Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Omicron

  1. Well, LancelotBrown said he observed his issue at 360 days year length. There's also a big difference between +275% length and the +25% length you already tested. Maybe his issue doesn't crop up until you pass a certain threshold?


    As for the wheat running out of nutrient regardless of time scale: is that something that organically grew out of circumstances, or is that intentional? Feels kinda odd to me. If it is not intentional and just too low priority to bother fixing, would you be open to a suggestion post with a proposal for a rework?


  2. Ah, that explains it. I was wondering if that's the case, but saw nothing of the sorts in the changelog... should have checked the wiki too, I guess.


    I haven't played in a long time, so the "common knowledge" kind of eluded me. Sorry.


  3. TFC Version #: b79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Cold firepit is a heat sourceDescription: After a firepit runs out of fuel and stops burning, it still counts as a significant source of heat for the purposes of the "apparent temperature" readout on the F3 debug menu. It adds about 5 degrees to spaces right adjacent to it, decreasing with distance. This persists indefinitely, even through client restarts, and for as long as the firepit exists. Breaking the firepit instantly removes the heat source.


    This bug seems borderline irrelevant right now, but when body temperature is implemented and players need to stay warm, it would be a serious exploit.


    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods?

    - CodeChickenCore 1.7.10-

    - NotEnoughItems 1.7.10-

    - TFC NEI Plugin 1.7.10-

    - FastCraft 1.16If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: Neither of them is installed.


  4. TFC Version #: b79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Unsure, bug could be related to the food item or to the vessel item, or to something else entirely.Description: While playing singleplayer survival mode, I randomly encounter food items that cannot be stored inside small vessels. As an example, slaying a deer yielded two haunches of venison. One of them I was able to put into a small vessel for storage, the other would not let itself be placed there. I observed similar things with bunches of seaweed I had harvested, porkchps dropped from pigs, mutton dropped from sheep, and tomatos harvested from wild plants. I did not observe it with garlic harvested from wild plans, yellow peppers harvested from my own farm, or rice grains (from wild plants, but refined). Unfortunately this only serves to underline how random it is, but I'd say that somewhere around two thirds of all the food items I procure are not storable in small vessels. They can be stored in other stroage mediums just fine, but I'd really like to have that decay reduction modifier...


    Fun bonus: I saved, quit and restarted the game. After doing so, one out of four previously unstorable items became storable all of a sudden, while the other three didn't.


    I read in the changelog that small vessels are supposed to reject items with incorrect NBT data. If that is the source of this bug, then somehow my game generates faulty NBT data for the majority of food drops it generates.

    Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods?

    - CodeChickenCore 1.7.10-

    - NotEnoughItems 1.7.10-

    - TFC NEI Plugin 1.7.10-

    - FastCraft 1.16If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: Neither of them is installed.


  5. This is actually something I've been noticing for almost as long as its been possible to set the year length... I always play with 120 days instead of 96. The result is that certain crops, especially the slow grains, run out of nutrient before completing the last stage of their growth cycle. As long as crops have nutrient, however, they grow fine.


    I'm fairly sure this is because nutrients are still consumed on a per day/per growth tick/etc. basis, but it takes more days/growth ticks/etc. to advance one stage when the year length is increased.


    To fix this, total nutrient amounts available would have to increase by the same factor as the increase in growth time when the year length is changed... or, the consumption of nutrients would need to go down accordingly.


    Of course, now in b79, there's the new crop growth multiplier from the config file also playing into that...


  6. I found Vswe's summer courses quite nice:


    The first two, "Coding and a cup of java" and "Thinking with objects" will teach you some general Java skills. The courses then proceed further with teaching how to mod Minecraft, but you have to keep in mind that the methods shown there are meant for 1.6.x and oftentimes no longer apply to modding 1.7.x due to the extensive under-the-hood changes.


    The lectures themselves are Youtube videos, and there are practice problems provided with each episode.


    (Vswe is an accomplished modder who does, among other things, Steve's Carts and Steve's Factory Manager).


  7. Note that the dairy food group doesn't actually contribute to your base health. Only the other four do. The dairy level acts as an additional multiplier on the base health determined by the other four food groups. Source:


    Which means that dairy is worth far less than other food groups. If you ate fruit and dairy at game start,  you would have at most a maximum health of 25% * 1.25 = 31.25% if both bars are full. However, if you ate fruit and vegetables instead, your max health would be at 50%, which is much higher. If you eat only dairy and all four of your other food groups decline, you will die because you run out of HP even if the dairy bar is full.


    Dairy is not OP - you cannot even use it to stay alive :P


  8. Ostensibly, if you provided a large enough grazing area, a certain number animals should be able to support themselves. Extra feeding would be required to house more animals in a smaller pen than would usually be sustainable.


  9. Ancient egypt arose during the early bronze age, meaning the great pyramids were built during that time at the earliest. And that's long, long after the mesolithic. Five digit year numbers afterwards, for that particular region of the world. :P Seriously, there was no such thing as countries or kings or Pharaos back then when the paleolithic ended. No cities, not even villages. No agriculture, no boats, no metalworking, no quarrying or mining; even the wheel hadn't been invented. Humanity was 100% hunter-gatherer nomads, walking on foot after herds of animals on their seasonal migrations. They didn't build anything lasting, because it was worthless to them. It's only throughout this period that the discovery of agriculture and animal husbandry made it feasible to adopt a sedentary lifestyle. Much like in TFC, where you run around the first 2-3 days living off food you find in the world, until you have enough seeds to plant a farm.


    Shini_otoba has a point when he says that TFC doesn't make an attempt to replicate a realworld timeline exactly, but it's still hard to imagine finding any sophisticated permanent building in the world - much less many of them all over the place. That would strongly imply that you are in fact just a guy living in the wilderness during fairly recent times (middle ages / renaissance), and I'd be surprised if that was the intended flavor of the mod.


  10. As much as I liked his mechanical power and automation ideas, it was a very closed off mod that was either his way or get the hell out.


    It should be noted that, personal behavior aside, that is FlowerChild's privilege as a mod author. I'm fairly sure he has never stated anything other than "I make this mod the way I want it to be, you can play it if you like, but I won't change it to suit your tastes over mine". It's completely honest, and tells people ahead of time what to expect. Also: he's the one putting in the work. He has every right to tell the players to take it or leave it, just like Bioxx is perfectly in his right to decide that there will be no NPCs in Terrafirmacraft.


    However I don't think BTW and TFC could work together well, largely because BTW is designed from the ground up to be played stand-alone. From a game design perspective, It stands to gain very little from integrating with another mod; any concession it makes to compatibility will water down its own structured experience. Additionally, the design paradigms and intended gameplay style are completely different. In the famous "tip of the iceberg" analogy, merely looking at the fact both mods expand/revise the vanilla progression is equal to judging a book by its cover and not seeing the other 95% that remain hidden below.


    Consider a mob grinder/drop farm: in vanilla Minecraft, it's an option to the player that yields a tangible but not essential advantage if you choose to take the hit in suspension of disbelief. Mojang isn't a fan, officially considers it an exploit and has taken some steps to rein it in, though they will likely never fully remove it because some players like it. In TFC, something like this is highly frowned upon, breaks immersion and yields less practical benefit. In BTW on the other hand, using game mechanics like this is not only acceptable, but fully intended. Much of the automation infrastructure exists for the sole purpose of enabling this, and some game mechanics require you to have a drop farm constantly churning out heaps of items without player interaction in order to progress smoothly. This represents a deep conceptual divide between the intended playstyles of both mods, and thus they will be extremely hard to reconcile with one another.


  11. Animals will require food to live. The reason for this is to limit how many animals you can support. Different animals will require different types of feed. You will be able to stockpile feed for the animals to eat as they please. When a chunk reloads after being unloaded for a long time, animals will not die immediately, but will have to consume a quantity of food relative to span of time they were unloaded with in a certain amount of time of reloading.


    This sounds very appealing. Is that aimed at B79 or will it be a "future feature"?


  12. TFC starts you off in the mesolithic era, during which things like permanent buildings were only just being invented. All "buildings" up to this point were sticks driven into the ground with animal hides draped over them; primitive portable shelters for nomadic people with no concept of what it meant to stay in one place for longer than perhaps a single season at most. It would take another ten thousand years of human evolution for things like windmills and stone towers to appear.


  13. Hmmm, bananas being the sweetest of all foods? I'm not so sure. A true, sun-ripened strawberry straight from the field beats it any day, IMHO. I feel qualified to say this because I devour downright inhumane quantities of strawberries every season. :P And while the average, yield-bred pale supermarket strawberry requires sugaring to be at their most tasty, there are some local fields where I can get small, natural strawberries so dark and sweet, I can hardly tell the difference between them and pure sugar.


    Bananas on the other hand are a little different from most fruits in the way they are perfectly palatable even when not fully ripe. They have very little sweetness at that point, but they still taste good and are still nutritious. They then get sweeter as they continue to age - both on the tree and while harvested, incidentally. They are not reliant on remaining on the tree to ripen, because they are already fully formed. Meaning, it really depends on when you harvest them and how long you store them. You probably want a more "average" score for them, something like 40.


  14. The baby zombie killed all three of us. I went out there, equipped with a bronze mace and sinpodder had a bronze sword. Both of us were killed easily by the zombie. I was at full health, although unarmoured and quickly dispatched within two hits. 


    The reason he was able to kill the baby with his axe is because both sin and I had managed to get a few hits in before being killed by the baby.


    Ah, I see, apologies. The chat messages weren't clear on that one (it just said "player died" instead of "player was killed by baby zombie").


    Still, it managed to do so only because it picked up a tier 2 mace that selivaria had carried. It could have picked up any of the tools dropped from that death (which was still 100% selivaria's fault), you just got the worst possible random result by pure misfortune. And two hits for full health means you had a fairly low max health number due to lack of a balanced diet. Tier 2 weapon is what, some 225 damage? Unsure if that is modified by difficulty setting. The server seemed to have a very low one, considering it took the baby zombie two hits to remove 10% health from selivaria without a weapon.


    The problem with nerfing baby zombies is that what killed you here is the tier 2 weapon it carried, not the monster itself. Unless you want to remove the ability to pick up stuff from zombies altogether. At which point they become about as threatening as a wet noodle to anyone with any form of armor (even just leather). Also note: the baby zombie is fully intended to be incredibly dangerous. It spawns very rarely, and should be seen as a literal "mini-boss" mob.


    There is possibly an issue with mob-wielded weapon damage not scaling with difficulty level if the thing really two-shot you. That in turn would be a good thing to fix/address, because sometimes zombies do spawn with weapons pre-equipped. And if they don't scale with difficulty, that's a bug.


  15. *looks at the video*


    So basically:

    A level 1 player, completely unarmored, with no weapon in their hotbar, walks out in the middle of the night to chop a tree outside of the spawn protection area with monsters easily visible all around the player. The player has a minimap with mob radar installed, on which you can easily see an approaching creeper, which the player completely misses. The player subsequently gets blown up by the creeper and loses 90% of their health. The mob radar also showns the approaching zombie icon, which the player also completely misses. The baby zombie then takes two hits to kill the (level 1, unarmored, down to 10% health) player.


    Afterwards, the baby zombie proves its meddlesome and difficult nature by being easily killed by the player (now level 0, still unarmored, down to 20% health from the recent death) with just an axe, not even a real weapon.


    And you ask for baby zombies to get nerfed? Seriously? :huh:


  16. If I may, I'd like to make an observation from the massive map shown earlier. What is noticeable are the bands of continents going roughly east-west with huge oceans in between. I have found this pattern in many other seeds of my own. That suggests terrain generation is not quite random, far from it. What controls the alternating bands of oceans and continents?


    Nobody ever said terrain generation was random... it is procedural, which is an inherently different concept (even if the results often look similar).


    A truly random result occurs in the absence of any and all rules. A procedural result is occurs through a set of rules and conditions that describe the expected result. It will be a different result each time, but always within the same bounds. For example, the sea level is always at y=63 in vanilla Minecraft, and something like y=140 in TFC (i haven't checked in detail lately). There is no random variation there because sea level is a fixed rule that the terrain generator must obey.


    I'm not sure what causes continents to spawn so oddly strung out, but then again, there's a reason Mojang reworked the terrain generator in 1.7 :P It was a much needed overhaul. And Bioxx already showed that some of his work on B79, which is aimed at 1.7, will involve a reworked world generation features on TFC's side as well.


  17. It's probably the way it is because of the design decision to tie the expansion of your farm to the agriculture skill or exploration trips. If potatoes were plantable without requiring seeds, they would circumvent the whole system.


    I'm not entirely convinced I like the new system either, but so far I haven't had an idea how to do it better while achieving the same design goals.
