Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by abj9562

  1. Seems like the latest version has a minor naming error on one file.

    The AlabasterLight_blue.png is not found when the mod is loaded the file is currently named AlabasterLightBlue.png

    I copied and added the file back into the jar as AlabasterLight_blue.png and it works now. Caps and lowercase had to be exact for the error to clear up.


  2. The problem with randomizing everything is that you might end up with some things that you can't forge. Also you might end up with a zinc pickaxe being more difficult to forge than a steel pickaxe. I will soon likely write some pseudo code to explain my system in detail.

    Not if you adjust the range foe each metal type. The lower tier metals could have a smaller range of variation and higher tier metals a wider range. Thereby making the game harder as you progress to higher tier metals.


  3. By the way there is a texture pack area to get more exposure for your hard work.

    TerraFirmaCraft Forums →Show Off →Texture Packs

    Sorry just saw you found it. My nmistake. Downloading now. :)


  4. While some people complain about adfly. I do not mind using it and giving some small donation to an author. After all, your time is valuable and the least we can do is give back in at least some small way.


  5. When I used custom NPC's, I setup trades for equivalent items between mods for decorative purposes. e.g. Fancy Fences and TFC. Trade one fence post for another. I only made the trades one way from TFC items to the mod. In this way I kept the TFC expierance alive. For immersion I did not add a trader until I achieved the needed technology and built a location for their home/store. Eventually I built a small active village in this manner complete with blacksmith, carpeneter, cooks and more.


  6. Our server uses:

    336 days per year which is 84 day seasons, 28 day months, 7 day weeks, with 4 weeks in each month, over 12 months in a year. We also run this at 72000 cycles resulting in 30 minutes of daylight 4.5 minute dusk, 4.5 minute dawn, 21 minute night. This makes 2 real life weeks = 1 minecraft year. If you use REI's minimap then change it to use daylight mapping or the mapping shaders will get off. Alternatively you could yse 36000 cycles and 1 week real life = 1 year minecraft.


  7. I use:




    Forge v.486, Player API Universal, Durability 101, Better Fonts


    Dynamic Lights, (NEI with Code Chicken Core within a second instance for an ops character when necessary for server management).


    TerraFirmaCraft (of course)

    Armor Status HUD, Status Effect HUD, Inventory Tweaks, REI's Minimap, Simply Horses, More Pistons, Fancy Fences, Greg's Blocks, Lanterns

    BiblioCraft (has some minor graphical inconsistencies in displaying TFC iron based armors but not game breaking)

    DoubleDoor (uses redstone but is an ease of use mod to open both doors simultaneously.

    Simply Horses, Dynamic Lights, and Lanterns integrate well with the feel of TFC. Some may consider the UI mods as minor cheats; however, that is for you to decide.

    I tried using many other mods with custom NPC's in developing the server but decided to leave them out of the server as they make TFC feel wrong.

    We do use dynmap on the server but markers are disabled since people can use Rei's minimap for waypoints.

    *edit bspkr's core not used causing crashes. so we moved back to v1.4.6 for Armor Status HUD and Status Effect HUD.
