Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by -TK-

  1. I think it would be more accurate if it was completely random.

    The problem with randomizing everything is that you might end up with some things that you can't forge. Also you might end up with a zinc pickaxe being more difficult to forge than a steel pickaxe. I will soon likely write some pseudo code to explain my system in detail.

  2. Note, since I have the instinct to type "hit" each time I mean "anvil operation" presume any uses of "hit" to be "anvil operation".

    The idea:

    I had this idea some time ago, after I myself started to count pixels to get forging done. The idea is to use a complex algorithm (that I could try to make myself) which would depending on the seed, generate a completely random set of tool finishing button presses. The current system is way too easy to learn off by heart and if you are patient, you can practically do it blindfolded. With this system there would be no more of this nonsense, the values for each of the tool operations would change, the combination of last 3 movements would change, and the amount of the last nolongerthree operations would change.

    The basics:

    Here is a list of the basic features that will be covered in this post:

    • Randomized operation movement values, based on a base value, a random multiplier, and rounding the values to whole numbers.
    • A set order for the number of final operation combinations needed for tiers of metals.
    • Fully randomized final operation combination system with a fail safe so you can always forge the tool and never be unable to go quite far enough on the scale to get the tool you need at full health.
    • A checking system to make sure that during the random generation of all these values, every combination is possible(practically the same as above).
    • Using the seed to seed the random number generator so that (Technically? Can someone confirm this?) you can share seeds for which you know the anvil values so that if you are still a massive pussy you can keep your paper cheat sheet for anvil combos.
    And before you ask, yes I'm most definitely a crazy masochistic madman, and yes I still think this idea would be too easy.

    The !basics:


    The randomization will be done with a random number generator, duh.

    The order of things:

    Non-basically the first thing to happen is the values for the different operations will have a multiplier applied to them, from about 0.7 to 1.3, this will mean that the values will always vary, so no counting pixels for you.

    Then the second thing to happen is a multiplier will be applied to base values for the distance of the starting point from the left side. The same will be done for the right side, the multipliers will be similar to those above. This will mean that you can no longer estimate counting pixels because you are a baby, you will need to do things like a man.

    After those two parts, some fancy yet simple maths will be done to determine the amount of space you need from that marker to the ending marker and then to the edge, so that limits can be set as to what the final combinations can be.

    After this, a last hit will be chosen, starting on the rightmost edge of the final marker so that it is fully possible. If the metal tier is very high, the marker will need to be closer to the edge of the bar to start with so difficulty is increased. Then a calculation will be made for the next few markers before that, always trying to stay within the limits of the bar but depending on the metal tier trying to keep the difficulty of forging correct.

    Then after that is done, a check will be done one last time, whether you can get to the starting position for the metal rules, and can you finish on the right most edge of the final marker.

    So basically, not only will the code make sure you can forge well, but it will make sure you can also fuck up, and fuck up to the highest degree.

    A final note:

    I have decided that this is possible, and if I say so, then that clearly means that its possible. Therefore if someone says this is not possible, no cake for them.

    In the comments section you may complain about your lack of cake, you may complain that this is silly, you may praise that this is silly, you may make remarks about my sanity, you may criticize the idea for being stupid, you may criticize the idea for being good, you may even have your own opinions, but you must not, ever, say that the cake was a lie!

    Posted Image

    Note: This thread is nowhere near finished and partially rushed atm, I got tired, sorry.


  3. I have a few situations where this is very useful.... to me anyway

    - You have 4 different types of rock in your inventory... Which rock dropped from the block you just pickaxed?

    - You play on a protected server and would like to know what type of block was used to build something.

    - I don't want to chop down a tree, just to find out, that i didn't need that type of wood.

    And this idea comes from the Prospectors Pick :)/> ... a very cool feature.

    If you are looking for a specific type for stone and have some already. Just place some on your toolbar, if you pick up more of that stone, the number will increase. If you are looking for stone you don't have, then have a free toolbar space so that any new rocks go there. In addition to this, if you have trouble distinguishing one tree from another, then purchase better eyes.

  4. I could try to accurately predict the code values with some tests but you can do the same. I do not see why you are asking us. Just smelt one ore at a time until you get the first full ingot with no excess of ore. This will use a lot of charcoal since you are smelting the ores one by one.

    then you divide the amount of full ore pieces by the number of ingots. And with charcoal numbers. I just put enough charcoal for a 1:1 and then add from 1 to 3 additional pieces dependant on the temperature.


  5. , to create a new type

    hint?!?: (of doped silicon, u type silicon, which instead of having holes or electrons has a nuclear war constantly happening on its surface meaning that any electronics made with this type of silicon have crazy properties)


  6. It's an interesting idea, maybe armour should just loose bits as it is "damaged" and to replace those bits you need pieces of plate metal. Maybe you should be able to do repairs by cutting the pieces of plate metal into 4 parts and have each of those parts replace a piece of armour.


  7. I've always been tired of people using hamachi. That application is an unnecessary bother for anyone wishing to play minecraft with friends. I understand that people find it hard to port forward. This is why I open this thread to anyone wishing to get their ports forwarded. If you are interested PM me. If you have a question, respond to this thread. If I get 1 billion requests I might have to make some sort of waiting list, but for now, it's first come first served.

    Please remember, my help is not limited to just forwarding ports, I can help with a variety of server problems.


  8. Well if your server town ever needs a fine blacksmith, call me. Also, don't do mcbans checks, I have nothing on my mcbans ban-list since I was never banned on mcbans but its quite unfair if some moron who owns a shitty server puts you on there because you raid his base on a pvp server. And he decides that because his base is visible from 50 miles in each direction, it means you used wallhax to find his base. (I was a witness to this happening)

    Also, about the towns, will the server literally start fresh and if someone want's to set up a town they can, and also can a town owner decide to do plots on a non payment basis, (are you using iconomy? if so can people opt out of using it?), or will the server start with, pre set town areas?


  9. Sure, clean water should be difficult to get, and using leaves to try to collect rain water into some sort of container is a viable idea. But unless Steve has some sort of sponge like skin, he isn't going to get much water from just sticking his tongue out in the rain.


  10. What we really need, is trees to have variable trunk sizes, almost like fruit trees, but variable from 1m diameter, to 1/8m diameter. This would mean that you would not need to make your own support beams because some trees would have trunks more suitable for the support than others. the only problem this causes is that as far as I know, there is some silly problems with rendering efficiency when rendering non full size blocks(probably the fact that they have more surfaces in different places), meaning that adding such a system might cause a significant hit on frame rates.


  11. Well since there are 3 types of nutrient in the soil. And the way of replenishing one is to plant alternating seeds, I would think that to speed this process up, one could use 3 types of nutrient. Compost would replenish one of the three, wet bonemeal would replenish another, and cow dung would replenish the third. This would add a "recycler" kind of feel to organic materials you don't need, It would add a use for bonemeal and cows would need more maintenance (yay bother).

    And to balance it all off. You can only use one "dose" of each fertilizer on the soil, one at a time, and it would take a month (8 days) for it to settle into the soil before you can plant.

    Also, a point to note about all the charcoal pit ideas, the idea of a charcoal pit is to produce charcoal, not ash, if you made ash, then you would not have a charcoal pit, but a pit of ash. Sure, furnaces should produce ash, it would be a cool idea to add soil pH to chunks, which would not change over time, (unless you change it yourself) but it would affect the kinds of plants you could plant. And for example, in soil with a low pH, you could add ash, to raise the pH.

    Sulphur, which can already be found, could be ground into a fine powder, and spread on the soil to acidify it.


  12. It's not as simple as some of you obviously think it is. I'm not going to explain it, but it's sort of like asking for regular crafting table recipes with random items thrown into the unused slots.

    Well you could at each step in the knapping progress, give each leftover tile an id, then group the ID's if they connect to any adjacent IDs, and then check all the groups if any of them have designs that match a design(mirrored or rotated). Then if all of the groups match a design, put the multiple items in multiple output slots. I mean I have 0 experience of working with Java but I have programming experience and unless the knapping system is done in some strange/better way that can't think of it should be very possible. Although, there could be some optimisation needed on the inter-connecting checking. It's worth a try, but if it doesn't float your boat then that's fine.
