Glad to hear you again on this forum...

    And Thank to Bioxx letting you to go on this development...

    Excuse my poor english language i'm a frogger eater...and it's difficult to speak English with Froggy in the mouth...




  4. An unbreakable block slightly similar to bedrock with a slightly different texture could be used to cover such portals but still be obvious enough and could not be mined at all but have a fair explosion damage so only explosions from TNT, Gunpowder Kegs or other means can take effect, Modded or Vanilla


  5. I assume something like this fits the bill, With a little bedrock under-hang, if the whole portal on the roof thing doesn't work, Which is can (As demonstrated here on my Twitter) it could be placed onto the over-hang


  6. I couldn't agree more with the whole "Mining Dimension" feature, it would be incredible to see something like this in TFC and would also verify that dimensions work in TFC, somewhat, which even in TFC2 still have the same inventory desync issues and such, the whole portals at bedrock feature is cool too but a safe way of entering the dimension would be problematic, a possible bedrock under-hang or something could be a good solution or if you could somehow visually simulate what would exist at the portals entrance in the dimension (only when the portal opens) would allow the player to see a safe landing place, but that would take a lot of work


  7. I really do think the height of the TFC world has to be squashed down another layer or two, it really is too tall and makes for an unappealing surface, I always found building underground great in TFC because of how much of the world was stone and such but with cave in mechanics its extremely dangerous, also upon creating a world I would be turned off of it because of how bland everything is, when going to biomes like swamps what do you expect to see? probably tall windy trees, some overhanging into murky water pools and ponds and possibly muddy landscapes of tall grass and a foggy ambience but what you get is almost a dulled out vanilla plains biome with occasional ore chunks, maybe a crop or two and an all out flat and boring landscape, decreasing the world height allows more variation to actually physically fit into the world and makes mod compatibility stronger than ever, not to mention its unnecessary to be so tall and building is still restricted to a specific height so your only approach is to flat out excavate the world, which believe me TFC disagrees with quite a lot, its also very time consuming!



    On ‎19‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 2:40 AM, marraq1 said:

    how to install ? is it work ? what version of mc and forge ?

    Minecraft 1.11.2, The link is at the start of this thread (Page 1) and any 1.11.2 forge should do fine, you will need Pam's HarvestCraft or some other source of food to survive and basically nothing is possible so all you'll get is about five minutes of exploring the new and unique terrain


  9. On ‎28‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 3:10 PM, Dries007 said:


    Thank you Dries, I was wondering where you were after such a long time, either-way hope you're doing well and happy summer to you too!


  10. Its been a long while since I wrote here last and I haven't really been working on things for this but I have textures for all but four trapdoors for TFC Wood variants, Currently two oak trapdoor designs exist and I'm leaning towards the more detailed one













