Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by aliceingame

  1. Inspired by the config created by Therighthon to add new custom blocks variants, I am wondering if some people would be willing to help creating a real addon to add new blocks variations.


    My idea would be to add new variations to smooth stones, stone bricks, planks and door, and switch between them using Chisel 2.


    Right now, there is two issues to do it, CustomItems does not allow the creation of new doors (at least in the actual version), and there is no way that I know to add new group of items to chisel 2.


    The idea would be to create a bunch of new blocks (if possible that can be chiseled using the TFC chisel), and a way to change between them.


    I can help with the texture and naming the items int the .lang file.


    If anybody is interested to help.


  2. TFC Version #: 79.15 Forge Version #:  SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SSP Suggested Name: Crash with NEI Description: When I click on any item in NEI to see the recipe, the game crash. It might be a compatibility issue, but I have no idea of what part create the problem. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): Yes, and it fixed the issue... for the first item. Then when I clicked on a second one to see the recipe, crash.  Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No): If yes, which mods?  Yes, total of 35 mods. If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? (Yes/No):  No (I mean I do not have them installed). link of the Crash Report:



  3. plants from plant mega pack do not need tilled soil, they are planted on the grass. It work pretty well. Of course you might want to add custom recipe.

    However, a mod like MedicCraft do not work, as the plant to not seems to spawn and can only be planted on vanilla tilled soil. However, with custom recipe, the regen III that the bandage gives is good.


    Pams Harvestcraft it too oriented toward food to work with tfc.


  4. I dont get the air gap thing but i agree on the silo. also maybe food inside the cellar would have the frozen title and to be eaten have to be reheated in a firepit or grill

    the metal sheet use the space of a block, but is only covering a layer of the face where you put it. so if you have a metal plate, then you can not put dirt in the same space, so you end up with a gap between the dirt and the wall where you putted the metal sheet.


  5. This is op for refined grains pretty much infinite lol but there should be a higher tier cellars. Metal sheets on the outside walls and top makes it a bit colder but you want to keep these metalized cellars underground or the get very hot


    putting metal plating underground.... then leaving a large air gap ? not sure it's a good idea.


    On my side I would suggest to make it impossible to store grain in cellar shelf, an make a silo structure, like a 3x3x3 block that must be supported on legs, and it could only store grain.


  6. That would be good :) If i can store things like fruit in them or perhaps wine? (havent gotten that far in TFC to know if wine exists) then I will be quite happy :) I wish I could use them to make pickles though.... but that would require cukes to be added and then seasonings etc.... a project for a later date me thinks! lol (I bet an expanded cooking mod would be fun. I will have to see what I can whip up hehe)

    pickeling and alcool are already in tfc.

    I don't care if putting food in the barrels do not give bonus, but it would be nice if they could at least be placed without breaking the validity of the cellar. For example, i want to put barrels of alcool along the food in the cellar, then it would work.

    Adding a cellar barrel that can only store and not process is also a valid possibility.


  7. Looks really cool !


    Does it totally stop decay or just slow it down though ? I would kinda feel like cheating when it conserves food forever


    just check the post over, he said that it is not changing the decay rate but the temperature, and as we should all know, decay rate is slower at low temperature.


  8. actually, there is not much waste in calamari. you remove the inside and the rest is good to eat. However, the calamari you eat are rather small.


    However i agree that the the trouble from killing the squid is not worth the amount of meat you get


  9. Well this has been enlightening as playing around helped me learn a bit more about minetweaker. I'm not quite sure what I was doing before, but I was sure I needed to use .anyDamage() with the .transformDamage(), but turns out I don't, so I can actually clean up a lot of my code and get rid of a ton of for loops. I understand your logic, but it would be frustrating to have a slightly used red steel saw and have to craft a new saw to make the paneler, but yeah I get where you are going with that.


    One thing with your shapeless recipe though. You have a <terrafirmacraft:item.SinglePlank:15> where you want <ore:woodLumber>. I do that a lot and due to the recipe maker as well.


    Edit: and more learning. I do have to do things the way I am with for loops. I've created my own ore dictionary entries for the different levels of tools to be used in crafting. Unlike the TFC registered <ore:itemTooltype> entry my custom <ore:itemTierToolType> ore dictionary entry does require the anyDamage() tag on it. So my loops stay.


    Indeed, I have one lumber that is not  oredict. The problem with the 600 damage, is that there is no rule to say "atleastDamageLeft", then I would say that the tool need to have at least 600 points of durability to be used in the recipe. Otherwise I have to write a new formula for every saw and specify the damage value for each of them.

    I know it's not the most convenient recipe for the player, but it's the easiest to write.
