Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by -TK-

  1. If you would allow me, this seems like a fun little addition to add to TFC. I don't know if I'll reuse any of your code seeing as the whole leather system is being altered, but I'll certainly credit you with the idea.

    Awesome :D. But if you are going to do that, will the water skins use actual sheep/cow bladders or will they just use leather like in this mod?


  2. Nice work there, the real name for one of these is a water skin. But these are normally made from a cow/sheep bladder. Here is a suggestion: make cows and sheep drop bladders when killed with a knife or when you have a knife in your tool bar. You can then use a knife and string to turn the bladder into a water skin I think this will add an extra use for the underused knives. If you want extra difficulty you can even add a cool idea a friend of mine suggested, to make animals die but not drop anything, in addition to their corpses not disappearing(except for the 5 minute entity persistence). Then have the knife be used to butcher the corpse through a right click. Depending on the knife more or less items would be dropped. If you do not wish to mess about with entities you can even make the corpse drop as an item. But make it too large for any chest. I would definitely download the mod if that was a part of it.


  3. i was under the impression you could run a APU and a dedicated GPU together with no issues? See here is how this works.

    This set up costs $510 (less if you count the rebates, but I don't really) that is literally how much money I can spend on this. HOWEVER, I know some one who might have a Monitor/keyboard/mouse I can have for free. If he does, then I just buy the computer and it only costs $405, so I buy a GTX 650 and bring the price back to $510.

    TL;DR: I may or may not buy a graphics card right away but if I don't, I'll have the APU until I can fork out more cash.

    Or will that not work?

    Obviously I COULD go for a much cheaper CPU and get a Cheap GPU anyway, but I don't see a setup that is worth it, unless you have a suggestion?

    And yes, as far as games I really do only play minecraft. I despise FPS's, get bored with racing games quick, and have never found another sandbox to rival MC.

    Actually though, I I do have enough $$$ to get the GPU, I won't fuck around with the A8. I'll get the AMD FX-6100 for the same price (or 6300 for a tad more but even better performance) and two more cores at the same speed.

    Bulldozer wasn't the best release for gaming, you can over clock the CPUs a lot but if you are building for the first time, its better to stay safe and get a phenom II x6, it performs better than the 6100 unless you over clock the 6100 to 4.2GHz.

    With the APU and GPU compatibility. You can use both but only one at the same time unless you use a hybrid crossfire setup.


  4. I decided to go with linux, a 400W antec PSU, and the A8 APU, :D way more affordable! I also changed to a better Mobo. thanks to the advice so far!

    Unless you are seriously not going to do any more gaming other than minecraft, an APU is the way to go. But remember, even though these APUs are 10 times better than intel integrated graphics, they are still not all that powerful. And since you went with the APU you don't need the graphics card, unless you want to do a hybrid crossfire setup (now called something different) where you set up a crossfire between the APU and the Graphics card. But then, its more affordable to just go with a processor that is equivalent in power to the APU and a better graphics card.

    As a side note, If you are going with just the APU you might get away with just 300W.


  5. You can get 1TB of space with a Seagate barracuda, I've built a pc for a friend and then he went on to build a pc for his friends and both the builds used this hard drive. It works quite well.

    I can help you if you want, I build PC's all the time.. I just finished two! You are correct in the OS department, unless you go Linux (I <3 Linux!) but you probably do not want to do that.. (Minecraft works, but most games don't.) The rest.. well theres a lot of things to figure out still in your build. Since your trying to go very budget pc, I'd recommend a case with a PSU built in, should be able to find a $30 case with maybe 400W ish PSU probably work ok.. more power is better if you can get away with it.. I'd say PM me, or try to catch me in IRC.. #TFCRoanoke on; I'm one of the admins there. Good luck with your build!

    I highly question your pc building "skills" you just told someone to buy a 30$ case which comes with a psu which is 400w, not only does that completely drive through the 1$ per 10 watts rule of thumb. You are also adding the cost of the case to that. You might as well tell him to use a cardboard box and connect some wires from the mains power sockets in the house straight to the motherboard.

    Thanks man! I just completed an initial build (see edit), now I know what I want we can talk more specifics. A few questions: 1: How the fuck do I pick a case? I just went and picked the cheapest ($50) case with the best reviews... 2: is it worth looking at refurbished Monitors? 3: I saw somewhere that you need a mother board with PCei 3.0 or something for the GPU I want but I can't figure out if the mother board I selected (ASRock 770iCafe ATX AM3) has this... where in the Specs is that? 4: how low of a PSU can I SAFELY get away with for this build? I picked a cheap 700W... 5: This free OS in Linux looks extremely attractive! I don't really play games other than Minecraft so that would not be a big deal. What more can you tell me about this? and I'm sure I'll have more if you take a look at the build I came up with .

    If you don't care about case looks, pick a case that has good reviews online. And don't look at the reviews on the sites selling it, look at reviews on forums that are meant for computer discussion. You are basically looking at a case that has at least standard ATX compatibility, unless you want to build a small form factor gaming pc. Then you can buy a mini/micro ATX motherboard and a case for it. There are even solutions out there which provide a case with an appropriate cooler and a power solution in built, made by popular companies. There is information on these on a youtube channel ran by NCIX (channel name: NCIXcom), a good company that sells and reviews a lot of PC hardware. They have lots of interesting and informational videos and practically all your questions here can be answered in their videos.

    As long as the refurbished monitor is from a trusted site then there is nothing against it, but you need to be open to the fact that the thing will not be new and most likely will not look brand new. Once again, if you don't care about looks, go for it, if you do care about looks, you are better off buying a brand new monitor.

    PCIe 3.0 is just a new technology implemented on the side of the graphics card, all the standards are backwards and forwards compatible with each other, this means that if the chipset used in your motherboard has support for PCIe 1.0 then you can have a 3.0 card and vice versa. Obviously if you have a graphics card that supports 3.0 and a motherboard that supports 3.0 you will get optimal performance but 2.0 is perfectly fine, especially for budget PCs.

    Don't pick cheap high power PSUs unless you like paying twice for your parts when they all die bnecause the power supply has shitty over current protection. The PSU is arguably the MOST IMPORTANT decision in your build and should ideally be made afterwards. Use an online power calculator once you have a full list of parts. This will tell you the minimum amount of power your pc would need to run without problems. Round this value up to the nearest 50 watts, and find a power supply with this value. As a general rule of thumb, 10 watts should cost 1$. If you get any more watts per dollar than that (unless there is a money off offer) you should not trust buying that power supply. I can predict that your system will likely use about 400-500 watts because of the parts used. This means that you are aiming for a price range of about $40-50 plus around about $10 if the power supply is semi modular. Also, stick with good brands. Seasonic is a brand that practically manufactures a lot of the parts that almost every modern day good brand power supply uses. They are the company that keeps the quality PSU market going. Other good brands include: Antec, Corsair(In my current rig I am using a TX550M), XFX and cooler master.

    Linux is difficult to get started with but once you know how to operate it, it can become an amazing every day tool. It's very open and there are many variations. If you don't want to spend $70 on an OEM version of windows 7 then get Linux. There are a lot of people out there on forums which can help you using it. One thing you need to know is that even though there are programs that allow you to run windows executables and do other useful things such as that, these don't always work, so you need to get used to having to solve problems.


  6. Story so far:

    Oh god, the ninja cows! The ninja cows are coming! Thus, we must stop them. So let's arm ourselves with sharpened pencils and swords and crossbows that shoot farther than catapults. Once upon a time the ninja cows found a secret that no one told, of a lost bakery in the land of Bakebelieve, which was a land of Bakers, Ninja cows and the Almighty Squid, the true baker of the perfect sandwich bread that could annihilate an army as powerful as bacon sandwich. But suddenly a wild Krski appeared! Using my Master Ball... And wolf was the Lord of Wolves, also known as Lord Of Wolves, president of the Wolf Kingdom whose Lord Is the Krski un ninjad. The pancake in this message is just a small joke

    I fixed some grammar.


    which will one day be


  7. Personally, I think the pit should be checked for volume through interconnecting blocks and for overall size. This would ensure that you could not make a 50 mile long line of log piles and call it a pit but you could make a 35x pit and light it from a corner without only half of it turning into charcoal. From my perspective it shouldnt be too hard to code. Making a list of all the x, y and z axes automatically ignoring duplicates and then use the min/max of all of those to set a box to hold the whole area and check if its within the size limits. Then just use the old minecraft water flood fill mechanic to check all interconnecting blocks. I once used that water flood fill mechanic for an awesome path finding algorithm for a simple game I made in pascal recently for college work. (Yes we have to use pascal, not something conventional like java or cpp).


  8. To answer your question, it's because creepers do blast damage

    You have 20 health in vanilla.

    You have something on the order of 1000 in TFC. That's fine for the most part, because zombies and gravity and such have all had their damage scaled up accordingly.

    However, with the way vanilla is coded, you can't increase blast damage without increasing blast radius, and that's no good. For creepers to hurt you a decent amount in TFC, they'd need to be as devastating as an Industrialcraft nuke to the surroundings.

    No me gusta

    You forget, this is a mod, you can change the game in a mod, this means that you can increase creeper damage. Even though you have 1000 health if creepers still did a maximum of about 25 damage this would practically equal about 1 pixel on the scale, from my experience I've lost a lot more health than that from creepers, this means explosion damage must have been scaled up. Just because something is non scaling in normal minecraft doesn't mean it cant be easily changed in a mod, the edit would most likely be as simple as modifying the base damage value for an explosion which must have been changed already.


  9. It seems like an interesting idea. If anything, this could be part of some standalone farming mod. Now that is a mod idea. The thing is, this is not really survival themed. Grafting is generally just used for quickly growing fruiting trees. I guess this would speed up things like the growth of fruit trees but it seems like they grow quite quickly already.

    Still, a cool idea though.


  10. I'm pretty sure the effects wouldn't take hold until you restarted minecraft.exe anyway, so there's really no point to it. At all.


    Since you can change in game settings from vanilla minecraft in game without requiring a restart you would think you could do the same with any other setting. I agree this is not a priority but instead of just saying something like that you could just explain that it is currently easier to change the settings than it is to install the mod. Implementing this function would not be difficult because of the way option files work in programs. They are there to store the options between sessions and taking the minecraft options file into consideration, it gets read when you start minecraft and any settings you change in game don't directly change the file since this is pointless and inefficient. instead the appropriate variables that store the options are changed and then a piece of code ran when the settings menu is closed writes the options to the file. This still does not mean that the settings are read from the file when they need to be accessed since this is an inefficient waste of time.

    As a response to the thread, I could make a program to edit the config if I had the time. Even if even I don't think its anything of a necessity. It would probably never be public anyway. I don't see what is so difficult in finding a text file, opening it, searching through it for the appropriate option tag and then just changing the option.


  11. I really liked the noobish approach of spumwack. I enjoyed watching him fail only to realise his mistake. I thought it was good he didn't just go to the wiki. Me being a dwarf fortress player means I already know a lot about what the game mechanics should be and I can't really avoid being a noob at this mod. I was thinking of making a mod for minectaft that makes it make more sense but now I don't really bother thinking about it since even basic ideas I had like knapping and chiselling stone have been added by this mod. Back on topic: I am indeed rather unhappy that the series had to end. I've not been able to find any other good lets play of the mod. I think the way the series had been done was fine and I will definitely miss it.
