Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by turtletechy

  1. Melting down tools, anvils, etc?

    I had thought it might be nice to be able to have some way to melt down unused tools, anvils, and other things to recycle material. Obviously, you'd only get a portion of the metal in the tool, equal to the tools durability, minus a little for loss of course, to give you a bit of usable metal to work a new tool out. The same is desirable for anvils, as it would be nice to be able to melt down your lower level anvils to recycle for material, not to have them just sitting around doing nothing.
  2. One Single Giant Server

    The main problem I see is that the server application is designed to be ran on ONE machine, not a dozen. You'd need a server bank for that. For that number of servers, I'd say you'd need at least half that number in computers to handle it. It's too much trouble. There'd need to be serious changes to the way that the game runs internally. It's just not feasible in any sense.
  3. Update Frequency Poll

    Okay, well, it'd be nice to set up a time to do things. I still sometimes have to develop a bit of a schedule. I can't really ignore a call from my girlfriend without getting flak for it, so I kinda have to make sure to let her know if I've got stuff going on. But I'll try to check on Monday, or tonight even.
  4. Update Frequency Poll

    Okay, thank you. What times during weekdays are the devs most likely to be on? I have social obligations on weekends, but not weekdays. Just school on weekdays.
  5. Update Frequency Poll

    It might work well to go by email correspondence as well though. I've never been able to really understand how the IRC works, and from my experience, it takes forever to get a reply. Besides, I might need just a quick walkthrough of the intricacies of modding for minecraft, and I'm not sure I'd get that too easily on the IRC.
  6. Update Frequency Poll

    I would prefer at least once a month, but I can understand the issue of school. However, if I could be talked through the basics of creating the mod, I could help out maybe? I have a basic knowledge of C++, and I know Java is very similar. I'd like to contribute a little bit, even if it's just trying to code in the bits that someone has already come up with. It'd be something productive to do actually.
  7. Raiders and Thieves

    I know you're against NPCs, but I'd really love something a little more believable than the monsters currently available. I think they don't fit well. Dangerous animals, as well as maybe just marauders, simply a person who is equipped only slightly well, who attacks you on sight, but does little else. I think enemies that could attack you would be cool, but not ones that steal. I do have to say though, I kinda hope someone creates an add-on that allows for tribes of people to show up, nothing too advanced (we don't want to make it so you can just raid to get ahead), but that still are decent for trading, and for atmosphere.
  8. An Alternate Dimension

    Maybe make it gabbro underground instead? Basalt is extrusive, and cools on the surface. Gabbro is the rock you find under the surface, along with granite. Both are extremely common, it just differs depending on what's in the magma that cools.
  9. Changes in quern recipes

    Well, why don't we just have spoilage so that you have to make new food occasionally? I'd also like to see beer provide some nutrition to the player (it was a good way to preserve grain). Also, grain and other harvested foods should spoil, if not prepared in a way that preserves them.
  10. Larger boats

    I do realize we have boats already. They're these dinky little row boats that wouldn't last half a day on the open ocean, but somehow do without issue. I'd like larger boats though. Something that can haul back goods from different outposts, and be able to carry more than one. Yes, they'd be an expensive build (taking a lot of wood, as well as some metal for fittings), but for long distance travel, they'd be well worth it.
  11. [TFC 0.77.21] SteamAge v0.3.0

    I'd actually support that. Lead was just used for pipes for the fact that it was cheap and plentiful, as it used to be mined in huge quantities. We don't use it anymore though because of the fact that it's harmful for the brain.
  12. When will Build 78 be released?

    I do have to applaud the nesting boxes for chickens. And the straw beds especially, I had to cheat my last world to get a bed. I couldn't find any sheep.
  13. Hey! Why no to NPCs?

    I thought mods were written in Python?
  14. New Cooking Methods

    I thinking that cooking, and general food preparation methods, are generally scarce. Some don't even make a particular amount of sense. I was considering that a few more ways to cook would be useful. Ovens No more will you burn your hands and lose your dough trying to cook a loaf of bread over a campfire. Not only does it not make sense, it's inefficient. What if you want to cook the bread for your town, and find yourself taking ages to bake enough for a day? I have been thinking that another advantage to an oven could be like the forge, it can cook multiple at a time. I just don't think that open heat sources make much sense for baked goods. Smoking/Jerky Making + Salted Meats I'm considering that when food spoilage comes along, you're going to want to preserve meats. That would typically be done by smoking the meat to turn it into jerky. You could also salt your meat, if you intend to eat it in a different manner, although it'd last a little less time. I'm considering that you'd evaporate salt out from ocean water, by either by creating shallow holding pools for evaporating salt (during times of bright and warm sunlight), or by heating ocean water over a firepit or forge, to evaporate the water out of the container you have it in. These are my ideas for now, but I'd encourage others to not only make comments on what I have said, but to also add their own ideas, more than anything. Making comments on something is one thing, but adding ideas is even more valuable.
  15. New Cooking Methods

    I was more just thinking a standard stone oven like what has been popular in Europe for years and years. Like this: You don't need anything fancy, you just need to carve it out of the stone, or make it from brick. In either case, the heat transfers through the rock (it's typically rather thin) to allow it to cook the food. You can also have designs in which you have a metal rack, which transfers more heat, but also more smoke. My idea was that this would accomodate for large amounts of bread or other baked goods to be produced at once, and it'd make sense. Requiring metal to be found, for that matter, iron to be found, seems a little unnecessary. All you need is stone.
  16. Brass as a tool metal

    Brass had been used during the bronze age as a tool metal. It has been proven. It is capable of similar things that bronze is capable of, and to early peoples, was hard to make differently. It was difficult to tell one shiny white metal from another. As such, there are early tools made of brass, which have been found. I will admit, it has different properties : it's more malleable, it has a slightly different color. But there isn't much more than that. I just figure it'd be useful enough as a tool metal.
  17. More food needed

    I find that food is never a concern in the TerraFirmaCraft world. While I'd argue that that's mostly accurate, being that if you do a bit of work, you can find enough food to sustain yourself, I feel it's too much available. While at first, there is some shortage, and the need to find some plants, you can easily put off food for several days with little negative effect, and then simply eat one meal and be back up to a full hunger bar. It just seems ludicrous. Not to mention, farming ensures that there is no shortage due to the huge amount able to be farmed easily, and with a small amount needed, that doesn't spoil, you can build up stockpiles that'd last an in game year very easily. I believe an easy fix would be to put in place food spoilage, and preservation methods, such as cellars, silos, etc.
  18. Why do planks now require a saw, period?

    I'm going to just say what the devs would say, even though they need to revise the statement, as it isn't logical in my opinion. "TFC is going for believability, not realism" While you could normally split logs into planks in real life, it doesn't work well for balancing to be capable of that, and it hurts the drive to improve. I would say though, this is a better statement, although longer. "TFC strives for realism where applicable, but more for balance and a well rounded structure" I say that because believability is a synonym for realism.
  19. More food needed

    I'm sorry for not knowing it's been discussed. It wasn't discussed while I was active on this forum. Sorry.
  20. Brass as a tool metal

    Alright, I'm just noting out that there are two different goals that are commonly noted, I like the realism one. But I guess it's alright. I just do wish that the distribution was a little more realistic. Metamorphic rock is exceedingly common (by what I've experienced at least), where as it's usually exceedingly rare. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding though.
  21. Brass as a tool metal

    But here's the thing, if we're going for realism, granite is one of the most common surface rocks, with basalt close behind. Sedimentary comes before either of them though.
  22. Larger boats

    To be honest, I like the Polynesian style. I've seen those in action. They worked on open water, that's how they got so far. I want to see something like that utilized. But I was also thinking of larger boats than those, that being, large sailing boats that would be good for carrying large amounts of goods at a time.
  23. Terrafirmacraft Compatibility With Coros Zombie Awareness

    It's because TFC upped damage values to allow for more defined health. If there is a config for the health of those zombies, raise it to a hundred or so, and see how that works.
  24. Brass as a tool metal

    It's the same way here. Go exploring, the same thing. The problem is that most people can only find Cassiterite if it spawns in granite on the surface. That's the only case where it's possible to find it. That said, granite should be one of the most common surface rocks, after the sedimentary rocks, but it's not. I'm finding almost all metamorphic rock, which makes no sense. Metamorphic rock is actually somewhat rare as opposed to igneous and sedimentary.
  25. Ideas on new terrain generation

    Well, here's an easier idea, just throwing it out there. Code it so that the mountains, valleys, etc, don't vary so much in the y coordinate between each other. Still allow for huge mountains and things of the sort, but make it so it's less steep. I've never seen real terrain that steep anywhere, in pictures, in real life. Nothing. It's just really steep across the whole world.