Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PanRouge

  1. Torch Discussion

    I think that my main concern about the torches would be the ability for creepers to spawn in my house while I'm gone. There would be nothing worse than coming home from a long trek, only to explode seconds later along with half your house. At least you have some time to kill a zombie before it kills you. Also, you should be able to pick up a torch similar to how you pick up a sword and carry it around, lighting up the area as you walk. This will help people become slightly less reliant on placing torches as the sole light source. Another concern of mine is that I wouldn't necessarily walk through all areas of my house constantly. I spend a hell of a lot more time at my forge rather than my "bedroom." This would definitely limit the size of a house that I could build and actually feel safe in. Could we just make it so that zombies need sky or unmodified rock above them to spawn?
  2. Help with Starting Out

    I find that food and fresh water are the most annoying things to find. I believe that you will starve to death 24 hours after spawn if you can't find food. Even in real life you can survive a couple of weeks. Water is a different issue and can last less than a week. It would be nice if TFC could modify the times to be 2 days without food and 1 day without water. On a different note, my early survival has been more of an issue of not falling into a crevice. I actually got my first pickaxe in one game, went to dig down for copper, and fell to my death when the ground gave way after removing the second layer of dirt. Two other times, I landed in water below and had to delete the game (hardcore mode). Anyone know a way to reduce the number of mines?
  3. Better Movement/Gameplay

    Smart move is awesome.
  4. Surface ores = underground veins?

    Yeah. The presence of surface ores hint that there should be ore somewhere in that first layer. I typically mark all of the spots out and dig directly down in the center of the circle, making a spiral staircase. Test for the ore every 13 blocks down with the prospecting pick. Eventually, you'll find traces. Dig another 13 blocks down, then forwards until you reach traces, then the opposite direction until you reach traces. I mark the "trace block" with a torch. Find the dead center between the two torches and dig left until traces and in the opposite direction until you found traces. Throughout this whole process, you should have bumped into the ore. If you haven't, the ore may be in the ceiling 2-3 blocks above you. But, I don't think that I've ever ran into this problem with surface ores. You can do the same thing with deeper ores, but you have a greater chance of missing the ore somewhere in this process because of, well... mining can sometimes be unpredictable.
  5. Black steel alloy

    Yeah, the best way to do it is to liquify the metals +1 level above their metal point prior to mixing. Something to keep in mind is that each melting level is in essence a "range" of values. If you're on the lower side of the range, you can't mix them.
  6. Arctic Expedition

    A great addition to TFC would be the addition of lobster traps. Maybe make it with a metal ingot, surrounded by wool thread. The duration of the trap decreases with each use. A better ingot = higher uses. One lobster = 5 uses? The trap would have the capability to catch lobster and would take the same amount of time to catch one as it would take to catch a fish were you continually fishing. The trap would have to be set in water > 10 blocks deep and must be accessible from all sides. A raw fish plus a water bucket would be the formula for chum or bait. This would need to be added to the trap for the trap to be activated (you get an empty bucket back). Multiple traps can be set, but will have to be checked frequently, else one breaks and the lobster are lost.
  7. Arctic Expedition

    Trees won't spawn doesn't mean that they won't grow. You'd just have to harvest your own trees.
  8. Arctic Expedition

    Conifers saplings should be able to survive some snowfall.
  9. Arctic Expedition

    Glass wouldn't count as a block though, so you could make an ice house and cap it off with glass made in a fire pit.
  10. Early Game Overhaul

    You run into problems about stamina when you play on a group server. Suddenly, you're at your bed and you need to rest but 'Billy' is afk, leaving sleep to be not an option. Additionally, you just can't sleep during the day. So if you log in at night, wear yourself out by noon, then you're stuck with low stamina until the sun goes down. You'd have to change how beds work if you were to implement such a thing.
  11. Arctic Expedition

    Very cool. You should post pics of your igloo.
  12. Early Game Overhaul

    It would be cool if animals such as bison, elephants, wolves, and horses move in herds. When you attack one, the rest become aggressive or flee. This way, you'd have to find some way of escaping or attacking from a safe area (tree stand?). It would also make hunting with a partner more beneficial and hunting certain groups of animals dangerous early game, but more beneficial late game.
  13. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    It's ironic that you're having so much trouble finding iron and I've run into 3 different veins of it in the last two days. I'm sick of it. I don't want it. I want my freaking nickel.
  14. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    I'm pretty sure the sluice description is correct. 100 deep would be too powerful. You're not going to get iron from a surface sluice. You'll get tin, copper, nickel, zinc, etc. Build your sluice at level 60, you'll get gold, iron, zinc, copper, nickel, or anything else that you want as long as it's present. Every biome has a different ore composition. The rock type will tell you what you MAY find in that area. If you have Dacite, you could probably find gold in it. Keep in mind that some ores will be deeper than others. Gold is often close to the lava level, so you can look for gold in Dacite rock near height 13. Just use your brain. If you want to find iron, you look for: Hematite, Limonite, or Magnetite in the second or third rock layer of Andesite, Basalt, Dacite, Rhyolite, Chalk, Chert, Claystone, Conglomerate, Dolomite, Limestone, Mudstone, Rock Salt, Shale, Siltstone, or Chalk. You MAY be able to find it in the top layer, but I highly doubt it. Anywho, all of this info is on the wiki. But the fastest way to find iron is to just go look for it.
  15. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    You can try to teach yourself to your heart's content. But don't be surprised if you can't teach yourself something that you don't know.
  16. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    I don't know why you've had such a hard time with this stuff. All the information that you NEED to know is on the wiki. All the information that you WANT to know but don't NEED to know, you have to figure out. Some things take skill (prospecting pick). Some things you can figure out by counting pixels (metal working). I recommend that you get on a public server and ask someone when you need help. It really is a team game.
  17. Luckiest Person in TFC

    Lucky: Found traces of gold around 60. Unlucky: Mined forever and set up sluices to try and grab some gold. Lucky: Found gold! Unlucky: One. Block. Next mission: Hoping to pull more gold from that one block using sluices. Anyone know what the odds are that I will be successful? I'm also in the process of scanning the area for more gold. Also, I'm finding spalerite in Dacite. It sucks because the color is almost exactly the same. I thought this ore didn't spawn in Dacite.
  18. Books

    I can't seem to write in my book. I put it in the scribing table and click "write" but the GUI doesn't popup.
  19. Wiki Errors

    I noticed that the other day.
  20. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    My only qualm about cooking is that there are a massive number of combinations. I never know whether a red bell pepper will give me the same result of a green or yellow bell pepper, let alone different bread combinations. I'm gonna need to make a cook book...
  21. Stacking platinum bars

    Can we get this implemented? Right now I'm getting a bunch of platinum and can't do anything with it except store it in an anvil.
  22. Iron....

    I actually found Iron very quickly (along with copper and cass). My problem now is going back and finding bismuth and sphalerite for bronze. Though I'v been working like a bat out of hell to find gold. But really, you just need to explore, explore, explore. This world is made so that you HAVE to travel. You won't be able to find everything in one place.
  23. Unlucky or bugged?

    I started in my area a couple days ago. I've already found tin, copper, and iron. Funny though, I found the iron before the copper.
  24. Couple TFC Questions:

    I've been on a server where there was a command /bn that would tell you the identity of anything (other than an ore) that you looked at. The ore needed to be tapped with a prospecting pick.
  25. Do we currently have any lets play's?
